December, 2011

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How to Use Lead Scoring to Drive the Highest Return on Your Trade-Show Investment


Tweet In the 2012 B2B Marketing Benchmark Report , 1,745 marketing organizations revealed that trade shows took up the biggest chunk of their marketing budget – over 21%. Yet, they only ranked fourth in marketing effectiveness, under websites, SEOs, and emails. I suspect that part of the ROI problem may be due to improper prioritization. Smart marketers apply some type of lead scoring to leads generated from website, SEO, and email initiatives.

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Brands: It’s not enough to be liked

Buzz Marketing for Technology

Imagine a company that has upscale retail locations around the United States receiving tens of thousands of customer visits. Now imagine not having anyone there to greet and interact with those customers. What’s the point of the storefront? Facebook fan pages are much the same thing. But only 0.2 to 2 percent of fans go back to a page. Why? Because there is nothing going on that interests them.

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Marketing Automation Skills are Scarce: Strategies to Close the Gap

Customer Experience Matrix

The marketing automation industry continues to grow quickly, with many vendors announcing their client bases have more than doubled in 2011. But there’s also a growing realization that many marketing automation systems are used for only simple tasks – often no more than email, landing pages, and CRM integration. For example, LoopFuse found that nearly twice as many used email and web landing pages as lead scoring.

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Six Ways to Search-Optimize a Blog


Many of the same principles apply to optimizing a blog for search as for optimizing a business website : use keywords in the body copy, post titles, subheadings, permalink URL, image alt tags and meta tags. But a blog also presents additional opportunities for search optimization beyond those that apply to standard websites (which is why Google loves blogs ).

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4 Simple Decisions to Unlock Your Post-Cookie Targeting Strategy

The rise of AI and the fall of the cookie are profoundly changing programmatic advertising. With Chrome’s third-party cookie deprecation looming, the industry must adapt. With an overwhelming array of new and old technologies, many advertisers feel uncertain about how to proceed. Dstillery CEO, Michael Beebe, outlines a straightforward 4-step approach to streamline and enhance your post-cookie targeting strategy: Leverage first-party data.

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How to Create the Perfect Homepage for Your Website

Tomorrow People

How to create a home page for maximum impact. Almost every business is on the internet now. The competition for the top spot on Google is increasing and the pressure to compete via a high quality home page and website is growing all the time. Here’s how to create a home page that delivers: 1. Design it around your customers. This isn’t about showing off.

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Email Marketing: Where’s the Innovation?


Tweet I always look forward to the announcement of the MarketingSherpa Email Marketing Award winners; they’re a great source of inspiration. In fact, just couple of weeks ago I wrote about how the B2B Best in Show Winner’s unexpected email approach grew its subscriber base by millions. But honestly, I think B2B marketers might be more disillusioned with the power of email, if the feedback from 1,745 marketing organizations in the 2012 B2B Marketing Benchmark Report is any indication.

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Paul Conley: Has the Content Marketing Dream Become a Nightmare?

B2B Memes

Paul Conley. In the trade magazine business, not generally known for early adoption of new-media developments, Paul Conley is something of an anomaly. He is, as he puts it, “hypersensitive to how new technology opens up opportunities in old worlds.” He was among the first in the trade press to recognize the significance of social media. And though he is now beginning to question its potential, he was an early advocate for content marketing as a promising new career path for journalis

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Want to Improve Your Sales? Start Reading.


Anthony Iannarino is an expert in B2B Sales and Marketing and an Executive Sales Coach and Consultant. Anthony is President and CSO of SOLUTIONS Staffing , Director of B2B Sales Coach & Consultancy , and author of The Sales Blog. There aren’t many salespeople or sales organizations that don’t wish for a silver bullet that would make producing sales results both easier and faster.

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48 Ways to Measure Social Media Success


Ultimately, as Olivier Blanchard has pointed out repeatedly , social media marketing has to demonstrate an ROI (though he acknowledges the questions have to be made more specific). In the b2b world, the “R” is generally leads (website call-to-action conversions) with some monetary value applied to them. But it’s crucial to the social media ROI debate to recognize that “R” is an end-of-the-process measure.

