May, 2019

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Content curation for social selling; how to get even better results

Content curation is a great asset available for marketers to maximize the impact of social selling programs. recent integration with social selling solutions such as GaggleAMP, unleash the power of content curation + social selling. But why is curation such a nice tool to leverage employee advocacy? All the answers below, and also in our common webinar with GaggleAMP.

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Trending in Email Design: Bold Colors and Gradients


Each year, we see new design trends shaping digital marketing—from the use of color and imagery to typography trends, interactivity, and more. In our “Trending in Email Design” series, we look at the hottest digital design trends—and dive into how they translate into email marketing. Bold colors & gradients: Standing out. The use of bold color in design is an ongoing trend that has steadily grown in popularity in recent years.

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Sales Operations: The Guide They Never Gave You


“What was your first job?”. It’s one of my favorite questions to ask a fellow professional in sales operations. Some of the answers include: Elementary school teacher. SDR. Recruiter. Pharmacy Tech. Insurance sales rep. Cosmetics consultant. Account Manager. Financial analyst. Why the wide range? Sales Operations is Still Developing. Sales operations as a profession is growing, yet it is a comparatively new function in businesses.

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5 Critical Signs It’s Time to Revamp Your Content Marketing Strategy

Marketing Insider Group

If you’re like most businesses, it took you a long time—and a lot of hard work to knock out a successful content marketing strategy. Just thinking about revamping it is a challenge. But it’s a must if you want your strategy to succeed. Think about the revenue you’ll miss if you don’t at least evaluate […]. The post 5 Critical Signs It’s Time to Revamp Your Content Marketing Strategy appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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Maximize Your B2B Lead Generation Results!

Need higher-quality leads for your target market? If so, we can help! Aggregage is the publisher of B2B Marketing Zone and 100+ other B2B publications across many industries. Our proven marketing programs deliver top-notch leads from senior buyers! Why choose Aggregage? Comprehensive Reach: Quickly target buyers across a range of industries, including financial services, healthcare, pro services, supply chain, technology and more.

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Do’s and Don’ts For Personalized Marketing


Guest post by Stefan Debois. Marketing is evolving rapidly, and the use of big data is increasingly important. Customers and prospects have higher expectations than ever before for relevance and personalization, and marketers need to be prepared to meet those needs. According to a study from Infosys , 86% of respondents say personalization has at least some impact on their purchasing behavior.

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Content Marketing and the Future of Sales Enablement


At Contently, we talk about the audience a lot. Audience, in this case, usually refers to the outside world—the group of people who read, watch, and listen to your content. If your content resonates, you’ll be able to build a relationship with the right people who can buy your product. Ultimately, though, your total audience consists of more than just those people.

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Demand Generation and Distribution: 4 Must-Try Digital Marketing Channels

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

Our previous blog post looked at how important strategic content is for your demand generation campaign. But it’s vital to remember that if you don’t get it in front of the right set of eyes, your content is useless. That’s why we’re going to focus on another essential part of your campaign: distribution. Every successful demand gen campaign starts with a final goal in mind.

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Why A B2B, Account-Based, Marketing (ABM) Strategy Must Be A Priority

Hinge Marketing

Let’s face it, marketing resources—whether part of a large or small team—only have a certain amount of bandwidth each month to build or strengthen their brands, generate leads or demand, enhance their customer experiences, or to reach all of these goals. For many, the ultimate goal is to help increase/improve opportunity engagement throughout their funnels or pipelines.

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How Voice-Activated Tech Will Change Content Marketing

Marketing Insider Group

Once nothing more than an entertaining novelty, voice-activated technology is now big business and is fast becoming part of everyday life for many people. There are now almost 120 million smart speaker devices in US homes – a growth of 78% in just one year. The use of mobile devices has also grown. 60% of Google searches are […]. The post How Voice-Activated Tech Will Change Content Marketing appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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How to Leverage Behavioral Science Insights for Direct Mail Success

Speaker: Neal Boornazian, President and Nancy Harhut, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer - HBT Marketing

Direct mail has consistently remained a powerful tool in the marketer's arsenal, but in an age of digital dominance, its effectiveness hinges on the strategic integration of behavioral science. 💡 When you incorporate powerful behavioral science principles into your direct mail marketing strategies, you can prompt the hardwired decision-making shortcuts your audience relies on — and that automatically unlocks new avenues for engagement, conversion, and brand loyalty.

