Sat.Jun 01, 2024 - Fri.Jun 07, 2024

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How to Validate Your Messaging and Positioning to Vet Your Story | What’s Your Edge?

Vision Edge Marketing

Successful positioning and messaging are the ingredients for writing and telling your business’s story, so it engages customers, evokes emotions, and drives action. A successful story demands more than creative flair—it requires rigorous research , customer-centricity, and validation. We can take a lesson from the book of skilled authors, who frequently rely on feedback to refine their story.

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How Google Core Updates Affect Your Search Visibility

Marketing Insider Group

As a business owner, you know that staying visible on search engines is crucial for success. About 65% of Google searchers click on the organic search results they encounter, so you need to rank high to maximize web traffic and, ultimately, sales. Image Source However, Google periodically releases core updates that can significantly influence how websites rank in search results.

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5 ways to capture the voice of the customer (VoC) for category-leading positioning

Tomorrow People

Brands must position and reposition themselves to evolve with changing customer preferences and stay ahead of market trends – but without validated audience insights, their strategies risk falling flat. This is why voice of the customer data (VoC) is so important. When you learn about the opinions, desires, demands and motivations of the people who already use your product, you’re in a better position to foster brand loyalty, develop customer-centric products, and drive more sales.

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The Top Sources and Trends in B2B Website Traffic


B2B marketers have been on a wild ride over the past five years, as the economy went into and then came out of COVID-era shutdowns. How have the primary drivers of B2B website traffic changed, particularly search and social media? How do those trends vary between different segments like enterprise software, B2B professional services, and B2B healthcare?

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WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook 2024

Elevate your webinar game with WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook! Packed with insights from our seasoned webinar experts, this comprehensive guide is your go-to resource for mastering the art of B2B webinars. Learn the fundamentals, from defining webinars to exploring their benefits and diverse use cases. Discover the key elements of running a successful webinar, avoiding common mistakes, and making your sessions more engaging.

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The marketer’s guide to state data privacy laws


The 118th session of the U.S. Congress is drawing to a close and the legislators have again failed to pass a national data privacy law. This means marketers will soon have to comply with the regulations in 17 different states. Five are already in effect, 12 more will come online by October of next year. That’s 17 slightly different headaches for marketers to deal with.

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Forrester: The Sell-Side Platforms Landscape, Q2 2024


33Across has been included in Forrester's Q2 2024 report: The Sell-Side Platforms Landscape. The post Forrester: The Sell-Side Platforms Landscape, Q2 2024 appeared first on 33Across.

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The Importance of Content Marketing for Small Businesses


There are many moving parts in starting a business. As you grow, one of your biggest challenges will be figuring out how to reach your intended audience and make your brand more discoverable. The answer lies in content marketing.

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8 tips to adopt vertical marketing and drive SaaS growth


As companies prioritize “efficient growth,” vertical software has gained prominence due to its lower customer acquisition costs, higher expansion sales and stronger gross retention than its horizontal counterparts. Here’s why you should consider adapting your horizontal software to attract vertical buyers, plus essential tips to help you go vertical.

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Four US Style Guides That Every Writer Needs to Know About


There are lots of standard corporate style guides you can adopt. In this post, we share four US style guides and how best to use them. The post Four US Style Guides That Every Writer Needs to Know About appeared first on Acrolinx.

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The Top 3 Tips for Writing Successful White Papers

In the B2B marketing toolkit, white papers can be a powerful option for reaching decision-makers and experts, presenting them with interesting information that improves their perception of your organization's competence and thought leadership. That said, a poorly executed whitepaper will not only be unable to influence your desired audience but will also come with significant costs that other assets won't incur.

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The Conjoint Effect: From friends to “for you,” how creator-led content is changing social media

Sprout Social

Change is constant. That is the only certainty in life. It’s interesting how many said social media was a disruptive force to big, traditional broadcast media. That it would replace it— only to one day become just like it. Wait, what? As Avi Gandhi recently hypothesized on LinkedIn : “ In the early days of the Creator Economy, we used social platforms to connect socially.

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Boost employee advocacy adoption with Oktopost’s Social Advocacy App on Slack


Employee advocacy is the key to getting your employees to share smart, quality content across their social networks and amplify your brand message in their unique voice. However, with so many employees busy managing their day-to-day work, it can take time to figure out how to get employees to share brand content consistently. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our Social Advocacy App on Slack to help marketers prioritize social selling, employee advocacy, and employee engagement through inter

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How to transform martech and multichannel marketing for the AI era


Martech budgets are falling to historic lows just as generative AI arrives in martech stacks. So, how do marketing leaders make the case for expensive new tools while being pressured to produce profitable growth? Creating value from technology investments requires coordinating both martech and multichannel strategies. Martech at a crossroads: Rebalancing budgets and adopting generative AI Years of aggressive investment in martech have produced tech stacks that may be replete with capabilities bu

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Interactive Content: How Quizzes, Games, and Polls Make for Engaging Results

Content Marketing Institute

Host a poll. Do a quiz. Create a game. Interactive content comes in so many forms, but not enough marketers take advantage of it. Discover the possibilities, tools, and big results.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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Account-Based Marketing vs Demand Generation: Distinct but Better Together

Only B2B

Demand Gen: Casting a wide net to catch potential fish, then selecting only the best and discarding the rest. ABM: Spearfishing for a select few big fish, nurturing and feeding them. Two distinct yet powerful approaches, when combined effectively- can create a winning marketing strategy. What’s Account Based Marketing? Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a highly focused approach where marketing and sales teams collaborate to target high-value accounts rather than a broad market.

