Wed.Feb 14, 2024

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Funniest Email Subject Lines That Drive Open Rates Up


In the crowded marketplace of the inbox, humor stands out. Funny email subject lines can significantly increase open rates by appealing to a reader's innate desire for a light-hearted break from the norm. The psychology behind this is sound: laughter triggers positive feelings, creating an instant connection between sender and receiver.

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ZoomInfo & Gong Engage: Powerful Data, Improved Efficiency


Surveys with salespeople consistently highlight a troubling fact: the average sales rep only spends 28% of their week actually selling, with the rest of their days tied up managing complex and redundant workflows. To solve this nagging problem, leading go-to-market teams are increasingly looking for integrated tools and platforms to create more seamless workflows, improve customer experiences, and maximize technology budgets.

Zoominfo 130

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The Importance of Psychographic Elements for Personalization


How psychographic insights can elevate CX and provide a competitive edge to customer-facing brands through personalization and emotional resonance. Continue reading.

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How TD Bank connects customer experience with sound


When customer experience works, customers receive a consistent and seamless interaction with a business from touchpoint to touchpoint. An often overlooked feature of CX is sound. TD Bank sees it as key to connecting with customers, colleagues and communities they serve. That’s why the company created a new sonic identity, rolling out to digital touchpoints and physical locations (such as ATMs), to knit together key points in the customer journey with a familiar theme aimed at building an e

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4 Simple Decisions to Unlock Your Post-Cookie Targeting Strategy

The rise of AI and the fall of the cookie are profoundly changing programmatic advertising. With Chrome’s third-party cookie deprecation looming, the industry must adapt. With an overwhelming array of new and old technologies, many advertisers feel uncertain about how to proceed. Dstillery CEO, Michael Beebe, outlines a straightforward 4-step approach to streamline and enhance your post-cookie targeting strategy: Leverage first-party data.

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5+ Real Ways AI Can Benefit Your Content and Marketing Today

Content Marketing Institute

Welcome AI onto your content and marketing teams. It can transform your data, SEO, idea generation, and research into bigger and better results for your strategy and audience.

Content 108

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How Organizational Silos Can Destroy Customer Experience


Unified accountability is not simply good for customer experience; it’s also great for business. Continue reading.

Business 135
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Keyword Diversification: Cannibalization’s Good Twin (SEO Study)


Now, classic SEO theory says that if you rank with more than one page for a keyword, it’s a cannibalization issue, and you should fix it.

Keywords 123
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The 6 Fundamentals of an SEO Link Building Strategy

Top Rank Marketing

One of the big reasons why Google revolutionized search engines when it launched in 1998 was its PageRank algorithm , which rewarded pages based on how many other websites were linking to them. Evaluating links has proven such a reliable method for understanding content quality that after nearly 20 years and hundreds of updates, they remain one of Google’s most valued ranking signals.

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3 Tips for Adding AI — and Subtracting the Headache  

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

IT teams are at the center of AI implementation. This means they are also at the center of a constant tug-of-war between people who reject AI and people who recognize it’s here to stay. We interviewed three CIO experts to get to the bottom of how AI doesn’t have to be at odds with the people it’s ultimately designed to help. Why AI implementation is often a headache — and what to do about it According to our recent State of IT report , three-quarters of IT leaders (74%) anticipate a surge in upc

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Maximize Your B2B Lead Generation Results!

Need higher-quality leads for your target market? If so, we can help! Aggregage is the publisher of B2B Marketing Zone and 100+ other B2B publications across many industries. Our proven marketing programs deliver top-notch leads from senior buyers! Why choose Aggregage? Comprehensive Reach: Quickly target buyers across a range of industries, including financial services, healthcare, pro services, supply chain, technology and more.

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Apple's AI Moment Is Coming. It May Not Be Smooth


Cultural, product barriers stand in the way of Apple capitalizing on AI. Will it be more like NVIDIA, or Google? Continue reading.

