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Online Reputation Management: Using SEO to Defend Your Online Brand & Reputation

Astroturfing – Or The Art of Masquerading. + A new subdivision of Public Relations, largely the offspring of SEO, is the field of reputation management. This new type of public relations activity addresses the matter of negative search engine results, which can be devastating to e-Commerce success.

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Best practices for social media shilling


A venerable tradition in public relations is the grass-roots campaign. These fake grass roots campaigns, called astroturfing, caught on about ten years ago and still haven’t died out. . Well, from 2003-2006 I was in the astroturfing business. From astroturfing to shilling to DoS attacks to brute-force hacking.

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I was a teenage Russian troll OG


I haven’t at all since I left NMS in 2006 and I don’t even know if NMS continued doing it themselves since there was a lot of heat from the FTC and organizations like WOMMA, PRSA, and the lot to not astroturf or misrepresent oneself. If there was even a hint of “ Witch!