Sat.Oct 02, 2021 - Fri.Oct 08, 2021

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54% of Marketers Are Failing to Fully Leverage Marketing Automation Tools

KoMarketing Associates

Marketers have begun to implement marketing automation tools to simplify processes such as email, social media management, and campaign tracking. However, new research suggests that there is still room for improvement in this area. Ascend2 recently published its “State of Marketing Automation” report, and the majority of marketers (54%) stated that they do not feel that they are utilizing marketing automation tools to their fullest potential.

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2022 Outlook is Upbeat for B2B Tech Marketers


The 2022 IT spending forecast is bright for B2B technology marketers. 61% of companies expect higher revenue in the coming year. More than half (53%) expect their IT budgets to increase, while just 7% anticipate budget cuts. Those are among the findings from the 2022 State of IT report just released by Spiceworks Ziff Davis (SWZD). The conclusions are based on surveying more than 1,000 technology buyers in companies across North America and Europe.


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5 Reasons to Add YouTube Shorts to Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Marketing Insider Group

Digital marketers must contend with an all-new, promising marketing platform being released every few months. It often seems as though marketers don’t even get sufficient time to evaluate the various merits and tradeoffs associated with one new platform before something else comes along to supplant it. The ability to pivot at a moment’s notice is an increasingly important qualification for today’s marketers.

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7 Steps to Acquiring and Keep Right Fit Customers | What’s Your Edge?

Vision Edge Marketing

There’s nothing more comfortable than something that fits perfectly. Whether it is great fitting shoe. A right fit job. Or the right fitting customer. Finding customers, acquiring customers, and retaining right fit customers is the focus on this episode of What’s Your Edge. A right fitting customer is essential to realizing customer lifetime value – an excellent KPI for every organization.

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WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook 2024

Elevate your webinar game with WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook! Packed with insights from our seasoned webinar experts, this comprehensive guide is your go-to resource for mastering the art of B2B webinars. Learn the fundamentals, from defining webinars to exploring their benefits and diverse use cases. Discover the key elements of running a successful webinar, avoiding common mistakes, and making your sessions more engaging.

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3 Planning Tools for B2B Marketing Success | Launch Marketing

B2B Marketing Zone Submitted Articles

Examine three of the planning tools we use most to carry out successful marketing programs for our clients: the content (editorial) calendar, social media calendar and email marketing planner.

Planning 189

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B2B CMOs: Shift Your Priorities Beyond Leads


It seems like every week I see a new research report naming leads as the top priority of B2B marketing departments. It’s no wonder CMOs focus an estimated 85% of their efforts on acquisition. Ask any sales person, “What do you want from marketing?’ They’ll say, “Leads! Give me leads!” Just like Jack Lemmon in Glengarry Glen Ross. But here’s the rub, dear CMOs: There’s an even bigger opportunity in the “back end,” where most of the firm’s revenue and profits actually lie.

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Aligning Nano & Micro-Influencers with Your DEI Marketing

Convince & Convert

You’ve probably heard it a million times already, but authenticity and relatability is EVERYTHING. Social justice movements continue to surge on social media platforms and more people are speaking up about matters that align with their own values. It’s taking a lot more than just simple traditional marketing to speak to your audience. . According to the Consumer Culture Report by 5W Public Relations, 83% of people feel that it is crucial that the brands that they choose to support are in alignme

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What’s the Difference Between Content Marketing and Copywriting?


Our world is full of things that are similar, but also really different. It might be easy to tell apple cider from apple juice (one’s foggy, one’s clear), but how do you really tell a hawk from a falcon, an opera from a musical, or tacos from burritos? (Aren’t some soft-shelled tacos just small, poorly wrapped burritos?). In the marketing world, it’s easy to confuse copywriting and content marketing.

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Inclusivity and Algorithmic Bias: Is Ethical Technology Possible? | Acrolinx

B2B Marketing Zone Submitted Articles

Technology isn't fair for everyone and you don't need to look hard to find algorithmic bias examples. How to we make technology fair for all?

Ethics 130
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The Top 3 Tips for Writing Successful White Papers

In the B2B marketing toolkit, white papers can be a powerful option for reaching decision-makers and experts, presenting them with interesting information that improves their perception of your organization's competence and thought leadership. That said, a poorly executed whitepaper will not only be unable to influence your desired audience but will also come with significant costs that other assets won't incur.

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10 Effective Tactics to Defeat Internet Trolls via @sejournal, @JuliaEMcCoy

Search Engine Journal

Trolls may be the bane of the internet, but they shouldn't ruin your day. Learn to purge online trolls and prevent them from returning. The post 10 Effective Tactics to Defeat Internet Trolls appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Tactics 145
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9 Ways to Make the Best of SEO Link Building with Semrush


There are so many whys and hows in link building, but just a few right answers. I’m happy to present you with 9 techniques that actually worked for Semrush users.

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Where Does Digital Marketing Stand in the Streaming Wars?


As technological advancements continue to emerge, the way people consume content will also evolve. Today, The post Where Does Digital Marketing Stand in the Streaming Wars? appeared first on Spiralytics Inc.

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These 4 Analytics Oversights Mess With Your Content Performance Plan

Content Marketing Institute

Trust Insights’ chief data scientist Chris Penn outlines the common analytics mistakes marketers make. Even better, he details how to make measurement plans more effective. Continue reading → The post These 4 Analytics Oversights Mess With Your Content Performance Plan appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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10 of the Worst SEO Mistakes Even the Experts Make via @sejournal, @krisjonescom

Search Engine Journal

Even longtime SEO experts can slip up now and then. Here are 10 of the worst mistakes you can make when doing SEO. The post 10 of the Worst SEO Mistakes Even the Experts Make appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

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The Top 25 Most Popular Social Media Platforms in the World


Social media has changed the world and how we communicate. Semrush analyzed various statistics to provide a fascinating snapshot of how social media is being used around the world today.

