Sat.Dec 27, 2014 - Fri.Jan 02, 2015

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Best B2B Lead Posts in 2014: Lead generation, lead nurturing and content marketing


'Tweet The holiday season is always a time of reflection for what we have and what we have accomplished over the past year. However, it is also a time to reflect on all we have learned that can help us improve the blank slate that is 2015. Read on to find out what B2B Lead Roundtable Blog posts were shared the most as well as the three topics B2B marketers valued most in 2014.

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The 10 Best Infographics To Inspire Your Content Marketing

Marketing Insider Group

'By NewsCred Contributor, Lauren Mangiaforte . According to Google, searches for the term “infographic” have increased over 800% in the last two years. In the last four hours alone, the hashtag # infographic has been used 3,300 times, with monthly totals bouncing up to 342,000. While all of these numbers are interesting, don’t you think you’d be able to process them quicker if I’d have represented them visually?


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5 Best Business Blog Goals for 2015- And 5 Steps to Get You There

Writing on the Web

'What goals have you identified for your blog and website for 2015? Have you created a map to help you reach your goals? It’s true, I don’t believe in making new year’s resolutions. But after 15+ years working with executive coaches and consultants , I know that having clearly defined goals and expectations for a business blog or website is critical to help you get found, get known, and get clients; it will improve how you show up on the Web.

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Exciting new tools for B2B prospecting


'Finding new customers is a lot easier these days, what with innovative, digitally based ways to capture and collect data. Early examples of this exciting new trend in prospecting were Jigsaw, a business-card swapping tool that allowed sales people to trade contacts, and ZoomInfo, which scrapes corporate websites for information about business people and merges the information into a vast pool of data for analysis and lead generation campaigns.

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WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook 2024

Elevate your webinar game with WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook! Packed with insights from our seasoned webinar experts, this comprehensive guide is your go-to resource for mastering the art of B2B webinars. Learn the fundamentals, from defining webinars to exploring their benefits and diverse use cases. Discover the key elements of running a successful webinar, avoiding common mistakes, and making your sessions more engaging.

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More on Marketing to Things

Customer Experience Matrix

'I’ve been working on that screenplay about marketing to things (see Do Self-Driving Cars Pick Their Own Gas Station? ). It’s not going well – all the scenarios seem to end up with self-aware computers taking over the world, which is both depressing and unoriginal. But I did come up with some interesting thoughts to consider while you’re waiting for that (computer-controlled) ball to drop at midnight.

Planning 171

More Trending

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Are Social Media Jobs About to Disappear

Convince & Convert

'image from Social media has had as much impact on companies and their customers as any technological advance ever, because social fundamentally changes the relationship between those parties from its historical norm – which is “master” and “servant” – to something closer to a relationship among peers.

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Is your website search a marketing or an IT function?


'You can probably guess which one I think it should be. Yes, I am a longtime IT person, but even I will tell you that marketing needs to run your website search, just as marketing probably runs the rest of your website. Now, I know there is a lot of technology involved, and sure, your IT team needs to play a role, just as they do with your website as a whole, but do you let the IT team choose what goes on the home page?

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The Evolution of Demand Generation In 2015

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

'Author: Heidi Bullock Demand generation is a vital aspect of any marketing organization. With the New Year, I’d like to share the big trends I see for 2015—starting with a growing and continual focus on demand generation. The formal role of a demand generation marketer did not exist 10 years ago and I think the notion of marketers as responsible for driving and forecasting revenue is not only more prevalent today, but an increasing number of companies now require marketing to demonstrate its im

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Managing Brand Alpha: The Next Frontier for Investment Firms

Marketing Craftmanship

'Performance remains a critical selection factor for investors; but increasingly in a post-Madoff world, it’s not what’s most important to them. Although investment firms understand this, many choose to ignore the qualitative factors that have significant influence on investor decision-making, which include: What You Stand For : INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL is what motivates investors to place their capital at risk.

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The Top 3 Tips for Writing Successful White Papers

In the B2B marketing toolkit, white papers can be a powerful option for reaching decision-makers and experts, presenting them with interesting information that improves their perception of your organization's competence and thought leadership. That said, a poorly executed whitepaper will not only be unable to influence your desired audience but will also come with significant costs that other assets won't incur.

