Tue.Sep 13, 2011

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Twitter By The Numbers: Are You Listening to 100 Million Voices?

Marketing Insider Group

Last week, Twitter announced it had reached One hundred million voices or active users. But what do these numbers really mean? The Week magazine recently helped answer the questions “who is doing all the tweeting…and how many people are really interested in what they have to say?&#. So here I will provide a snapshot of Twitter “by the numbers&# and explain how and why I use it.

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Blogger outreach is scary


Image via Wikipedia. Unlike a few years ago, today everyone at least pays lip service to reaching out to bloggers the same we PR people have always reached out to mainstream media. That’s what my company, Abraham-Harrison does, and lots of other companies try to do it, too. But I am still surprised that many companies don’t do blogger outreach, even today.

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Are Smartphones Making Us Stupid?

Digital B2B Marketing

Smartphones always have a corner of our attention. When they beep, buzz or blink, we take notice. Walking down the sidewalk, on public transit, or while watching television, our smartphones are our sidekicks. Even during meetings, or maybe especially during meetings. But our attention is rarely complete. Few people schedule smartphone time the way they schedule work time.

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Why You Need to Turn Your Content Marketing Upside Down

Convince & Convert

All companies now find themselves in two industries: the business they are actually in, and the publishing business. The death of the information intermediary is upon us, and companies need to tell their own story with speed and aplomb. But let’s not go overboard. Yes, you’re in the publishing business, but only as a means to an end. You should be using content as a way to generate new sales or maintain current customers.

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WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook 2024

Elevate your webinar game with WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook! Packed with insights from our seasoned webinar experts, this comprehensive guide is your go-to resource for mastering the art of B2B webinars. Learn the fundamentals, from defining webinars to exploring their benefits and diverse use cases. Discover the key elements of running a successful webinar, avoiding common mistakes, and making your sessions more engaging.

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Are Smartphones Making Us Stupid?

Digital B2B Marketing

Smartphones always have a corner of our attention. When they beep, buzz or blink, we take notice. Walking down the sidewalk, on public transit, or while watching television, our smartphones are our sidekicks. Even during meetings, or maybe especially during meetings. But our attention is rarely complete. Few people schedule smartphone time the way they [.].

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What is an Interactive White Paper?

The ROI Guy

An Interactive White Paper dynamically customizes the content of a white paper for prospects based on the prospect’s registration profile (if available), and inputs to a few profile questions. Based on the profile, the white paper content intelligently fine tunes itself to be more relevant and personalized for a prospect’s particular research and needs.

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Twitter Introduces Free Twitter Web Analytics Tool


Ever get a hankering for some Twitter web analytics? Well, it looks like your craving is about to be satisfied. Twitter announced today that it will be releasing its own official Twitter Web Analytics tool, which is aimed at helping website owners understand how much traffic they generate from Twitter as well as the effectiveness of Twitter integrations on their websites.

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When are Interactive White Papers best used in the sales & marketing process?

The ROI Guy

Interactive White Papers can be used at various stages to help facilitate the buyer’s decisions, depending on the content of the white paper itself. Early in the sales cycle, during the discovery phase, buyers need help in identifying issues and understanding what solutions might exist to help solve their priority opportunities. Interactive White Papers that contain personalized research, simple diagnostic assessments, relevant case studies and personalized solution recommendations serve best du

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Leverage social media, beat your B2B’s competition

EMagine B2B Blog

No, it won’t cure snakebite or remove warts …although some social media enthusiasts may have left that impression. However, properly done it can… boost your traffic and help generate leads elevate your website’s ranking complement your marketing with peer reviews/referrals help increase sales yields But did you know? … as a smart marketer, you can [.].

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The Top 3 Tips for Writing Successful White Papers

In the B2B marketing toolkit, white papers can be a powerful option for reaching decision-makers and experts, presenting them with interesting information that improves their perception of your organization's competence and thought leadership. That said, a poorly executed whitepaper will not only be unable to influence your desired audience but will also come with significant costs that other assets won't incur.

