Sat.Jan 19, 2013 - Fri.Jan 25, 2013

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How Technology on the Trade Show Floor Can Help Your Sales Team Work Smarter and Sell More


Tweet Trade shows and conferences are still the biggest areas of investment for marketers, according to the most recent MarketingSherpa B2B Marketing Benchmark Report. And, as we marketers have embraced digital, the value of face-to-face interactions has increased. There really isn’t a digital replacement for shaking someone’s hand or reading their body language and all the other benefits of human interaction.

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Top 50 B2B Marketing Influencers On Twitter

Marketing Insider Group

Who are the top B2B Marketing influencers on twitter? To answer this question, I looked at a variety of factors including twitter followers, profiles that included “B2B marketing,” the focus of their tweets including the hashtag # B2BMarketing , as well as a variety of social scoring tools using the keyword. Earlier this month, I released the 20 B2B Marketing Blogs you need to read.

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Don’t Blame Facebook: 10 Reasons Low Conversion Rates Are YOUR Fault

Buzz Marketing for Technology

Posted in Advertising Applications Branding Content Marketing Customer Experience Facebook Inbound Marketing Listening Personalization Social Media. So, you’re one of the seemingly millions of brands out there using Facebook to lure people over to your website. Chances are you’ve viewed recent reports about Facebook’s surprisingly low activity rates (“Only 1% of people who like a Facebook page ever go back to that page”) as vindication of what you’ve always su

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Eight ways B2B market research differs from B2C


Warning. Market research can be bad for your health. It can actively hurt business performance by drawing misleading conclusions. Conclusions which fail to consider the full picture, which focus on the obvious rather than delving deep or which are simply based on faulty information. The result is bad decisions. Research can also passively hurt business performance by not driving action.

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4 Simple Decisions to Unlock Your Post-Cookie Targeting Strategy

The rise of AI and the fall of the cookie are profoundly changing programmatic advertising. With Chrome’s third-party cookie deprecation looming, the industry must adapt. With an overwhelming array of new and old technologies, many advertisers feel uncertain about how to proceed. Dstillery CEO, Michael Beebe, outlines a straightforward 4-step approach to streamline and enhance your post-cookie targeting strategy: Leverage first-party data.

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Infusionsoft Gains $54 Million for Small Business Marketing Automation, Spends a Bunch on GroSocial

Customer Experience Matrix

Infusionsoft today announced it has acquired social lead generation vendor GroSocial. This comes two weeks after Infusionsoft raised $54 million in new funding. GroSocial is an interesting acquisition: about it three years old, it has about 20 employees and more than 25,000 customers. Starting price is $30 per month after a 30 day free trial. The system makes it easy for small business to generate leads through social marketing campaigns and track results.

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7 Blogging Mistakes B2B Marketers Make

Digital B2B Marketing

We have all seen the lackluster corporate blog. Some days, I wonder what went wrong. Others, I wonder why they thought they could get it right. Corporate blogs are increasingly standard in B2B organizations. Some companies even have an entire suite of blogs. However, for every great corporate blog, there are a dozen corporate blogs that just shouldn’t be.

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Perspective on the B2B Demand Generation Benchmark Survey Report

KoMarketing Associates

Last October, KoMarketing Associates announced the launch of research consultancy Software Advice’s B2B Demand Generation Benchmark Survey. Software Advice’s Managing Editor Ashley Verrill shared some of the charts and information highlighting results of the survey. In a poll of 155 primarily C-level marketing experts, social media received the largest percentage of votes for demand generation channels that marketers will spend more on in 2013.

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Why Sales Leads are an Asset With a Declining Value…for Some


James Obermayer, Executive Director and CEO of the Sales Lead Management Association and President of Sales Leakage Consulting is a regular guest blogger with ViewPoint. Salespeople often complain about receiving enough new leads, but are short on answers about the leads you gave them, now aging and becoming potentially less valuable. I remember Dan Rogers, the president of SmartLead by AdTrack, stating that sales leads are one of the few assets marketing creates that have a declining value mont

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Google Authorship is Changing the Game for SEO and Digital Marketing


Image via CrunchBase. Google Authorship is making big waves in the SEO and digital marketing worlds. Potentially showing your smiling face to searchers might sound like a gimmick, but it can establish trust with readers while improving CTR and can even redirect people back to more of your content. Eventually, possibly within the year, Authorship will contribute to Google’s Author Rank.