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Announcing a New Podcast for Content Marketers

Convince & Convert

'More than any other content format podcasting is poised to explode , because it’s the one type of content you can consume while also doing something else. That’s why we built (the only search engine for marketing podcasts), and also why we at Convince & Convert are positively THRILLED to launch our third podcast… Content Pros.

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2015: The year social media listening grows up


'Happy New Year, everyone. This is the time of year where everyone makes predictions to show off how smart they are. At least they seem smart until you read the predictions later. I am too smart to make predictions, so instead I will tell you what I am already seeing that sounds like a prediction only if you also don’t know it. I am working with more and more clients who are taking an approach to social media that few were doing even a year ago.

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The Dos and Don’ts of Celebrating the Holidays on Social

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

'Author: Shanna Cook I’ll be the first to admit that I love celebrating the holiday season, or really any holiday for that matter (yeah, even the made up ones like national fro-yo day). But as a brand marketer, I sometimes cringe when it comes to holiday planning meetings, because we’re forced to find the right holiday tone for our brand — often somewhere between overly cheery and overwhelming, and being called The Grinch for not doing anything.

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Tech Review: A Look at the New Google Inbox

EMagine B2B Blog

'Having read a few articles on the new Google Inbox as a curious marketer I was looking forward to trying it out for myself. Eventually seeing a tweet that Google was giving people access if you contacted them via email within the hour, I naturally had no choice but to check it out. After gaining access my initial reaction was “whoa what is this”, almost as shocking as having to make the switch to Windows 8.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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You Should Give Your Customers a Slow Lane

Convince & Convert

'Get all JayToday episodes at [link]. (watch video to see me in a Santa hat, and an actual brisket I made). Everything around us conspires to make us think and act fast, but maybe the best things actually require you to take it slow. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everybody out there who watches and reads Jay Today. Thanks for making the Jay Today show a big success.

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3 Ways High Growth Firms Use LinkedIn Groups to Increase Visibility, Connections and Lead Generation

Hinge Marketing

'While talking with professional services firm executives and marketers about why they don’t participate in social media, two reasons often cited are: They don’t think it is effective for helping them achieve their firm’s objectives Their busy schedules don’t leave time to consistently participate But through our research, Hinge has found that LinkedIn can be a highly effective channel for driving visibility and business development opportunities, particularly for firms t

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Recent Posts: Expanding Social Authority and Enlivening Boring Predictions

Paul Gillin

'This blog hasn’t been very active lately, but that’s because most of my contributions have appeared elsewhere. Here’s a roundup of what I’ve been musing about. 10 Tips for Expanding Your Social Authority in 2015 – Midsize Insider, Jan. 1, 2015. I go into detail on strategies to get more out of your existing social presences and where to experiment with new ones.

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How Amazon Web Services Is Taking Over The Cloud Industry

EMagine B2B Blog

'Wouldn’t it be nice if you could take your entire data center filled with racks of servers and hardware and move it to one virtual spot that you could access anywhere, anytime? Well, thanks to Amazon Web Services (AWS), now you can! In addition to the unlimited products available on, the ever-so-popular retail site, now offers a variety of global services to assist large organizations in running a large-scale, transactional IT infrastructure.

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The Resurgence of Direct Mail as a Growth Marketing Strategy

Speaker: Jeff Tarran, COO, Gunderson Direct & Margaret Pepe, Executive Director of Product Management, U.S. Postal Service

Learn the secrets to direct mail success for growth marketers! Industry veterans Jeff Tarran and Margaret Pepe are here to delve into how direct mail has completely evolved in recent years, and has rightfully earned a seat at the table alongside the email and digital marketing plans of SMBs, enterprise companies, and agencies as they look into strategy for 2024 and beyond.

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How to Embrace Collaborative Content

Convince & Convert

'Tweetable Moments We are surrounded by data like never before, but we are starved for insights. jaybaer Tweet This. Jay Baer is the President of Convince & Convert , the digital marketing consulting company (whose blog you’re reading right now!). The Convince & Convert blog was named the #1 content marketing blog in the world by Content Marketing Institute.

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Blog Post Roundup: 5 Topics Every Professional Services Managing Partner Should Know

Hinge Marketing

'As the Managing Partner, you’re turned to every day to make decisions about the strategic direction of your professional services firm. Some of these decisions are likely on topics that you might not be fully informed about. Without an extensive background in marketing, branding, social media, or other disciplines, how can you make the right choices to drive growth and profitability for your firm?

