June, 2011

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Measuring Facebook Fan Engagement Beyond the Like

Convince & Convert

Guest post from Matt Simpson , interactive marketing director for Bulbstorm. Bulbstorm executes campaigns for brands seeking to create passionate bonds with consumers. Not long ago, the ultimate measure of a successful Facebook promotion was fan growth. That was sooooo 2010. Fan growth is simply not enough. Disagree? Throw out a sweepstakes app, dangle a free iPad, and buy some cheap Facebook ads.

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ExactTarget and Eloqua Stake Their Claim To Centralized Customer Management

Customer Experience Matrix

You probably saw ExactTarget ’s June 13 announcement of its strategic partnership with Marketo and Eloqua ’s June 21 announcement of its new AppCloud marketplace for connectors with other systems. So did I. But it took a little while to connect with the vendors to get the details, so I’m only now ready to write about them. Both announcements shared a theme of integration between core marketing platforms and other marketing systems.

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Top B2B marketing challenges – an update


I recently posted an analysis of a question to the B2B Marketing LinkedIn group. “Can you use ONE WORD to describe the biggest challenge facing B2B marketing today?”. At the time 162 people had replied. Just two weeks on that’s risen to 246. The original analysis can be found here , but given this volume of response I thought it time to provide a brief update on the key metrics.

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Why You Must Nurture Your Dream Clients


We are honored to have Anthony Iannarino as a guest blogger this month. Anthony is President and CSO of SOLUTIONS Staffing , Director of B2B Sales Coach & Consultancy , and author of The Sales Blog. Over at The Sales Blog, I write about dream clients. Your dream client is the prospect for whom you can do jaw-dropping, breath-taking, earth-shattering work.

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Scan to Success: How to Leverage QR Codes for Offline and Online Marketing Power

Speaker: Corey Daugherty, Head of Business Development at Flowcode & Georgette Malitsis, Senior Customer Success Manager, Enterprise at Flowcode

Let's explore the transformative power of QR codes in bridging offline and online marketing worlds. 📲 This new webinar featuring Corey Daugherty and Georgette Malitsis of Flowcode will dive into how innovative QR technology not only enhances traditional marketing strategies, but also drives meaningful customer engagement and analytics. Register today to gain practical knowledge on using QR codes to increase conversion rates, optimize customer journeys, and ultimately unlock a new realm o

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Content Marketing World 2011

Ambal's Amusings

Joe Pulizzi , content marketing evangelist, is putting together the greatest show on earth for marketers. It is called Content Marketing World 2011. Joe, is the co-author of Get Content. Get Customers. and one of the leading thought leaders behind the content marketing and social media movement. Joe has rounded up the best and brightest marketers on the planet.

More Trending

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The Fallacy of Round the Clock Social Media

Convince & Convert

Guest post by Chris Hall an interactive content specialist at Off Madison Ave who specializes in writing for humans, not robots. It’s 11PM and the world around you is getting ready for bed. As a mobile obsessive, you instinctually check your Facebook, Twitter and all the rest of your social media accounts while you brush your teeth, only to find that someone has interacted with your brand.

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Dueling Strategies: Adobe and Oracle Take Opposite Paths to Customer Experience Management

Customer Experience Matrix

Adobe on Monday announced a new “ Digital Enterprise Platform for Customer Experience Management ”. The platform fills the center of Adobe’s three-part corporate mission to “make, manage, and measure” digital content and experiences. The other two pieces were already in place: “make” is Adobe’s original content creation business, while “measure” is Omniture Web analytics.

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Better B2B segmentation: Four steps and a case study


Last week I was invited to join The Network of Aspiring Woman, Birmingham Group. I was tempted. After all, “ it’s where networking feels like a party ”. However, I declined for two reasons. I live in London. I’m a man. Clearly the Network’s execution fell short, but their strategy seems smart. Rather than trying to be all things to all people, they’ve segmented the market and targeted a niche group.

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You’ll never break a horse if you stay sittin on the fence!


James Obermayer, Executive Director and CEO of the Sales Lead Management Association and President of Sales Leakage Consulting is a regular guest blogger with ViewPoint. A friend of mine, Michael Burkett, a Texan from Dimmitt, Texas, also said to me that I should watch out for people that are “All hat and no cattle.” Dimmitt is on the old Ozark Trail , a roadway from St.

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The Top 3 Tips for Writing Successful White Papers

In the B2B marketing toolkit, white papers can be a powerful option for reaching decision-makers and experts, presenting them with interesting information that improves their perception of your organization's competence and thought leadership. That said, a poorly executed whitepaper will not only be unable to influence your desired audience but will also come with significant costs that other assets won't incur.