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WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook 2024

Elevate your webinar game with WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook! Packed with insights from our seasoned webinar experts, this comprehensive guide is your go-to resource for mastering the art of B2B webinars. Learn the fundamentals, from defining webinars to exploring their benefits and diverse use cases. Discover the key elements of running a successful webinar, avoiding common mistakes, and making your sessions more engaging.

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Eight ways B2B market research differs from B2C


'Warning. Market research can be bad for your health. It can actively hurt business performance by drawing misleading conclusions. Conclusions which fail to consider the full picture, which focus on the obvious rather than delving deep or which are simply based on faulty information. The result is bad decisions. Research can also passively hurt business performance by not driving action.

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Content Marketing with Blogs: 6 Steps to Writing Awesome Fresh Content

Writing on the Web

6 Steps to Writing Awesome Fresh Content" src="[link] width="256" height="170" title="Content Marketing with Blogs: 6 Steps to Writing Awesome Fresh Content" />What private Hell do you go through to write fresh blog content ? How do you pick a blog topic that will score with search engines AND solve a problem your target audience frequently has? Do you scour the dungeon of your mind for new slants on old stuff?

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Survey Shows B2B Marketers Will Prioritize Email Marketing, SEO, Social Media in 2013

Anything Goes Marketing

This is a guest post from CRM Analyst Ashley Verrill. This is the first ever guest post on this blog in its seven year existence so you know the content is going to be good. Much of this verifies what I've been saying for years but it's always good to see this data for yourself for a sanity check. For example, before you go upload that list of emails that you just bought, read the data below.

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New developments in B2B marketing list acquisition


Photo credit: Wikipedia. To reach cold prospects among business audiences, sales and marketing teams often begin by developing a list of prospective targets. Marketers can find just about every target company, title and job function they need from traditional list suppliers. Plus, the Internet has made possible the introduction of some excellent new opportunities for identifying prospects at various stages of the buying cycle.

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The Top 3 Tips for Writing Successful White Papers

In the B2B marketing toolkit, white papers can be a powerful option for reaching decision-makers and experts, presenting them with interesting information that improves their perception of your organization's competence and thought leadership. That said, a poorly executed whitepaper will not only be unable to influence your desired audience but will also come with significant costs that other assets won't incur.

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Taking Stock of Your Lead Management Process: 5 Key Questions

The Point

Key to designing an effective lead nurturing program is taking stock of your current lead management process. By asking the right questions, you’ll not only uncover additional opportunities for improvement, but the information will play a key role in defining critical issues of workflow – for example: segmentation, frequency, and offer strategy. Note: it’s critically important that representatives from your sales organization have a seat at the table for this initial discovery process – not just

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Marketers…We Still Have Work to Do


Last week, I had the privilege to serve as one of the presenters at the inaugural Interact13 event, a conference focusing on content marketing, social media, and other interactive marketing media for the B2B and B2C marketer. Some of my co-presenters were Joe Pulizzi of Content Marketing Institute , Joel Book from Exact Targe t and John Fimiani from Oxiem.

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3 Steps to Using Data in an Imperfect Data World

Digital B2B Marketing

Data is reinventing the online advertising market. Today, algorithmic media buying is one of the fastest growing areas in online advertising and without data, it wouldn’t even exist. This isn’t just a consumer advertising trend, increasingly B2B advertising is being driven by data as well. However, the problem with online data is it is inherently dirty.

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Marketers still need to learn some basic HTML


I have recently been blogging for the Huffington Post and they use Six Apart ‘s Movable Type blogging platform. Moveable Type was my second blogging platform after converting from Noah Grey’s Greymatter that I started using back in 2000. Even in 2013, the Huffington Post’s blogger interface doesn’t offer a Rich Text Editor so writing in familiar WYSIWYG isn’t possible there.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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9 Common Excuses for NOT Testing

Direct Response Coach

Testing is one of the most-preached and least-practiced activities in marketing. What is your excuse for not testing? Everyone pays lip service to testing, but how many actually do it? Very few, in my opinion. The only marketers who actually use testing on a consistent basis are those who depend on direct response (including advertising, [.].