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WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook 2024

Elevate your webinar game with WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook! Packed with insights from our seasoned webinar experts, this comprehensive guide is your go-to resource for mastering the art of B2B webinars. Learn the fundamentals, from defining webinars to exploring their benefits and diverse use cases. Discover the key elements of running a successful webinar, avoiding common mistakes, and making your sessions more engaging.

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3 Questions to Ask When Choosing an Email Marketing Agency

Tomorrow People

Three questions you should ask your email marketing company Are you thinking about asking an email marketing company to manage your email marketing for you? Before you make your decision, here are three questions you always ask: 1. Will you target my email marketing? This is a crucial first question to ask your email marketing company. They may be happy to take on your own list of contacts or buy a contact list for you.

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How important is real-time data? It’s all relative

Buzz Marketing for Technology

The speed with which social media spreads ideas and information has led many marketers to place a premium on capturing data in real time. But should real-time data be such a priority? Real time means different things to different people when the term is used as a proxy for recency. To an evolutionary biologist, real time could mean thousands of years of species development data.

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From a Challenging Marketing Past to the Most Promising Marketing Future: Top Takeaways from the 2011 B2B Roundtable Webinars


Tweet I can’t stress this enough: when it comes to marketing, if we’re not constantly learning, we’re going to find ourselves left behind faster than ever. Some people say I’m an expert in B2B lead generation because I wrote a book on it, but you know what? I am astonished by what I didn’t know then compared to what I know today. This past year has been especially illuminating thanks to the brilliance of smart marketers who are expanding and perfecting the lead-generation concepts I wrote about

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Influitive Helps Marketers Build an Army of Advocates

Customer Experience Matrix

Marketers recognize the potential reach of social media, but are rightly frightened that they can’t control the message. Most social marketing applications sidestep the issue by focusing on creating communities ( Jive , Lithium ), monitoring conversations (Radian6 , Trackur ) and running promotions ( CrowdFactory , Nextbee ). Marketing automation vendors have mostly worked on making it easy to post and share messages and to capture social data.

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The Top 3 Tips for Writing Successful White Papers

In the B2B marketing toolkit, white papers can be a powerful option for reaching decision-makers and experts, presenting them with interesting information that improves their perception of your organization's competence and thought leadership. That said, a poorly executed whitepaper will not only be unable to influence your desired audience but will also come with significant costs that other assets won't incur.

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The R and the I – What’s Engagement Worth?


Chris Selland is CMO at Terametric , a company focused on maximizing marketing ROI by helping marketers capture and measure all their channel marketing data. Chris is an experienced technology business development & marketing executive, with deep domain expertise in the areas of online and inbound marketing, strategic alliances, demand generation, and corporate development/M&A.

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10 Ways to Use Social Networks for B2B Marketing


Social networks are essential for expanding your web presence —not only for creating social signals now a key component in search engine rankings, which makes your website and blog easier to find in search, but also by giving you more places to be found online. Creating your profile on each of the major social networks is a first step, but just that.

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Can Inbound Marketing Increase Marketing ROI & Market Share?

Tomorrow People

Why have so many companies moved away from conventional outbound marketing approaches towards inbound marketing? What is it about inbound marketing that not only makes it more cost-efficient, but ultimately more effective? More importantly, what is it about inbound marketing that allows companies to increase their marketing ROI , lower their costs of securing qualified leads and ultimately lower their costs of converting leads to sales ?

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How To Generate ROI (Return On Interesting) With Content Marketing

Marketing Insider Group

Lately I have been having some very passionate discussions about the best place to start in Content Marketing. Do you start with products, personas or topics? You have heard me rant before about the biggest marketing mistake when we use our website and too much outbound promotion to just talk about ourselves. So you can eliminate product as the starting point.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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Email Marketing Awards Winner Proves, with Millions of New Subscribers, that It Pays to Share


Tweet How many emails have you sent prospects and customers this week? How many opened them? How many acted on them? If you’re like most marketers, the answer too often is, “Not enough.”. It’s a hard fact: people are being inundated with so many sales pitches via email that it’s harder than ever to get prospects to not delete your email, no less take action.

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Social Media Features in Marketing Automation Systems: Who Does What?

