
Redefining the CDP: 8 Data-Driven Designs for Successful Customer Journeys

In this guide, discover 8 use cases for how a customer data platform can tackle common challenges faced by marketing, commerce, service, and sales teams. With helpful diagrams and simple explanations in each use case, see how Salesforce’s CDP, Data Cloud for Marketing, powers personalized, real-time experiences across marketing, with capabilities that include: Optimizing ad spend Powering dynamic website content Increasing upselling and cross-selling Resolving service cases with marketing data B

Customizing for Every Customer: How 1:1 Personalization Drives ROI

Personalization has moved beyond segmentation. It’s now a proven strategy to transform customer relationships, drive business growth, and increase marketing ROI. In this eBook, Salesforce explores why it’s important to communicate with your customer as an individual and how you can: Create personalized experiences across channels with data, AI, and machine learning Increase the ROI of every site visit Build customer loyalty with trust By submitting this form, you agree to have your contact infor

Can Businesses Meet Increasing Consumer Expectations?

According to 3BL and TriplePundit’s Consumer Insights & Sustainability Benchmark two-thirds of U.S. adults actively seek and follow sustainability issues. This leaves room for businesses to fill in the gaps currently seen between consumer expectations and corporate ESG communication. This research reveals what issues consumers care about and how businesses can tailor their communications to different segments of consumers.

What Consumers Are Saying About ESG – And What That Means for Your Business

A growing body of evidence shows that environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives are important to business growth. And it all relies on a simple fact: ESG issues matter to consumers. Consumers see businesses as crucial change agents and are willing to take their business to the competition if their current brand comes up short on ESG. In pursuit of identifying where such trends are today, 3BL Media and TriplePundit partnered with the research technology firm Glow to survey 3,648 U.S.

Sales Effectiveness: The B2B Sales Leader's Guide


This guide is designed to help today’s B2B sales leaders ramp up their effectiveness in any economic environment.

The ABM Benchmark Survey


ABM gets better with age — but unfortunately, marketers don't have the luxury of pouring it into an oak barrel for a couple decades to let it mature. In a recent survey with Demand Gen Report, we found 59% of experienced practitioners (those with ABM programs more than a year old) indicated their ABM programs are meeting or greatly exceeding their expectations, while only 45% of novices (those with ABM programs less than one year old) could say the same.

Contact vs. Company Intent Signal Data

Contact and company intent data both have their advantages. Contact-level intent leads can be acted on immediately to reach active buyers, while company-level leads improve outcomes for account-based marketing and other programs. This infographic unpacks the advantages of both contact and company data and gives details about how B2B marketers can benefit from both.

Which ESG Topics Get the Most Attention?

People are focusing on how companies are responding to the headline issues of the day, says a report from 3BL Media on evolving interests in ESG subjects, which also found a mismatch between the stories brands publish and topics audiences want. So which emerging sustainability & ESG topics garner more audience attention? Download the guide to find out!

Marketing-Led COVID-19 Growth Strategies: 2022 and Beyond


More than two years into the pandemic, COVID-19 is far from over. Businesses are tasked with beating pre-pandemic numbers, making marketing more essential than ever before. This is your chance to create unprecedented brand awareness, bring in the best leads sales has ever seen, and play an instrumental role in generating new and existing business revenue.

7 Ways to Supercharge Your ABM Strategy with Real-Time Intent


Learn how capturing buyers’ search behavior in real time can shorten your sales cycle.

Digitizing Logistics: Harness the Power of Data in 4 Steps


Entering a new demand gen position in a volatile market is nerve-wracking. All eyes are on you to make an impact — fast. That’s where your data comes in. In demand generation, data is essential for knowing who you should target and how. In this eBook, you’ll learn how to identify and target your ideal prospects — when they’re most receptive to hearing your message — using different types of data.

Learn Today, Sell Tomorrow: Increasing ROI & Conversions Through Search Metrics

On average, seven out of ten online shoppers utilize a website's search bar. Website owners not using their search bars to their full capabilities are missing out on prime opportunities to boost their conversion. Search metrics can drive buyer conversion by helping website owners learn from their online visitors, allowing eCommerce merchandisers and digital marketers to create, adapt, and execute an effective marketing strategy with help from the data collected by an onsite search bar.

7 Trends in ESG: What PR Pros Need to Know in 2023

What does the evolution of ESG programs mean for communicators? As it turns out - a lot. New challenges are coming into focus, driven by the increasing attention to corporate sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) programs, and the evolving state of ESG reporting regulations. This new ebook from 3BL Media explores seven trends in detail and unpacks what they mean for communicators.

6 Steps to Optimize Your Media Buys

When making media decisions, marketers need to get — and show — results for everything they do. As budgets come under more scrutiny, it’s never been more important to get a handle on your media — and ultimately make everything you do more effective. It’s also an opportunity to innovate, lead, and rethink the way your company uses media. In this media optimization guide, you will learn: 6 key steps to plan and pace your media buys.

6 Proven B2B Marketing Strategies and How to Use Them

What happens when strong partnerships, cross-channel strategies, and compelling content come together in a B2B marketing campaign? Happier customers. Higher revenue. A healthier bottom line. Get an in-depth look into six successful B2B marketing campaigns across a wide range of industries. You'll learn: Tips for inspiring your own strategy. How to make the most of every campaign.

Your Ultimate Guide to the Trends Shaping Marketing Data

In Salesforce’s latest Marketing Intelligence Report, hear from 2,500+ global marketers on how they are leading with their data, from business growth to data privacy and more. In this report, you’ll learn: How marketers define their roles in the digital-first era. How marketers are adapting to a privacy-focused data ecosystem. The role of data in marketing-led growth and customer experiences.

Intent Signal Data 101

“B2B buyers spend just 15% of their time interacting with brands before making a purchase decision” (Gartner). That means B2B marketers miss out on 85% of a buyer’s journey! How can B2B marketers reach active buyers sooner in the sales cycle and influence their purchase decisions? Intent signal data can help. But there are many intent signal data options and many confusing terms used to describe them.

Roadblocks to Delivering a Competitive Buying Experience

Why are buyer-facing teams struggling and what can be done about it? Today’s buying experience is extremely challenging to navigate––with a plethora of choices, easy access to research, and competing (often contradictory) voices chiming in. Buyers struggle with being overwhelmed, indecision, and trusting the information that’s presented to them. For a buyer-facing team, the struggle is also real.