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Enhancing B2B Marketing for Industrial Companies with AI Strategies


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a disruptive and transformative force in B2B marketing for industrial companies. By leveraging AI, industrial businesses are streamlining operations and redefining how they engage with their customers. This technological advancement offers unprecedented opportunities for personalization, efficiency, and insight- and data-driven strategies, enabling marketers to meet the complex demands of the industrial sector.

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How To Get Started With Customer Service Automation

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Are your service agents drowning in mundane daily tasks? Then your business might be a good candidate for customer service automation. According to our research , 65% of high-performing service organizations rely on automated customer service to save time, reduce human error, and make time for new projects, compared to only 41% of underperformers. If you’re thinking, Great!

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Master Social Media Influencer Contracts: A Brand’s Guide + Free Template


Your collaboration journey with a social media influencer starts over social media DMs, emails, and phone/video calls. But it shouldn’t end there. Every brand and influencer agreement should be formalized into a legally binding social media influencer contract. These contracts transform your informal conversations into official business partnerships with clear terms.

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How to Leverage Behavioral Science Insights for Direct Mail Success

Speaker: Neal Boornazian, President and Nancy Harhut, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer - HBT Marketing

Direct mail has consistently remained a powerful tool in the marketer's arsenal, but in an age of digital dominance, its effectiveness hinges on the strategic integration of behavioral science. 💡 When you incorporate powerful behavioral science principles into your direct mail marketing strategies, you can prompt the hardwired decision-making shortcuts your audience relies on — and that automatically unlocks new avenues for engagement, conversion, and brand loyalty.

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GA4 for Social Media – How to Track Your Social ROI

Goodish Agency

One of the coolest things about GA4 is that it lets you see how people are interacting with your business across different places like your website,

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A reluctant marketer’s 5-year love letter to B2B

Velocity Partners

Dear B2B, Has it been five years already? How time flies. I’m going to start with a bit of a confession… Five years ago I fancied your cousin. (Stay with me, I promise I’ll bring it around). In truth, B2C has been eyeing me my whole life. I still can’t turn a corner without seeing them. On every building, down every supermarket aisle, in-between reruns of Friends, after every swipe of my phone… They were flashy, exciting, vibrant, hopeful, beautiful, clever, funny, happy and burst into my life (

B2B 84
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Why your B2B Marketing & RevOps Need an Audit


We're introducing the Envy Way of auditing your B2B marketing & RevOps. Learn what processes and workflows you can improve to reach your 2024 targets.

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The State of Account Identification: 2024 and Beyond


2023 was a year of significant change and growth for Demandbase. We’ve released multi-language Intent, rolled out buying groups to our first set of customers, and improved our prescriptive sales dashboards. account identifi A continued factor in our success: The stable improvement of our target account identification Demandbase has always taken a different approach to target account identification.

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WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook 2024

Elevate your webinar game with WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook! Packed with insights from our seasoned webinar experts, this comprehensive guide is your go-to resource for mastering the art of B2B webinars. Learn the fundamentals, from defining webinars to exploring their benefits and diverse use cases. Discover the key elements of running a successful webinar, avoiding common mistakes, and making your sessions more engaging.

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MedTech Product Launch Strategies: The Keys to Success

Launch Marketing

The MedTech industry is becoming more innovative as organizations continue to develop revolutionary products that address emerging challenges. This is causing the market to become crowded, leaving companies struggling to stand out among competitors when introducing new products. When implemented correctly, a successful product launch can ensure organizations make their mark and can set the foundation for long-term product performance.

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A Marketer Must-Read: Using Behavioral Science in Marketing by Nancy Harhut


The success of a marketing campaign hinges on buyer behavior. In a world saturated with brands, messages, and products, your efforts risk fading into obscurity unless you determine what truly captivates your potential customers. Behavioral science provides the essential tools for B2B marketers to go beyond mere visibility, aiming for a lasting impact by tailoring strategies to align with the intricate workings of the human mind.

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The Anatomy of a Perfect Sales Email, According to Experts & Data


The last thing you want from a sales email is sleazy, spammy… or even sales-y copy. That might sound counterintuitive, but I interviewed Yuval Ackerman , email strategist, who shared her top tips for writing sales email marketing that don’t give you the ick! Plus, insights into how the best emails perform and what your audience wants from you. Ackerman’s top tips are listed below, with further industry insights, including the anatomy of the perfect sales email from five email experts.