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Best Brand Monitoring Tools – At Any Price


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7 Ways to Run More Efficient Business Meetings


If you’ve worked in business for any length of time, you’ve attended two very different types of meetings. First, there are effective business meetings, where employees share necessary information, collaborate efficiently, and develop next steps to solve their shared problems. And then there are the meetings where to put it simply, nothing gets done.

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Tyrion Lannister Is Now a Content Marketing Thought Leader


Warning: This post contains all the Game of Thrones spoilers. Seriously, turn away if you haven’t yet watched the season finale. You good? Great. I was ready for anything during the season finale of Game of Thrones last night. Jon and Daenerys riding off into the sunset to open a bed and breakfast in Narth. Cersei popping out of the rubble to challenge Dany to a scowl-off.

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Marketing and Web Security: How Marketers Can Mitigate Risk

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

Think site security and performance are mutually exclusive? Think again. Having proper protections behind your site not only keeps it secure but also improves its reliability. The more reliable your site, the more your visitors trust you can keep their information secure and the greater their trust in your brand—and your marketing. Organizations across industries and regions are becoming increasingly digital.

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Sales & Marketing Alignment: How to Synergize for Success

Speaker: Carlos Hidalgo, Co-Founder & CEO of Digital Exhaust, Author, International Keynote & TEDx Speaker

Recent research shows that only 50% of B2B organizations state that they have good alignment between their marketing and sales teams. This lack of alignment tremendously impacts the ability to meet business goals, and is a limiting factor for building and maintaining customer relationships. While many B2B organizations continue to struggle with aligning their marketing and sales teams, they can take practical steps to unify both teams and simplify their overall approach.

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What are the Main Challenges of Marketing Financial Services? (And How You Can Solve Them)


The main challenges of marketing financial services are very unique to the industry. Strict regulations, complicated subject matter, a lack of consumer trust and constantly evolving technology are just a handful of roadblocks scattered throughout the financial services landscape. However, as we dug into the research in our 2019 State of Content Marketing for Financial Services report , we saw some common trends bubble up.

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5 Ways to Improve the ROI of Your Content Marketing

Marketing Insider Group

Content marketing can produce great results for your business. However, it can also take a lot of content, and therefore time and money, before you start to see those results. With a smart approach, you can improve the ROI of your content marketing campaigns and get more out of the content you’re already producing without […]. The post 5 Ways to Improve the ROI of Your Content Marketing appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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Mobile vs Desktop Traffic: What's the Difference?


Much of today's market is expanding rapidly onto mobile platforms. It's no surprise that close attention to mobile traffic is now more important than ever for a successful enterprise. In order to maximize profits and exposure, you must keep an eye on both your desktop and mobile metrics. Optimizing your user experience is crucial, and this process can be very complex since design can be quite different between the two.

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7 Triggers That Make People Want to Share Your Content

Content Marketing Institute

Did you add simple elements to your content to make it highly shareable? Known as “share triggers,” they’re easy to create – and they work. Even better, you don’t need a big following or email list. Continue reading → The post 7 Triggers That Make People Want to Share Your Content appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

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WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook 2024

Elevate your webinar game with WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook! Packed with insights from our seasoned webinar experts, this comprehensive guide is your go-to resource for mastering the art of B2B webinars. Learn the fundamentals, from defining webinars to exploring their benefits and diverse use cases. Discover the key elements of running a successful webinar, avoiding common mistakes, and making your sessions more engaging.

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Ask a Content Strategist: How Can Sales Enablement Drive Content Marketing ROI?


Are there any new ways to drive content marketing ROI we should be thinking about? -Sara, New York. This question cuts deep. In March, I took on a new role as Contently’s head of marketing. I immediately started thinking about I could make a big impact as quickly as possible. My first instinct was to pump more inbound opportunities into the pipeline.

