Sat.Oct 09, 2010 - Fri.Oct 15, 2010

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What’s the Best Social Media Monitoring Tool? It Depends


Until fairly recently, keeping track of your organization’s online presence was relatively easy. Other than your company’s website, most mentions were likely in well-known online news sites or trade industry publication sites. Your PR team was aware of most of these as it often had a hand in generating those placements. A simple tool like Google Alerts would pick up most stray citations.

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Are Marketers Measuring Their Success or Someone Else’s?


Everyone’s getting squeezed for ROI. This is nothing new but the pressure is even higher for marketers who are looking at proving their revenue contribution. We've all heard the stories about the accolade-winning marketing campaigns that didn't move the sales needle. CEOs want far more than just awards and pretty brochures. They want proven results.


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Fractional Response Attribution is Worse Than Nothing

Customer Experience Matrix

Summary: Should companies apply fractional revenue attribution when more sophisticated methods are impractical? I think not: it gives inaccurate results that could result in bad decisions. Better to avoid financial measures at all if you can't do them properly. I spent most of the past week in San Francisco at overlapping conferences for the Direct Marketing Association and Marketo.

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Be A Hero: Choose Appointment Setting for Your Next Campaign

Marketing Insider Group

Skip to content Home About Michael Brenner Appearances B2B Marketing Insider Michael Brenner's Blog on B2B Marketing Content Marketing Demand Generation Mobile Sales Alignment Search Marketing Social Media Strategy October 12, 2010 9 Subscribe Be A Hero: Choose Appointment Setting for Your Next Campaign Share With all of the discussion on marketing and sales alignment, I thought it made sense to bring in a sales perspective and guidance to the site.

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4 Simple Decisions to Unlock Your Post-Cookie Targeting Strategy

The rise of AI and the fall of the cookie are profoundly changing programmatic advertising. With Chrome’s third-party cookie deprecation looming, the industry must adapt. With an overwhelming array of new and old technologies, many advertisers feel uncertain about how to proceed. Dstillery CEO, Michael Beebe, outlines a straightforward 4-step approach to streamline and enhance your post-cookie targeting strategy: Leverage first-party data.

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21 Tips & Other Impressions from the Marketo User Summit

The Point

Earlier this week, Marketo , the marketing automation company, held its second ever user conference in San Francisco. As a Marketo agency partner, I attended along with colleagues from Spear Marketing Group to greet clients, talk shop, and hear how other companies – including Marketo themselves – are putting technology to use in the service of improved lead management.

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Should we stop marketing to the CIO?

Chris Koch

Technology marketers have spent the last 25 years trying to get and keep the attention of the people with their hands on the technology tiller inside multi-billion dollar organizations, CIOs. And for nearly that long, pundits have been predicting that the CIO role would become extinct, and that the strategic decisions about technology would be subsumed into the business.

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Why Is Search…So…Darn…Hard!

Marketing Insider Group

Skip to content Home About Michael Brenner Appearances B2B Marketing Insider Michael Brenner's Blog on B2B Marketing Content Marketing Demand Generation Mobile Sales Alignment Search Marketing Social Media Strategy October 14, 2010 16 Subscribe Why Is Search…So…Darn…Hard?! Share If you’re in digital marketing, you know what I mean just reading the title.

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The 7 Principles of Buyer Experience Journey Mapping

Tony Zambito

Image by hyku via Flickr. A few years ago at the first mPlanet conference ever held, I had the opportunity to listen to  and speak with Dan Henson who was then GE’s Chief Marketing Officer for all of GE’s divisions.  The topic that day was "How World Class Organizations Innovate in B2B Markets."  It sparked a personal journey and quest around a simple phrase that Dan discussed back then: identifying how customers buy.  I began to use this phrase quite

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Neuroscientists Discover “WIIFM” Center in Brain…

Writing on the Web

Through the magic of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), neuroscientists are able to look inside the brains of consumers while reading marketing messages. Copywriters and content marketers have been telling us for years how important it is to address the “ what’s in it for me &# filter in consumers’ minds. Really Big News : They’ve found this WIIFM center located in the old brain !

