Tue.Dec 02, 2014

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Michel Claassens, VP of Digital Marketing at Philips Lighting: How to Build an Effective Cross-Channel Marketing System [Podcast]

Crimson Marketing

'Large multinational corporations are quite often global operations with thousands of employees, scores of products, and a complex array of marketing channels and campaigns. Collecting these elements together to create an integrated, cross-channel digital marketing system is a task that requires the right technology, processes, upper management endorsement, and leadership expertise.

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There is More to Knowing Customers Than Big Data


'Are CMOs wasting their budgets on failed marketing initiatives? According to a recent Forbes Insight Study 69% of CEOs either agree or strongly agree they certainly are. The leading cause of this sentiment is a lack of customer insight. The study reports that 74% of CEOs have “limited insight” into how customers are engaging with their products and what their likes and dislikes are.

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10 Important Statistics Your Company Needs to Know About Providing Discounts

Convince & Convert

'Image via BigStockPhoto.com. The holiday shopping season is already here and that means it’s also discount season. However, whether you’re offering discounts on holiday specials or putting together your 2015 pricing plan, there are some helpful stats you should know about offering sales and markdowns. Let’s dissect 10 relevant statistics related to offering discounts: 1.

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Top Trends in Technology Marketing for 2015

Hinge Marketing

'With 2015 right around the corner, we’re all in turbo-planning mode as we build our growth strategies for the year ahead. There is much to consider, but we can take the legwork out of one topic: understanding the marketing trends and opportunities emerging in 2015. For tech firms, clients’ changing decision-making strategies are transforming technology marketing – leading firms to educate and influence through the lens of buyer’s needs and priorities.

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WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook 2024

Elevate your webinar game with WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook! Packed with insights from our seasoned webinar experts, this comprehensive guide is your go-to resource for mastering the art of B2B webinars. Learn the fundamentals, from defining webinars to exploring their benefits and diverse use cases. Discover the key elements of running a successful webinar, avoiding common mistakes, and making your sessions more engaging.

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Top 4 Digital Priorities for Higher Ed CMOs

Convince & Convert

'photo credit: matt.hintsa via cc. According to new research from Formstack , 35% of universities currently have a Chief Marketing Officer, or CMO. In this relatively new role, CMOs are changing how higher education approaches marketing. With the right digital priorities, CMOs can have a forward-thinking impact on higher ed marketing. Take a page out of the university CMO’s textbook with these 4 must-have digital priorities: 1.

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Industry Insights with Patricia Travaline


'The post Industry Insights with Patricia Travaline appeared first on Salesfusion.

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17 SEO Myths to Leave Behind in 2015 [Free Ebook]


'SEO is an evolving science. While some of the core principles will presumably stick around forever (e.g. creating high-quality content), the nuanced aspects of it are subject to continuous change. And as a result, many of the "proven" tactics people have used in the past (keyword stuffing, link schemes) are now stuff of legend. Unless your organization benefits from having a dedicated SEO person who can work on this stuff day-in, day-out, keeping up with the latest changes in the world of SEO c

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Webinar Recording: How to Get the Best Traffic to Lead Conversions from your Website


A number of interesting questions were asked during the webinar on How to Get the Best Traffic to Lead Conversions from your Website. We were happy to see a good number of enthusiastic participants. Those of you who missed the webinar, here’s a summary of some of the questions asked during the session. View the Recording. Question 1. How to optimize the landing page for different geographies?

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What No One Tells You About Your Career When You're 22


'I don’t know about you, but I rarely feel like I’m 22. I do, however, work with a lot of 22-year-olds who are smart, interesting, dynamic, and absurdly high-energy. While it depresses me they don’t understand my Saved by the Bell references, their ideas and achievements are truly remarkable. And approximately once a week, I get a request from one of them to talk about “careers” -- a topic that they know they should care or think about, but don’t know what to actually do with.

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The Top 3 Tips for Writing Successful White Papers

In the B2B marketing toolkit, white papers can be a powerful option for reaching decision-makers and experts, presenting them with interesting information that improves their perception of your organization's competence and thought leadership. That said, a poorly executed whitepaper will not only be unable to influence your desired audience but will also come with significant costs that other assets won't incur.

