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Survey Finds Growth in Pipelines and Sales Cycles for B2B Lead.

Industrial Marketing Today

Company news and industry SIC codes tied for third. He also said, “Use of information from social media sources and web mining is growing as sales professionals are looking to leverage every piece of intelligence they can find to help progress deals.&# Wait a minute, isn’t that what Content or Inbound marketing is all about?

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High-Performance Email Marketing for Attracting and Engaging.

Industrial Marketing Today

Go beyond the high-level demographics of SIC/NAICS codes and company size. an industrial and business-to-business (B2B) marketing communications company in Houston, Texas. And that begins with thinking like an investigative reporter by asking the 4Ws and the 1H questions. He is the Founder & President of Tiecas, Inc. –

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How Lack of Marketing Content Can Derail Your Website Redesign Project

Industrial Marketing Today

I mean dig deeper than just the demographics like company size, job title, SIC code etc. an industrial and business-to-business (B2B) marketing communications company in Houston, Texas. Don’t be persona non grata – take the time to really understand the persona of the target audience.