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Mobile Now Driving Most Sales Transactions

KEO Marketing

'Retail is becoming increasingly controlled by and dependent on smartphones. Most US consumers are now using their phones to shop and make purchases online from wherever they may be. While the shopping environment is said to be a multi-channel and multi-device experience for many people, in reality everything is revolving primarily around the smartphone for most of us now.

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2015 Resolution: Google Analytics IQ & Adwords Certification

EMagine B2B Blog

'Now that the fun and merriment of Christmas is over, the Digital Marketing team at eMagine has set its sights on the New Year. We’re planning on ringing in 2015 with a bang, and to keep all of you in the loop with our big plans, we’ve decided to publish a series of blog posts that include our 2015 New Year’s resolutions. Each post in this series will include the author’s own individual New Year’s resolution.

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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission

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You Should Give Your Customers a Slow Lane

Convince & Convert

'Get all JayToday episodes at [link]. (watch video to see me in a Santa hat, and an actual brisket I made). Everything around us conspires to make us think and act fast, but maybe the best things actually require you to take it slow. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everybody out there who watches and reads Jay Today. Thanks for making the Jay Today show a big success.

Act-On 101
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Top 10 Most Effective Tools to Raise Visibility

Hinge Marketing

'Through our research, we have learned that becoming a highly visible industry leader benefits the experts themselves, their firms, and their clients. The research also showed what tools experts use to generate leads and increase their visibility in the marketplace. This Slideshare presentation discusses the top 10 marketing tools Visible Experts use to drive inbound leads and expand visibility, and which tools have the highest return.

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How to Simplify Your Writing


'I love reading simple writing. It’s clear. It’s easy to understand. And it doesn’t force me to work hard. But simple writing is easier said than done. Even though it’s easy on the readers, it’s hard for the writer. In this article, I''ll go over what I mean by "simple" in writing, and then give you eight tips on how to simplify your writing. What do I mean by ''simple''?

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Surviving Frugalnomics: Top 5 Articles in 2014

The ROI Guy

'From our Frugalnomics Survival Guide, the articles you voted as the most popular and important in 2014: 5 Tips for Crafting Provocative E-Mails That Work! [link] SiriusDecisions Interview: From Pitching Products to Selling Value [link] The New ABCs of Selling: Always Be Challenging [link] Gartner: The Technology Sales Rep Lost Their Mojo [link] Aristotles’s Persuasions and the Neuroscience of Purchase Decisions [link] Thanks for your continued interest and support.

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The AI-Enabled CMO: Practical Tips for Today's B2B Marketers

Speaker: Paul Slack, Vende Digital CEO

On October 11th, understand how to navigate the AI landscape confidently, turning insights into groundbreaking strategies that set you apart. Why attend? You'll learn: Practical applications/Use cases How to find and assess the right AI technology Prioritizing quick wins Mastering prompt engineering Solving marketing challenges efficiently Strategies to launch pilot programs Case studies of B2Bs building smarter businesses with AI Exclusive bonus content: Actionable frameworks to get started qui

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Marketers’ Impact on Sales Finally Getting Recognized

KEO Marketing

'In the traditional view of a company’s internal hierarchy and the income-generating contributions each department provided, the marketing team usually didn’t fare so well. To paraphrase an old saying, marketers got no respect. The common perception (and misconception) was often that marketers were busy spending money, as opposed to making it. Of course, we marketers always knew the reality that we were in fact responsible for helping our businesses make quite a bit of money.

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The Road to Revenue, Part 3: The Content Marketing Toolbox

Hinge Marketing

'So far in this series, we’ve explored how the explosion of information online has changed how buyers buy , and why business development insights can be essential to effective content marketing. Now let’s take a look at the content marketing tools that carry your expertise to the right audience. Educational Content and High Growth When your firm starts assembling its marketing toolbox, it makes sense to ask, “Which tools work?

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7 Boring Big Brands That Used Humor to Amp Up Their Marketing


'It seems like everyone is trying to be funny in their marketing these days, but why? Well, it works. Humor is a way to sell your brand without outwardly selling something , and consumers certainly don’t want to feel like you’re taking money right out of their pockets. By appealing to a consumer’s emotions you’re able to engage them and make them remember you.