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Be Yourself. Just Not Your Real Self: Scripps’ Muddled Social Media Policy

B2B Memes

If you need any confirmation that legacy publishers just don’t get social media, give the new social media policy from E.W. Scripps a glance. As summarized by Jay Rosen, the message Scripps is sending to its employees is. “Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. Got it? Good! Now go out there and kick some social media ass.”. Nowhere is Scripps’ muddled thinking more evident than in the fuzzy and constantly shifting distinctions the policy makes between personal Twitter accounts and what it calls

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Enterprise Social Media and Personal Branding


Personal branding is a hot topic for entrepreneurs and solo consultants, by does it matter to large enterprises? Oh yeah. Consultants and small business owners get the concept of personal branding , because in one-person or very small companies, one person is the “corporate&# brand. Having optimized profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook as well as personal profile / reputation management sites like Google Profile, Plaxo, LookupPage , VisualCV , PeoplePond and BusinessCard2 is crucial

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Secrets of Social Media You Learned in High School

Convince & Convert

Guest post by Bill Murtha, President and CEO of Roberts Communications, a leading independent advertising agency with offices in New York and Minnesota. Everything you know about social media you probably learned in high school. In full disclosure, a lot of our social media strategy flows out of the work we do with Jay Baer. He’s been great, taught me and our entire agency a ton about how to develop and deploy social media for our clients and own efforts to grow business.

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Money Is the Root of All Marketing Plan Evil

Marketing Insider Group

Today officially marks the half way point in the year. Which means your 2011 marketing plan has just a few more chances to be analyzed, reviewed and refined in order to help you meet your objectives for the year. As you look at your results, how are you doing? Are you on track to meet your plan? Or do you see wasted effort, tactical thinking and a reactionary culture.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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Top ten B2B marketing challenges


Holger Schulze, Marketing Director at SafeNet, recently posted a great question to the 9,040 members of LinkedIn’s B2B Marketing group. “Can you use ONE WORD to describe the biggest challenge facing B2B Marketing today?”. I love this question for two reasons. One, it forces a focussed answer. And two, it explores the challenges we have in common – the problems we share – thus acting as a catalyst for collective improvement.

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Serial Writing Formula: 1=5+2=7+1

Writing on the Web

I’m no math genius, nor do I even think remotely like that in analytical terms. But once in a while I stumble upon something that makes sense , saves time , and produces exponential results. I’m talking about serial writing. You take one main concept, break it down into a list of 5 key elements, write an introductory overview, write a concluding summary, and here’s what you get: 7 stand-alone articles to post on your blog and to submit to article directories. 1 longer article y

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Online Media Needs Innovation, Not a TV Standard

Digital B2B Marketing

This is my opinion about the recent IAB , ANA and 4A’s principles for online measurement. If you don’t like rants, or think the advertising associations can do no wrong, stop reading and go back to Lycos. Otherwise, read on and share your reactions in the comments below. The IAB, ANA and 4A’s recently outlined five measurement principles as part of Making Measurement Make Sense.

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12+ Tips for Trade Show Success

The Effective Marketer

Make Your Trade Shows Count. The old fashioned trade show may not be the hottest topic coming through your inbox these days but odds are that you may still be doing quite a few events and have trade shows as part of your marketing budget. So how do you make the most out of it? A recent MarketingProfs article, Is Tradeshow Marketing Dead? , brings 12 tips for ensuring shows deliver the leads you expect.

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What Questions Are Brands Asking About Their ESG Initiatives Ahead of 2024?

Temperatures are rising (and not just metaphorically) as key stakeholders anxiously anticipate the outcomes of COP28. While companies reconsider their 2024 environmental sustainability strategies, there is another aspect of ESG that deserves exploring, the social sector. In the latest edition of "Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Sagittarius Edition", 3BL hones in on this sign’s bold quality of asking questions others are burning to know the answers to.

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6 Ways to Show You Give a Damn in a Job Interview

Convince & Convert

Guest post by Elizabeth Sosnow , Managing Director of BlissPR , a New York City based public relations firm. She develops and supervises strategic communications programs for major companies in professional and financial services, with a particular emphasis on the legal, consulting and insurance industries. He was an intelligent, well qualified senior candidate.

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Marketing Automation by the Numbers (New Graphic)


I recently had the privilege of developing with Focus.com the new graphic below – Marketing Automation by the Numbers. It is a compilation of relevant and frankly, very compelling statistics about the state of the marketing automation industry, its business impact and future growth. Hope you enjoy and find it useful in your pursuit of marketing excellence.