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How to Use Video to Drive, Engage, and Qualify Leads


Video is much more than just a content medium for delivering your message. As marketing technology begins to catch up with marketing creativity, video is quickly rising to the top of many marketers’ toolkits. More than 70% of marketing professionals report that video converts better than any other medium, and adding video to an email campaign can increase the click-through rates by up to 96%.

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How to Use Stock Photos Without Looking Lame [SlideShare]


'Stock photos are tricky. When chosen or used poorly , they can look forced, fake, or just plain silly. (Just look at the photo to the right to see what I mean.). But when chosen and used well, stock photos can complement the content on your website, in your ebooks, and in your social media posts. So it''s perfectly fine to make stock photography a part of your visual content strategy -- heck, we use them all the time here at HubSpot.

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New App: JotForm Email Newsletters


We recently needed a way to send an email to people who signed up for the form design contest. One of our developers quickly developed a cool app on top of the JotForm API. Today, we are excited to release this app to JotForm users. Yesterday, we used the new app for the first time to send an ema.

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Increase CRM Usage with these helpful tools


Increase CRM Usage With These Helpful Tools. By AlessandraCeresa. When implemented properly, CRM is very powerful. It can help you develop better relationships, create more targeted and personalized experiences, and, of course, help you close more deals. However, sometimes CRM usage dwindles if there are not quick and easy ways to use the platform on a daily basis.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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In Social Marketing Shake-Up, Pinterest Doubles Number of Male Users

Content Standard

Long known as the dominant platform for reaching women through social marketing content, Pinterest has announced a shocking achievement: In the past year, its male user base has doubled. Previously, it was believed that up to 80 percent of all Pinterest users were female. But the platform’s male audience is quickly growing , suggesting that the brand’s long-term potential may be more formidable than once thought.

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Increase CRM Usage with these helpful tools


Increase CRM Usage With These Helpful Tools. By AlessandraCeresa. When implemented properly, CRM is very powerful. It can help you develop better relationships, create more targeted and personalized experiences, and, of course, help you close more deals. However, sometimes CRM usage dwindles if there are not quick and easy ways to use the platform on a daily basis.

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Content Marketing Is A Strategic Solution To A Strategic Problem

Marketing Insider Group

'One of the biggest challenges I see today with content marketing is that it is largely a tactical solution to a tactical problem. Many so-called approaches to content marketing are merely just content. Or worse, they are campaigns. An e-book is not content marketing. A landing page with content on it is not content marketing. A YouTube video of your advertising campaign is not content marketing.

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Increase CRM Usage with these helpful tools


Increase CRM Usage With These Helpful Tools. By AlessandraCeresa. When implemented properly, CRM is very powerful. It can help you develop better relationships, create more targeted and personalized experiences, and, of course, help you close more deals. However, sometimes CRM usage dwindles if there are not quick and easy ways to use the platform on a daily basis.

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Sales Effectiveness: The B2B Sales Leaders Guide

This guide is designed to help today’s B2B sales leaders ramp up their effectiveness in any economic environment.

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The Economist & Marketo: Figuring Out The Next Era of Marketing

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

'Author: Sanjay Dholakia “What a long, strange trip it has been…”. For those of you that are as old as me, you’ll instantly know that quote is from the Grateful Dead’s famous song “Truckin”. When I think of that lyric – I am not thinking about my high school days. Well, maybe a little. Mostly, I’m reflecting on just how much the science, the art, the profession of marketing has changed in recent years.

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Increase CRM Usage with these helpful tools


Increase CRM Usage With These Helpful Tools. By AlessandraCeresa. When implemented properly, CRM is very powerful. It can help you develop better relationships, create more targeted and personalized experiences, and, of course, help you close more deals. However, sometimes CRM usage dwindles if there are not quick and easy ways to use the platform on a daily basis.

