The B2B Marketing Zone Stay At Home Reading List

In April 2020, we reached out to our subscribers and asked for book, ebook, and article recommendations so that we could create a reading list that would be useful during your time at home. We hope this list will help you find something new to read and give you useful knowledge to help you grow in your professional life!


Audience, Jeffrey Rohrs.

“A great new way of looking at who and how we market.” -Kerry Gilliam

Start With Why, Simon Sinek.

“It’s a really good read for marketing and for life, in general.” -Lea Johnson

Cure for the Common Life, Max Lucado.

“An excellent book for anyone considering if they are in the right position.” -Carl Schneider

Building a Story Brand, Donald Miller.

“This book really inspired me to look at the language of our marketing campaign and focus on leading our clients to their ultimate goals. According to Donald Miller, marketing copy should read like the plot of a great movie. It should recognize the problem your customer is facing and guide them toward a plan that calls them to action. It teaches you how to become the hero in your client’s story. I was able to take this method and refocus our messaging, both for our external and internal marketing, and it has made quite a difference in our brand perception and employee morale!” -Bonalyn Boyd

B2B Data-Driven Marketing: Sources, Uses, Results, Ruth P. Stevens and Theresa Kushner.

“We wrote it because in business markets, where order sizes are huge, but the number of customers is limited, data about customers and prospects is an essential marketing resource. So we explain what kind of data you need to have in your database, where to get it, how to keep it clean and complete, and how to use it to drive business results. The first chapter is available as a free download at the book website.” -Ruth Stevens

Lovemarks, Kevin Roberts.

“I am reading this book not because it has been gifted to me by my CMO, but it beautifully describes how sometimes in marketing we are more inclined towards logic than emotion. It's proven that humans cannot make decisions if we take out the ability to be emotional and be rational. Sometimes emotions can make a big impact - so, give it a chance.” -Aditya Todawal

Virtual Culture, Bryan Miles.

Blue Ocean Shift: Beyond Competing, Renee Mauborgne and W. Chan Kim.

Upstream, Dan Heath.


Is Field Marketing Dead?, Usman Sheikh.

“An insightful, quick read, exploring the increasingly ambiguous role of field marketers given the current remote work environment. This blog highlights pertinent issues that concern organizations’ field marketing teams including questions such as mass layoffs and provides solutions such as deploying their skill sets towards Account-Based Marketing and adopting technology to kick start their transformation towards digital mediums immediately. Great read!” -Hasan Ayub

Going Virtual with Gianni Giacomelli, Usman Sheikh.

“Offering visionary insights from an MIT Head of Innovation Design, Gianni Giacomelli and Usman Sheikh, CEO of xiQ Inc, Account-Based Marketing platform, this blog is centered around important discussion points such as growing importance of Artificial Intelligence in a remote work environment, how to leverage data networks to understand buyers, and how to connect at a personal level with individuals in a virtual setting. This blog is an enjoyable read offering companies futuristic advice to adapt, evolve, and to not look back if they are to thrive in the post-COVID world.” -Hasan Ayub