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#PRWebchat Discussion on B2B Marketing, PR and Social Media

Marketing Insider Group

Just over a year ago I wrote about how Social Media will help to unite Marketing, PR, Customer Service, HR and more. I said it would help us “all get along better&# as we align around customer needs. Recently I was invited to dive a bit deeper on this by Stacey Acevero , Social Media Community Managerof Vocus’ PRWeb. Stacey hosts the weekly twitter chat, #PRWebChat.

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Facebook Fan Page: Top 5 Reasons to Have One

Writing on the Web

As some of you know, I’m not an avid Facebook fan, but as a business owner, I don’t ignore the fact that so many people use it daily. There are certain pitfalls with it, like with any social networking site. You don’t want to get caught up wasting time if you’re running a business. But you can’t ignore the numbers of people there everyday.

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What's Working Now: ABM + Demand Gen

Speaker: Paul Slack, Vende Digital CEO

Are you struggling with a stagnant pipeline? Discover how combining ABM and demand generation can help you get more qualified opportunities and grow your pipeline. Learn the latest trends and tactics for 2023 and gain the confidence to implement a successful strategy that aligns with sales to drive revenue growth. Join this interactive live session with Paul Slack and learn how to: Identify the best accounts for ABM Personalize at scale Run paid campaigns that actually work Tackle and optimize r

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Three Questions for Measuring Social, Not Media

Digital B2B Marketing

You Manage What You Measure. This should be a call to ensure you measure your social media activities, and to measure them correctly. One of the challenges of measuring social media ROI is the return comes in many different forms. As companies develop social media plans and programs, anticipating the ways social media will deliver ROI is a challenge few have addressed.

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5 Creative Ways to Make Your White Paper Irresistible

The Point

“Always show an image of the offer.” It’s a rule I quote often, one repeated to me ad nauseum many years ago by an early mentor and long-time direct marketing veteran. The logic: whatever it is you want your reader to download, request, order, or register for, a visual image of that offer makes it seem more “real,” more tangible. The more tangible: the higher the perceived value, and the more likely the reader is to respond.

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What the Playground Can Teach you about Social Media

Convince & Convert

Guest post by Stacey Acevero , social media community manager at Vocus and PRWeb. Integrating social media into your online marketing mix can be a lot like the first day of school. The marketplace, and the playground, is filled to the brim with those both mature and immature, those that are outspoken and shy and each has its very own set of rules. Remembering that the social world is really a combination of communities and groups who move in ever widening (and connecting) relationship circles, b

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The Influence of the Social Buyer on B2B Business

Tony Zambito

Image via Wikipedia. In the B2B world, the emergence of the Social Buyer is causing organizations to search for better ways to reach its’ base of buyers.  What we do know is that B2B buyers are demanding more social experiences in their buying processes.   To date, it appears that many of the efforts to reach buyers remain tactical in nature.  Companies are looking to social media and other means such as content marketing to fit into their existing structure a

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The Next Level of Sales Enablement: Sales Content Management

Speaker: Deniz Olcay, Senior Director of Product Marketing, and Jake Miller, Senior Product Marketing Manager

Modern Sales Content Management (SCM) platforms have become table stakes in the world of sales enablement. Sellers need one-stop access where all of their sales content is stored, organized, deployed, and measured. Today’s modern SCM platforms achieve just that. However, these various platforms also have key differences. In this value-packed webinar, Deniz Olcay and Jake Miller will unravel and debunk the top three SCM myths and explain how to get the most from your SCM solution.

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The Statistics of Lead Nurturing for B2B

NuSpark Consulting

You know what lead nurturing is… Here’s my definition. Lead Nurturing is the process of communicating to a lead on an ongoing basis in order to educate, inform, continue to qualify and build a relationship until the lead is sales-ready. Most importantly, a sound lead nurturing marketing program has proven to increase revenues for firms. It’s why I continually promote the entire lead management cycle, from email capture to sales.

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How to Start a Blog Serial Writing Project

Writing on the Web

??. If you’ve been reading my blogs for any length of time, you know about my problem with writing: I love to write , and I can write too much. Anyone with a doctorate suffers from the same disease. Dissertation-itis. Nobody has time to read all those words anymore, especially not online. Then, at some point in my writing career I got lazy. Or maybe I got smart.

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Innocent and Malignant Typos and the Case of Filloux v. Jarvis

B2B Memes

Overdosed on typos? As one who cares more than he should about such things, I’ve been spending way too much time today mulling over Rob O’Regan’s recent post on eMedia Vitals , “Can you spare 15 minutes in the battle against typos?”. Like O’Regan, I suspect, I have an unhealthy sensitivity to typographical errors. To this day, I’m still suffering post-typographic stress from the discovery 27 years ago that in my first published book review, for the Nashville Tennessean , I asserted that the nove

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