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Survey Finds Growth in Pipelines and Sales Cycles for B2B Lead.

Industrial Marketing Today

So the waterfall concept is Inquiry > MQL > SAL > SQO > Close. Given the current state of the economy, I find companies in the industrial sector only recognizing SAL’s and SQO’s.

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How To Enable B2B Content Bingeing


It wasn’t long ago that the term digital body language was coined by Paul Teshima and Steve Woods, co-founders of Eloqua and We consistently end up way ahead of our Marketing-driven SQO goals. Traditional lead scoring models don’t take time into account. And that’s a big problem.

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Forrester Report: The Birth Of The B2B Consumer


As a result of this approach, they saw a 30% lift in MQL to SQO conversion rates. In order to boost customer adoption and retention rates, they launched a universe of always-on educational content using a sophisticated technology stack including Eloqua and PathFactory to help new customers self-educate faster and more easily.