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How does Alinean decide which customer profile data points to use in order to personalize the Interactive White Paper?

The ROI Guy

We call the profile questions pivot points – the dimensions around which the content will be customized, and to decide which of these to use there will typically be some compromise and tradeoff between: Profiling depth Buyer priorities for personalization A vailable content F irst, there is a tradeoff between how much profile data to collect, requiring the user to answer more questions and spend more time prior to getting a custom report, versus having enough profile information in order to do i

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Using Social Sharing Buttons Leads to 7x More Mentions [Data]


Social media can be a great promotional vehicle for sharing your content and helping it reach an extended audience beyond your direct network of fans, followers, and subscribers. But are you missing out on some low-hanging fruit to make sure you give your content what's necessary to help it spread? When it comes to spreading content in social media, some of the easiest-to-pick pieces of low-hanging fruit are social sharing buttons.

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How long does it take a user to interact with the Interactive White Paper tool to generate and receive a customized white paper?

The ROI Guy

Most Interactive White Papers are developed with only a handful of questions, usually limiting the profile the customer needs to complete to less than 5 questions. As such, the user should be able to answer the profile questions, register (if not registered already) and download a completely personalized white paper in less than two minutes.

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3 Creative Ways to Spread Content to People On the Go


A couple of weeks ago at Dreamforce , HubSpot made quite the impression. We dressed in bright orange track suits, handed out thousands of unicorns, and performed individual website consultations for people using Website Grader. But at a conference with 42,000 attendees, it takes more than a great marketing strategy to reach people and make an impression.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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Can the Interactive White Paper support a simple quantification of financial benefits / ROI or TCO?

The ROI Guy

Because buyers have become so focused on economic justification and competitive advantage, Interactive White Papers are often designed to communicate the unique potential benefits and prove the value of proposed solutions. Interactive White Papers could facilitate the buyer’s journey: D uring the middle stages to communicate estimates of savings / benefits, total cost of ownership advantages versus the status-quo, and return on investment, During later stages, to competitively differentiate the

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4 Sure-Fire Ways to Heat Up Your Content Marketing Strategy


This is a g uest post written by Susan LaPlante-Dube , principal at Precision Marketing Group LLC and sponsor of this year's HubSpot User Group Summit. Is your idea of content marketing to: Publish newsletters periodically but not consistently? Write about an eclectic mix of topics that may or may not be relevant to your audience? Reach out to your audience only when you have something to promote or when sales are slow?

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Can different call to actions in the Interactive White Paper be recommended based on the customer profile information?

The ROI Guy

Often, based on the user’s role and stage in the buying lifecycle, the call to action within the Interactive White Paper can be custom configured to provide proper / better guidance. For example, early in the buying lifecycle, executive decision makers could be guided towards a diagnostic assessment, to help pinpoint opportunities and provide prioritization advice / build urgency.

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6 Reasons Marketers Should Use Bing for Paid Search


This a guest post by Donald Nosek , VP business development at ymarketing , a full service digital marketing agency and sponsor at this year's HubSpot User Group Summit. Whether your business is looking to use Q4 as the last push toward meeting annual corporate projections, or you're one of the many online retailers who does the majority of its business from October through December, year-end marketing strategies often mean “make it or break it” time.

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The Resurgence of Direct Mail as a Growth Marketing Strategy

Speaker: Jeff Tarran, COO, Gunderson Direct & Margaret Pepe, Executive Director of Product Management, U.S. Postal Service

Learn the secrets to direct mail success for growth marketers! Industry veterans Jeff Tarran and Margaret Pepe are here to delve into how direct mail has completely evolved in recent years, and has rightfully earned a seat at the table alongside the email and digital marketing plans of SMBs, enterprise companies, and agencies as they look into strategy for 2024 and beyond.

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There is content that will be required to support the customization within the Interactive White Paper – how does that content get developed?