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4 Steps to Determine a Winning Content Format


By Amanda Batista, Content Marketing Manager, Oracle Marketing Cloud. eBooks, infographics, and interactive quizzes – oh, my! There is a plethora of content marketing formats to choose from when considering how to bring your next big idea to the masses. It can be challenging to decide which format is going to be the most effective and valuable to your audiences.

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Increase CRM Usage with these helpful tools


Increase CRM Usage With These Helpful Tools. By AlessandraCeresa. When implemented properly, CRM is very powerful. It can help you develop better relationships, create more targeted and personalized experiences, and, of course, help you close more deals. However, sometimes CRM usage dwindles if there are not quick and easy ways to use the platform on a daily basis.

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Best Practices to Boost Marketing Efficiency while Decreasing Cost Per Sale

Speaker: Kristin Hess - Senior Product Marketing Manager, Drift; Will Lyon - Head of Vertical Marketing, 6sense

The past three years have forced nearly every industry to rethink their prospect and customer engagement strategy. But while we’ve all been thrust into digital transformation, we haven’t all made the transition efficiently. Now that we know digital selling is the new norm, how can we ensure our website is doing as much of the leg work as possible for us - even in the midst of economic challenges?

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10 Tips to Plan B2B Content Marketing and Maximize Lead Generation


'As we come close to wrapping up this year, much has been said and done (again) about the importance and usefulness of content marketing. “Content is King”, “Content is Queen”, “Content is the Oxygen for Digital Marketing”, and so on. So here is a fairly obvious statistic from the B2B 2015 Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends Study by Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs: 70% of B2B marketers are producing more content this year than last year.

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Increase CRM Usage with these helpful tools


Increase CRM Usage With These Helpful Tools. By AlessandraCeresa. When implemented properly, CRM is very powerful. It can help you develop better relationships, create more targeted and personalized experiences, and, of course, help you close more deals. However, sometimes CRM usage dwindles if there are not quick and easy ways to use the platform on a daily basis.

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How to Explain Content Marketing to Non-Content People

Content Standard

“What do you do?” It’s a simple question that kicks off conversations at networking events, parties, and family gatherings—but it can be deceptively difficult to answer. How do you respond when non-content people ask you what your job’s about? Do you slip into marketing jargon? Do you stutter through a long-winded reply? If your attempt to explain content marketing returns blank stares and dismissive nods, then your layman’s interpretation is falling short.

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Increase CRM Usage with these helpful tools


Increase CRM Usage With These Helpful Tools. By AlessandraCeresa. When implemented properly, CRM is very powerful. It can help you develop better relationships, create more targeted and personalized experiences, and, of course, help you close more deals. However, sometimes CRM usage dwindles if there are not quick and easy ways to use the platform on a daily basis.

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The ABM Benchmark Survey

ABM gets better with age — but unfortunately, marketers don't have the luxury of pouring it into an oak barrel for a couple decades to let it mature. In a recent survey with Demand Gen Report, we found 59% of experienced practitioners (those with ABM programs more than a year old) indicated their ABM programs are meeting or greatly exceeding their expectations, while only 45% of novices (those with ABM programs less than one year old) could say the same.

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104 Fascinating Social Media and Marketing Statistics for 2014 (and 2015)


'Looking at marketing surveys and studies from the past year, a few trends are clear, among them that buyers are firmly (and increasingly) in control of the purchase cycle. They prefer searching to being found, and will often be close to their final decision point before talking to a salesperson. In response, marketers are producing an increasing amount and variety of content to support all stages of the decision process.

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Increase CRM Usage with these helpful tools


Increase CRM Usage With These Helpful Tools. By AlessandraCeresa. When implemented properly, CRM is very powerful. It can help you develop better relationships, create more targeted and personalized experiences, and, of course, help you close more deals. However, sometimes CRM usage dwindles if there are not quick and easy ways to use the platform on a daily basis.

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What is Social Media Marketing?


'For years, I struggled to explain to my mom what I do for a living. Now, I struggle to explain what I do for a living to my friends. The onus is on me because I am the expert in communications. I have been putting together my company’s capabilities deck and have really had to think about this very carefully. There are a lot of terms and many of them merge together and most of them are very complimentary.