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Look Beyond the MQL: 3 Steps to Introduce Revenue Marketing to Your Company


The demand generation tactics of yesteryear are no longer enough, especially if you’re strapped for resources and leadership is asking you to drive more pipeline. You can’t do that if you’re solely focused on MQLs. According to Kim Roman , Senior Director of Global Campaigns and Programs at Okta, “Content is king, data is queen, and revenue is the royal family.

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The Top 3 Tips for Writing Successful White Papers

In the B2B marketing toolkit, white papers can be a powerful option for reaching decision-makers and experts, presenting them with interesting information that improves their perception of your organization's competence and thought leadership. That said, a poorly executed whitepaper will not only be unable to influence your desired audience but will also come with significant costs that other assets won't incur.

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B2B Personal Branding Masterclass with Lara Acosta of LA Digital

Confessions of a B2B Marketer

Lara Acosta on LinkedIn Lara Acosta on Twitter Lara Acosta on Instagram Lara Acosta's YouTube channel Check out our awesome sponsor, Fame , they start and grow the world's most profitable B2B podcasts Confessions of a B2B Marketer is handcrafted by our friends over at: Previous guests include: Jared Robin of RevGenius, Mike Kamo of NP Digital, Arvid Kahl of FeedbackPanda, David Heinemeier Hansson of 37signals, Chris Walker of Refine Labs, Tim Soulo of Ahrefs, Justin Jackson of Transistor

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Why B2B Buyers Love Personalization

Madison Logic

The desire for personalization among B2B buyers is growing louder. At a time when solution options seem endless, standing out is critical—and personalization is the answer to true differentiation. According to Gartner, 86% of B2B customers expect companies to be well-informed about their personal information during interactions. Personalized experiences have the power to make customers feel seen, appreciated, and understood, forging the trust necessary for growth in the B2B world.

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Meet The Winner Of The #B2BMX Trailblazer Contest!

B2B Marketing Exchange

The B2BMX team sprung up a new initiative this year to give a rising B2B marketing star the unique opportunity to attend the 2024 B2B Marketing Exchange as our special VIP guest — all expenses paid! We received dozens of nominations of stellar practitioners who are doing incredible work for their organizations so early on in their career. SO many stood out but only one could win this rising start opportunity.

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How Does AI Change the Future of UI Design?

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Are you still grappling with how AI can make you more productive? We’re definitely thinking about the productivity question – and how we might design new AI-enabled experiences that make work easier. What helps is to consider the history of computing as the pursuit of ever more revolutionary ways to make it easier for humans to use computers. Up until this AI moment, most human-computer interactions have followed a conventional model of “apps that contain sets of functions and require much

Design 52
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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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Mastering Lead Nurturing: Strategies for Converting High-Value Prospects

Lake B2B

Lead Nurturing Lead nurturing is an essential strategy for businesses that are looking to build long-term relationships with their target audience. The process of lead nurturing encourages businesses to engage the target audience by providing relevant information at each stage of the buyer’s journey. Also, lead nurturing is the best-targeted approach that allows […] The post Mastering Lead Nurturing: Strategies for Converting High-Value Prospects appeared first on Blog.

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A study of companies operating in Sweden

Account-Based Marketing Boosted with Company Data

As a company data provider, we (obviously) have quite a bit of data about companies. This data can be used for any number of things, but more often than not, it's used to identify the companies that are the most lucrative for a business and find companies similar to them at scale. For the sake of this article, we decided to do something different with that data—we decided to analyze it and see what trends we could uncover.

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Why You Should Use Residential Proxies For Scrapping Web Data


When scraping for data, you never want the sites to know the true sources of such activities; hence, you should disguise the IP address and device location. This is where the residential proxies come in to help you stay anonymous. They can hide the source of data scraping requests through strategies like an intermediary server. Secondly, you can use the rotating IP addresses to hide the device location further and bypass website access restrictions to collect all the necessary data.