The ROI Guy

On average, Interactive White Papers require 25% more content to be developed than a traditional white paper. This could be more or less, depending on the requirements, but on average, this is what we plan for. For the case where the white paper already exists: The quantitative content usually requires a small model be built in order to support converting a static average TCO savings or benefit assessment presentation in a traditional white paper, into a dynamic / personalized calculation unique

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Target Fails To Connect The Dots With Missoni Launch


Target Fails To Connect The Dots With Missoni Launch

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What is the ideal length, in pages, of a typical Interactive White Paper?

The ROI Guy

Recent research indicates that attention spans are getting shorter, so keeping the white paper concise is important. No more than 5 pages is recommended. However, traditional white papers are often longer than this because they have to include information to cover multiple audiences and profiles. Interactive White Papers can use intelligence to target the information more precisely, delivering only the content that is relevant for the buyer, resulting in a more effective and concise deliverable

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Target Fails To Connect The Dots With Missoni Launch


Target Fails To Connect The Dots With Missoni Launch

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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission

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Does Alinean have programs to help with audience acquisition using the Interactive White Papers?

The ROI Guy

Yes, we have established audience development partnerships, leveraging extensive audience communities in many industries, with databases and e-mail marketing to develop an audience for the Interactive White Paper. With the right targeting, and the Interactive White Paper as the value-add deliverable, we can drive the lead generation you require for this campaign.

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Pardot Stays Focused on Small and Mid-Size Clients

Customer Experience Matrix

I caught up last week with Pardot co-founder and Chief Operating Office Adam Blitzer. It had been over a year since I’d had a serious briefing from Pardot, although we do keep in touch and I have current information on them in my VEST report on industry vendors. Pardot is funny that way: with nearly 700 clients, they’re arguably the third-largest B2B marketing automation vendor and have a broad industry presence, but their formal marketing is relatively quiet.

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How long does it take for Alinean to develop a typical Interactive White Paper?

The ROI Guy

Where a traditional white paper already exists, a typical Interactive White Paper can be developed in 2 to 3 weeks or less, depending on the amount of content customization required and your team’s input / review cycles. Where a white paper needs to be written, Alinean consultants can typically develop the content and the Interactive White Paper in 4 to 5 weeks.

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10 Inbound Marketing Videos That Will Make You Giggle


Whoever said business content had to be limited to text? Creative content can be fun and effective, and it can take the form of more than just text-based blog articles and ebooks. And there are so many possibilities! Infographics, cartoons, and slideshows can all be great content options. But perhaps one of the most fun and engaging forms of content you can create is video!

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The AI-Enabled CMO: Practical Tips for Today's B2B Marketers

Speaker: Paul Slack, Vende Digital CEO

On October 11th, understand how to navigate the AI landscape confidently, turning insights into groundbreaking strategies that set you apart. Why attend? You'll learn: Practical applications/Use cases How to find and assess the right AI technology Prioritizing quick wins Mastering prompt engineering Solving marketing challenges efficiently Strategies to launch pilot programs Case studies of B2Bs building smarter businesses with AI Exclusive bonus content: Actionable frameworks to get started qui

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Does Alinean support integrating video content into the Interactive White Paper?

The ROI Guy

Links to video content can be included, and are recommended to lend an even more personal touch to the white papers. V ideo is a recommended approach when it comes to presenting research, opportunity ideas, and especially for customer case studies, where you have video of customers themselves speaking about the solutions.

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Does Alinean support customization of the Interactive White Paper content using qualitative as well as quantitative data?

The ROI Guy

Yes, depending on the purpose of the Interactive White Paper , you may want to customize quantitative content, such as: An analysis of the potential savings / benefits the solution could deliver, The total cost of ownership (TCO) advantages of the proposed solution versus the currently installed solutions / status-quo, S izing and pricing estimates, P rojected ROI.

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Does a traditional white paper already need to be developed in order to implement an interactive white paper?

The ROI Guy

You don’t need to have a white paper already developed in order to create an Interactive White Paper. For the case where the white paper content does not yet exist, we can: Work with your team or third-party content developers to help define the pivot points / customization needed and help guide the authoring, Leverage our Alinean team to author the white paper and make it interactive – a turn-key Interactive White Paper solution.

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