Opinions 126
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The New Skill Every Social Media Marketer Must Possess

Convince & Convert

In The NOW Revolution , Amber Naslund and I predicted that social media would become a skill rather than a job. As companies take more steps to “be” social, and incorporate social business initiatives alongside the more common and obvious social media marketing programs, employees from all divisions and departments will utilize “social” to be more effective, the same way they have historically used telephones, email and in-person meetings.

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SEO is Dead. Long Live SEO!

B2B Marketing Traction

Remember the days when SEO was king? Way back when we optimized for Inktomi and Overture? Later when we had to create reciprocal links to appease Google, now a frowned-upon practice? I have news for you. It’s over. SEO as we knew it is dead. But, long live SEO, because it’s re-emerged through SMO. Social media optimization is the art of optimally using social media platforms to increase awareness of a product, service, event or brand.

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3 important SEO metrics to pay attention to


Photo credit: Search Engine People Blog. The most important thing to keep in mind when first launching an SEO campaign is that SEO is a long term process. Unlike other marketing campaigns, there is no such thing as overnight SEO success. Once a site has been optimized it can take many months of link building , content marketing, and social media activity to begin to see some improvement.

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The Resurgence of Direct Mail as a Growth Marketing Strategy

Speaker: Jeff Tarran, COO, Gunderson Direct & Margaret Pepe, Executive Director of Product Management, U.S. Postal Service

Learn the secrets to direct mail success for growth marketers! Industry veterans Jeff Tarran and Margaret Pepe are here to delve into how direct mail has completely evolved in recent years, and has rightfully earned a seat at the table alongside the email and digital marketing plans of SMBs, enterprise companies, and agencies as they look into strategy for 2024 and beyond.

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10 Essential Reads for the Modern Marketer: New Inspiration & Timeless Classics

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

by Jason Miller As a modern marketer it is vital to stay on top of current trends and brush up on forgotten or underutilized skills. In my last blog post I was asked by several folks what books I am currently reading and what books I recommend to become a better writer. As I mentioned, becoming a better writer starts with the basics, but you also need some inspiration and ideas along the way.

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The Critical Interplay Between Social and Search

Convince & Convert

Rand Fishkin, SEOmoz @randfish. Rand Fishkin , Founder and CEO of SEOmoz , joins the Social Pros Podcast this week to discuss content calendar and community management at SEOmoz, the rumors of Google’s Author Rank, and the future of Facebook’s new Graph Search feature. Read on for some of the highlights and tweetable moments, or listen to the full podcast.

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6 Basic Social Media Results You Need to Track

B2B Marketing Traction

When you implement social media marketing, you should track the results you get. Start with the basics as described below. You can use a spreadsheet, with the following metrics in columns and a row for each week of the year. Over time, you’ll be able to see (and show) the increase (or decrease) in each metric. 1. mozRank. mozRank is on a scale of 1 to 10 and is SEOmoz’s 10-point measure of link authority and popularity.

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Attack of the Customers Press Release

Paul Gillin

I’ve read thousands of press releases over the years but don’t believe I ever wrote one until now. It was more difficult than I expected! Links and tweets are appreciated, but Amazon reviews will get you undying devotion. New Book Explores Recent Epidemic Of Online Customer Assaults on Businesses. ‘Attack of the Customers’ Helps Marketers and Business Owners Manage and Prevent Reputation Threats Carried on Blogs and Social Networks.

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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission

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Buying Marketing Automation Software: A Best Practice Process

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

by Jon Miller So you’ve decided to buy a marketing automation solution. Now you need to select the right vendor for your company. Of course, we think Marketo is almost always the best solution—yes, we’re biased. But here’s an unbiased process you can follow to maximize the chances you’ll buy the marketing automation software that is right for your company.

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Why You Shouldn’t Do Content Marketing

Convince & Convert

Image via. I’m guilty. There. An odd way to come out of the 2013 gate, I admit, but the truth will set you free, right? Intent to harm doesn’t factor into this crime. In fact, until now, I wasn’t even aware of my wrongdoing. My admission now: I’ve been talking some of my clients into doing content marketing. I can’t stop myself. I believe in content marketing.

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SEO FYI: 5 B2B SEO Mistakes to Avoid

MLT Creative

If you’re a B2B marketer and want to improve your website traffic, inbound marketing should be a required component of your marketing plan and budget in the upcoming year. As the costs of paid search. MLT Creative B2B Ideas @ Work Blog. Our ideas, musings, thoughts, reviews on b2b marketing topics.

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