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WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook 2024

Elevate your webinar game with WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook! Packed with insights from our seasoned webinar experts, this comprehensive guide is your go-to resource for mastering the art of B2B webinars. Learn the fundamentals, from defining webinars to exploring their benefits and diverse use cases. Discover the key elements of running a successful webinar, avoiding common mistakes, and making your sessions more engaging.

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Is a Blog Just a Container?

B2B Memes

Photo courtesy Haags Uitburo. Today I came across a comment from Adam Tinworth on the reignited debate, in certain UK circles at least, over whether bloggers can be legitimate journalists. This debate—fairly one-sided in favor of blogs—was set off by the probably unscripted speechifying of British journalist - historian Andrew Marr. In reflecting on this latest blogger brushoff, Adam Smith approvingly quoted Tinworth’s comment on Twitter that “you can do journalism on a blog” and that Marr is “m

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A Personal Plea for Building Relationships

NuSpark Consulting

I thought I’d take a fresh approach to my blog this week, and discuss what I’m really about: building relationships by caring about results. Three things happened this week that lead me to write about this topic: 1. I started researching a topic and came across what I usually find: myriads of articles and blog posts on “how-to,&# “Top 7 reasons,&# “14 ways to,&# “The ultimate guide,&# “the essential guide.&# They all started to look alike.

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B2B Marketing Summit Shows Old Problems Persist

The Effective Marketer

The Effective Marketer Effectiveness is a discipline and it can be learned Home About the Effective Marketer Books Speaking B2B Marketing Summit Shows Old Problems Persist So it seems MarketingSherpa’s B2B Summit 2010 is over and from what I read in their wrap up post , the same old problems plaguing marketers for the last 5 years are still here today.

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Content Marketing Biases: Your Attitude Is Showing

Writing on the Web

How biased are you about peoples’ faces, ages, skin tone, body size, ethic origins? Scientists know that our attitudes and prejudices are subconscious. We may think we’re fair and all-inclusive , but our brains operate surreptitiously, sending us intuitive messages that influence our speech, our decisions and our behavior… and if you’re a content marketer, it will permeate the content you write !

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The Top 3 Tips for Writing Successful White Papers

In the B2B marketing toolkit, white papers can be a powerful option for reaching decision-makers and experts, presenting them with interesting information that improves their perception of your organization's competence and thought leadership. That said, a poorly executed whitepaper will not only be unable to influence your desired audience but will also come with significant costs that other assets won't incur.

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1-Page SWOT Analysis with Action Items

B2B Marketing Traction

Tweet. A SWOT Analysis may have a simple presentation, but the analysis is the hard part. My clients have really appreciated this 1-page SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis with Action items. One CEO included it in her presentation to investors because it very clearly and transparently showed the company’s situation and what we planned to do to grow the business.

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Inbound Marketing Summit: Video Highlights

Smashmouth Marketing

This past week at the Inbound Marketing Summit, all the sessions were broadcast live by The Pulse Network. Below is the clip of our session with Chris Brogan on Lead Generation. For the time constrained can find my contributions at time spots: 4:50, 19:48 and 26:30 ;).

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The Lure of a Dying Profession

B2B Memes

I saw pale kings and princes too / Pale warriors, death-pale were they all. On his Guardian blog today, Roy Greenslade noted a curious phenomenon involving current journalism students. Though they don’t actually read newspapers or use other traditional media, nearly all want to work for these declining mainstream outlets rather than pursue new-media and entrepreneurial opportunities.

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Writing Well: A Little More Authenticity, Please…

Writing on the Web

How do you go into someone’s office (or send them an email if you’re working virtually) and request them to “put a little more authenticity into your writing, please?&# Sure, marketing is vastly improved when it sounds authentic. All the trend data shows that people prefer doing business with authentic brands and authentic professionals.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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Impressive Marketo User Summit


At this week’s Marketo Summit , I realized we’re right in the middle of B2B Marketing Event Season. MarketingSherpa’s B2B Marketing Summit was last week, Pardot’s user conference was 2 weeks ago, and the Eloqua Experience is coming up next week. In this post I’m giving a short impression of the Marketo Summit. The Marketo User Summit was BIG: 600 customers and partners were attending.