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WordPress Coming Soon Page Examples and How To Make One


Are you planning to create a ‘Coming Soon’ page for your online business? Do you want Coming Soon page examples from real-life brands for inspiration? Coming Soon pages can be a valuable asset to your content marketing strategy. They allow you to generate new leads before your page is up and improve user experience (UX) by keeping visitors informed about your new site.

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Cut through inbox clutter with personalized, high-impact email by Edna Chavira


It’s harder than ever to capture your audience’s attention in an increasingly crowded inbox. With email volumes on the rise and click-through rates declining, creating personalized, engaging content that resonates with your audience is more important than ever. That’s where the power of CDP-ESP integration comes in. By leveraging the combined strength of your customer data platform (CDP) and email service provider (ESP), you can create targeted, high-impact emails that drive re

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The rise of AI-powered SEO: Friend or foe?

SmartBrief - Marketing

Thanks to AI, machines can meticulously analyze and optimize your every click, every scroll and every query. Its impact on search engine optimization strategies cannot be overstated. But what does the future look like for AI SEO tools? Will it continue to help you climb the SERP? Or search engines will penalize your site for abusing it. Let’s discover what lies ahead for AI-driven SEO, and how you can effectively use it to keep the top spot on the search results.

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The Resurgence of Direct Mail as a Growth Marketing Strategy

Speaker: Jeff Tarran, COO, Gunderson Direct & Margaret Pepe, Executive Director of Product Management, U.S. Postal Service

Learn the secrets to direct mail success for growth marketers! Industry veterans Jeff Tarran and Margaret Pepe are here to delve into how direct mail has completely evolved in recent years, and has rightfully earned a seat at the table alongside the email and digital marketing plans of SMBs, enterprise companies, and agencies as they look into strategy for 2024 and beyond.

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5 Key Insights from the 2024 High Growth Study, Consulting Services Edition

Hinge Marketing

This year, we released the ninth edition of our High Growth Study , including a special breakout report focused on the consulting services industry. Today, we’d like to share a few highlights from that report—findings marketers and executives at consulting firms may find useful as they try to make sense of the marketplace and plan for the future. Speaking of the marketplace—for four years running, unpredictability and uncertainty have been the top concern of firms across industry.

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How Sell-Side Audience Targeting Will Ace Your Back-to-School Campaigns


As summer break winds down, students, parents, and educators need to gear up for another school year with some back-to-school shopping and planning. This busy back-to-school season represents a prime advertising opportunity across industries like retail, electronics, school/art supplies, sports equipment, tutoring services, health supplements, and more.

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SAP unveils new CX AI toolkit, consumer insights solution


Although it’s hardly surprising that SAP’s CX offering now includes an AI toolkit, the announcement could almost have been lost in the tidal wave of business AI announcements pouring out of SAP’s Sapphire conference this week. The conference showcases SAP’s main line of business which remains enterprise ERP software and the headline news is the extension of SAP’s AI copilot Joule throughout its enterprise platform and business applications.

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Microcopy – Small Words of Big Importance


Microcopy is becoming an essential part of a digital marketing strategy. Learn all about it here and how to make sure your microcopy is great. The post Microcopy – Small Words of Big Importance appeared first on Acrolinx.

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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission

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How To Measure the Value of Your Audience (in Real Money)

Content Marketing Institute

You’ve heard how important audience building is again and again. It’s one of the arguments for a content-driven marketing approach, after all. But could you describe the value of your audience in dollars? And do you know which audience members are more valuable than others? Robert Rose can — and this article shows you how.

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Embrace Reinvention To Drive Growth: Five Key Takeaways from Forrester’s B2B Summit North America 2024

Forrester B2B

It’s hard to believe that Forrester’s B2B Summit North America was almost a month ago. But wow, what an incredible week it was! The energy was palpable, and the momentum is set to carry B2B leaders and their organizations forward to growth and reinvention.

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Will genAI turn off your core consumers?


In 2023, 57% of B2C martech leaders said they planned to deploy generative AI within 24 months. Seventeen percent said they already had. A lot of executives are very excited about it. But what if consumers hate it? That, in essence, is the question Kate Muhl, VP, analyst at Gartner and a consumer Insights expert, raised in her presentation to the Gartner Symposium.

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A Guide to Marketing Content Creation


Want to create marketing content that converts? Check out our guide to marketing content creation to create content that delivers results. The post A Guide to Marketing Content Creation appeared first on Acrolinx.

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The AI-Enabled CMO: Practical Tips for Today's B2B Marketers

Speaker: Paul Slack, Vende Digital CEO

On October 11th, understand how to navigate the AI landscape confidently, turning insights into groundbreaking strategies that set you apart. Why attend? You'll learn: Practical applications/Use cases How to find and assess the right AI technology Prioritizing quick wins Mastering prompt engineering Solving marketing challenges efficiently Strategies to launch pilot programs Case studies of B2Bs building smarter businesses with AI Exclusive bonus content: Actionable frameworks to get started qui

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AIO is Poised to Change How B2B Buyers Find You


Which would you rather do? Go to Google, type in a question or search term, get back thousands of results pointing you to different websites, click through to the first few results, and scour those top-ranking webpages until you find what you’re looking for. Ask an AI-powered chatbot a question and get back a concise, curated answer. That, in a nutshell, is the compelling difference between SEO (the old tried-and-true) and AIO (which is about to turn digital marketing on its head).

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7 Components Every Lead Generation Landing Page Must Have


You’ll find one element in every B2B marketing success story: a high-quality lead is a lead that has true potential to convert. Generating high-quality leads is what all your marketing efforts come down to, and a lead generation landing page is a pivotal moment in the journey down your sales funnel. How do you evaluate how good your landing page is?

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Demand gen vs. lead gen: Have we reached a final verdict?


If you spend any amount of time among the B2B marketers on LinkedIn, you’re familiar with the arguments for and against lead generation and demand generation. