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A Look at the Colorado Privacy Act: Predictions on the Future of User Data Protection


This past July, Colorado passed the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) , making it the fourth state to enact comprehensive privacy legislation in the US, after California, Nevada, and Virginia. 1 July 2023. 1 January 2023. 1 January 2020 / 1 January 2023. What Do All These Privacy Laws Have in Common? 25 May 2018.

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The State of Global Privacy Legislation with Adam Woods, COO


From industry giants like Google and Apple adapting new policies and technologies for consumer privacy, as well as comprehensive US state privacy laws and a push for national legislation, data privacy is here to stay. Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). State laws.

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An Overview of GA4’s New Privacy Features (And Their Impact On Testing)


But, before you follow suit and kiss GA4 goodbye, let me tell you it isn’t all bad, at least as far as user privacy is concerned. GA4 is taking privacy to the next level, supporting Google’s ‘Privacy by Design’ initiative. Read on as we’re taking a deep dive into what GA4 offers when it comes to privacy features.

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