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How to Advertise on Social Media—A Marketer’s Quick-Start Guide

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

In the not-too-distant past, businesses relied heavily on network television and terrestrial radio to connect with buyers and tout their products. But with more people fleeing traditional TV and radio for ad-free streaming services like Netflix and Spotify Premium, advertising on those once-powerful mediums has lost much of its luster. Today, there’s another place your company can go to reach the masses.

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NEW: Boost Credibility through Social Advocacy with Brandpoint’s Expert Series Videos


Brandpoint’s Expert Series is a new way we can help companies demonstrate knowledge of their industry and business via thought leadership videos and bylined articles. These high-quality editorial videos will include an interview with an expert from the company and will be distributed to select prestigious news sites for placement. These placements will also feature a bylined article about both the interview and the message the brand is conveying.

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How to Choose the Right Martech Tool for Your B2B Tech Brand

Marketing Insider Group

Martech evangelist Scott Brinker’s 2018 marketing landscape supergraphic shows there are more than 6,800 technologies out there for marketers. With more than a 27% increase from 2017, the amount of solutions is only growing. How can marketers possibly choose between all of them when the offerings are seemingly endless? While traditionally marketers have been known […].

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The Top 3 Tips for Writing Successful White Papers

In the B2B marketing toolkit, white papers can be a powerful option for reaching decision-makers and experts, presenting them with interesting information that improves their perception of your organization's competence and thought leadership. That said, a poorly executed whitepaper will not only be unable to influence your desired audience but will also come with significant costs that other assets won't incur.

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5 ways Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing eCommerce Marketing


Marketing strategies are continuously changing due to increasing technological advancement. Technology is responsible for raising the exceptions of people all around the globe. With an increase in innovations, it’s pretty obvious that customers are expecting more and companies are doing everything to can to remain in their good list. Consequently, competition between companies seems to […].

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10 Pinterest statistics marketers must know in 2019

Sprout Social

Pinterest was the fastest standalone site in history to reach 10 million unique users in 2012. Since then, the platform has maintained and grown the highly engaged audience that helped it reach that initial milestone. Pinterest users are also doubly likely to say their time on the platform was well-spent. Pinterest usership remains strong as its audiences frequently turn to the platform for social activities that require more attention and focus, such as learning things through how-to posts or p

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I Wanted to Convert on Your Landing Page, But I Couldn’t. Here’s Why.


Hey there , marketer. Let me introduce myself. I’m your target market. I’m actively looking for what you offer. I just Googled your solution, clicked your ad, and I’m on your landing page. Right now, I’m somewhere between interested in and desperate for what you’re selling. I’m ready to say “yes” to a call to action, but… I’m not going to say yes to yours.

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7 Social Media Activities You Can Do in Under 15 Minutes

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

Success with content on social media can be simple if you’re organized and focus on efficiency. Of course, you know that you need to cater content directly to your audience’s needs or challenges and that you need to provide a variety of content to keep your audience engaged. But how can you create efficiency in an increasingly frenetic digital space?

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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Takeaways from the 2019 MN PRSA Classics Awards


Beth Wellman , Assistant Account Executive at Brandpoint, attended this year’s MN PRSA Classics Awards along with other members of the Brandpoint team. She is a member of Minnesota PRSA, and she volunteers as part of the chapter’s Communications committee. The Classics Awards is undoubtedly the biggest event of the year for the Minnesota chapter of the PRSA.

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How to Write a Content Marketing Plan that Quadruples Your Leads

Marketing Insider Group

Every business wants more leads, and it could be simpler than you think to start generating more of them. In fact, a carefully constructed content marketing plan could quadruple your leads or better. There are many different ways you can generate leads for your business online, but content marketing should certainly form a major part […]. The post How to Write a Content Marketing Plan that Quadruples Your Leads appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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Content Marketing for a Cause: How Nonprofits Improve Donor Retention

Content Standard

There’s one thing that marketers understand on a deep, deep level: That the highest-value customer is the repeat customer. But for nonprofits, repeat donors aren’t just valuable—they’re essential to an organization’s survival. So it’s no wonder why we’re seeing more and more nonprofit content marketing examples across the land.