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Unskewing the Web: Curators as filters


Image by prettyflower via Flickr. by Aaron Kim. This is my final post on the skewed Web. In the early days of Web 2.0 awareness, much was said about the new —now old—Web being all about participation: in the age of User-Generated Content , everybody and their mother became a publisher, leveling the playing field. An independent blogger could potentially be more influential than a New York Times columnist, and the role of editors in identifying and promoting relevant content would be

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How Size Matters in the Social Media ROI Debate

Convince & Convert

Tweet Guest post by Simon Gornick , a content consultant specializing in short form slogans, and owner of The Tagline Machine. ROI in social media is a luxury. And the only brands that can accept that are likely to be big ones with multi-platform marketing budgets. The larger the brand, the more likely they are to use social media without concerning themselves with its dollar ROI, when goodwill for them, is priceless.

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Emotional Attention + Memory = Content Marketing

Writing on the Web

How do you write good blog posts that connect emotionally with readers and turn them into loyal fans? Oh, heck, that’s easy. All you have to do is: Grab their attention. Get them emotionally engaged. Make a memorable impact. There you go, right? Easy-peasy. This is what you need to do whenever you write any content designed to market your products and services.

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The Resurgence of Direct Mail as a Growth Marketing Strategy

Speaker: Jeff Tarran, COO, Gunderson Direct & Margaret Pepe, Executive Director of Product Management, U.S. Postal Service

Learn the secrets to direct mail success for growth marketers! Industry veterans Jeff Tarran and Margaret Pepe are here to delve into how direct mail has completely evolved in recent years, and has rightfully earned a seat at the table alongside the email and digital marketing plans of SMBs, enterprise companies, and agencies as they look into strategy for 2024 and beyond.

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Business Marketer’s Secrets to Content Marketing Success

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

You’ve created a new white paper. Now what? Posting it on your website is just the beginning. It’s time to do more with less effort, and get the most out of every piece of content you create. In a recent webinar which Marketo conducted with MarketingProfs, we looked at the tips and tricks you will need to develop a powerful content marketing strategy.

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Mind the Gap between Marketing and Value


Image via Wikipedia. I was in London last week, reminding me how I always like the simple phrase that asks you to be careful as you step from the Underground subway car to the platform, "Mind the Gap." But I think marketers need to mind a different gap, the one between the frills of image marketing and real customer value. And guess who is there to teach us that lesson today?

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Are Exclusives a Good Idea? In a Word: No

Paul Gillin

Should you give exclusives to journalists? My advice on this has always been unequivocal: No. Exclusives are a bad deal for you in the long-term and make no difference to the audience you’re trying to reach. This question came up last night during a panel sponsored by the New England Venture Network on which I participated along with several business journalists.

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60 @HubSpot Employees. One Take. [video]


The HubSpot team wants to thank its customers and community for the past four awesome years of inbound marketing. Seriously, you all rock. To thank you all, a handful of HubSpotters stayed late after work to create a fun, choreographed, one-take video. It opens with our fearless leader, CEO @bhalligan and ends with the whole group together. We hope it makes you smile.

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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission

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On Quickness


When I show JotForm to someone one of the most surprising things they find about JotForm is that there is no marketing homepage. JotForm's homepage is, well, JotForm. It is the Form Builder. When you type you do not need to navigate to another page. You can start using the app (i.e. crea.

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Is Mayer's Move to Local for Google a Demotion? Not the Way I See It


I have written in a few places this week about the move that Google announced as Marissa Mayer, their front facing VP of search products, was leaving that position and taking over Google's location and local services activities. There has been widespread speculation about what this move means including many who feel that this was a demotion of sorts.

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Marrying the best of old-school conversion with content marketing

EMagine B2B Blog

Ah yes… content marketing. It’s a term we’ve been holding off on using for awhile now, because …well, call us cynical, but in our time we’ve seen a few too many newly-coined jargon terms achieve such rapid viral buzz among the blog-noscenti that no one bothers to even define them for the rest of us [.]. Tags: B2B Web Strategy Converting expanding previously addressed niches savvy conversion optimization techniques in scott’s view crafted a distinct idea and audience segment dare pub