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7 tips for building brand identity


If marketers don’t take control of how customers perceive their brands, customers will. “One of the things we’ve got to remember about customers is that they always like to attribute personalities to the characters they interact with,” said Terry Flynn, president of multichannel marketing company Market Chord, in his recent MarTech presentation.

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Use Internal Links to Get a Better Reception from Search Engines and Readers

Content Marketing Institute

Would you like to generate more blog traffic from search engines? Would you like new visitors to read other content on your site? You can do that with this low-hanging fruit solution. Continue reading → The post Use Internal Links to Get a Better Reception from Search Engines and Readers appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

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The Resurgence of Direct Mail as a Growth Marketing Strategy

Speaker: Jeff Tarran, COO, Gunderson Direct & Margaret Pepe, Executive Director of Product Management, U.S. Postal Service

Learn the secrets to direct mail success for growth marketers! Industry veterans Jeff Tarran and Margaret Pepe are here to delve into how direct mail has completely evolved in recent years, and has rightfully earned a seat at the table alongside the email and digital marketing plans of SMBs, enterprise companies, and agencies as they look into strategy for 2024 and beyond.

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Google on Product Price As a Ranking Factor via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Search Engine Journal

Google's John Mueller discusses product price as a ranking factor and explains whether it can impact the positions of ecommerce stores in search results. The post Google on Product Price As a Ranking Factor appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

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How to Include User-Generated Content in Your Emails

Benchmark Email

We all know that email marketing is a powerful tool. It’s been around for decades and has proven to be the most effective way of communicating with your audience. But lately, it seems like many marketers have forgotten about the importance of keeping their emails fresh and exciting. The solution to this is simple –… The post How to Include User-Generated Content in Your Emails appeared first on Benchmark Email.

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11 ways to get more followers on TikTok in 2021

Sprout Social

One of the newest social media platforms to the scene, TikTok , is all about creating short and engaging viral video content. But for brands that are just starting out, it feels like it can take ages to grow a healthy following. To help you ramp up your profile and get more followers on TikTok, we’ve put together 11 actionable tips. Let’s get started. 1.

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Out of Ideas? 10+ Tools to Spark Content Creation

Content Marketing Institute

Struggling to find new ideas to fill your editorial calendar? Here are more than 10 tips, tricks, and tools to help you go from stagnant to fresh. Continue reading → The post Out of Ideas? 10+ Tools to Spark Content Creation appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

Tools 137
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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission

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Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram Down in “Epic” Configuration Error Outage via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Search Engine Journal

Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram suffer DNS related outage described as "epic" and a "nightmare." This is what happened The post Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram Down in “Epic” Configuration Error Outage appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Facebook 139
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Facebook’s failure highlights why email reigns


What were you doing when Facebook went down on Monday? If you were like many of your fellow marketers, you were tearing your hair out because you couldn’t access any Facebook-owned sites like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. No social posting. No campaign research, launches or analysis. Gaahhhhh! But some resourceful email marketers seized the opportunity to launch quick campaigns that capitalized gleefully on the global outage.

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B2B Reads: Content isn’t King, One Big Rock, & AI in Digital Marketing

Heinz Marketing

In addition to our Sunday App of the Week feature, we also summarize some of our favorite B2B sales & marketing posts from around the web each week. We’ll miss a ton of great stuff, so if you found something you think is worth sharing please add it to the comments below. Why Content Isn’t King in Leadership Communications. I’m not saying information isn’t valuable, it is.

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Drop Great Anchor Text To Keep Your SEO Strategy Afloat

Content Marketing Institute

As Google crawls your site, it searches for anchor text. Done well, that content signals relevancy and authority. Done poorly, it can sink your content in the eyes of Google (and readers). Continue reading → The post Drop Great Anchor Text To Keep Your SEO Strategy Afloat appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

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The AI-Enabled CMO: Practical Tips for Today's B2B Marketers

Speaker: Paul Slack, Vende Digital CEO

On October 11th, understand how to navigate the AI landscape confidently, turning insights into groundbreaking strategies that set you apart. Why attend? You'll learn: Practical applications/Use cases How to find and assess the right AI technology Prioritizing quick wins Mastering prompt engineering Solving marketing challenges efficiently Strategies to launch pilot programs Case studies of B2Bs building smarter businesses with AI Exclusive bonus content: Actionable frameworks to get started qui

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Twitter Lets Businesses Apply For Professional Profiles via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Search Engine Journal

After an initial rollout to a small test group, Twitter is now opening up applications for professional profiles to all interested businesses. The post Twitter Lets Businesses Apply For Professional Profiles appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

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What is marketing work management and how do these platforms support agile marketing?


Marketing work management platforms help marketing leaders and their teams structure their day-to-day work to meet their goals on deadline and within budget constraints, all while managing resources and facilitating communication and collaboration. Functions may include task assignments, time tracking, budgeting, team communication and file sharing, among others.

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Key Takeaways from Content Marketing World 2021

Content Standard

At Content Marketing World 2021 , an undercurrent of energy ran through the crowd and the presenters. This year’s conference marked a return to the in-person event after an all-digital version last year, and that energy was born from a sense of normalcy coming back to the world. It felt good to reconnect with others in the brand marketing community again, and it was fascinating to hear about what everyone had been up to.