Customer Experience Matrix

Social media is arguably overhyped as a marketing trend: it gets well under 10% of marketing budgets (different surveys have figures from 3% to 8%) and results are questionable (it was rated the least effective content marketing tactic in a recent MarketingProfs study ). But social is clearly growing fast and has great potential. So marketing automation vendors are understandably eager to support it in their systems.

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Thank You to Our 27 Guest Marketing and Sales Bloggers in 2011!


This year, we’re honored to have published posts from twenty-seven guest marketing and sales bloggers here on ViewPoint, and I wanted to say to all of you how much I appreciate your contributions. You’ll see from the list below that our marketing and sales bloggers are B2B lead generation and lead management thought leaders who share their expertise as business executives, strategists, consultants, speakers, authors, editors and college professors.

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Email Lists: Should You Rent or Buy?

The Point

It was only a few years ago that I would have told any client who asked (and many did) that it was never a good idea to purchase an email list, and that moreover, any list of email addresses that was available for purchase was by definition compiled through nefarious means and not worth the risk. That was then. Today, the decision of whether to rent or buy an email list isn’t quite so clear-cut.

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The Resurgence of Direct Mail as a Growth Marketing Strategy

Speaker: Jeff Tarran, COO, Gunderson Direct & Margaret Pepe, Executive Director of Product Management, U.S. Postal Service

Learn the secrets to direct mail success for growth marketers! Industry veterans Jeff Tarran and Margaret Pepe are here to delve into how direct mail has completely evolved in recent years, and has rightfully earned a seat at the table alongside the email and digital marketing plans of SMBs, enterprise companies, and agencies as they look into strategy for 2024 and beyond.

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3 Easy Way to Create How To Videos

Tomorrow People

Three ways to create How To videos people want to watch. How To videos. The internet is awash with them. From YouTube to almost every business website you can think of, How to videos are on offer. So what can you do to create effective and engaging How To videos ? Keep these tips in mind for creating How To videos that people actually want to watch.

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Marketing IS Business: The Wisdom of Peter Drucker

Marketing Insider Group

I have been using a lot of Peter Drucker quotes since I entered marketing over 18 years ago. And I have been using them a lot lately in this blog here and here , and in many of the presentations I’ve been giving. But recently someone asked me when and where Drucker said some of these things, particularly: The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself … The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.

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Content Marketing Tip: Start with Ready-to-Publish Articles

Writing on the Web

Content marketing is easier when you can outsource some of the writing and researching to qualified writers. A great way to short-cut the time needed to research, write and publish quality online content is to find a good writer to supply articles. For example, as a former executive coach and psychologist, I write for other coaches and consultants who are too busy with clients to write their own newsletters and blogs.

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How to Assess Marketing Automation Vendor Services Before You Buy - Yet Another Workbook

Customer Experience Matrix

I wrote yesterday about our new workbook for marketing automation cost estimates. Today I’ll describe the other one: evaluating vendor services. Both are available free at the Raab Guide Web site. The problem with services is simple: you won’t use them until you’ve already bought the product. So the trick to evaluating them is to ask lots of questions in advance to understand whether they’ll meet your needs.

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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission

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Buyerology Trend: Think Value-Based Marketing vs. Needs-Based Marketing

Tony Zambito

This is the seventh article looking at buyer trends that will influence marketing and sales in the near and foreseeable future. Let’s recap the significant buyer trends noted so far in this series: Buyers are overwhelmed with content and desire experiences. Buyer behavior is changing rapidly and requires BIG insights. Buyers are on a quest to be demand fulfilled.

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The A-Z Guide to B2B Lead Generation

NuSpark Consulting

I thought I’d have fun with this post and attempt to explain key principles of lead generation and inbound marketing in an A-Z glossary format. Feel free to challenge me with your own list or a replacement term for one of the letters. Here we go: A- Analytics. All activity of the lead generation process needs to be measured via a robust analytics program.

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Making Money From Your Marketing

Tomorrow People

How to make money from your marketing in 2012. Is your marketing a money spinner or a money worry? Is it proving to be more of a cost than a return on investment? With 2012 around the corner, now is a great time to review what you want from your marketing. Here are just two ways to make money from your marketing in the year to come: Do a quick calculation of what you can do to reduce your marketing spend while increasing your ROI.

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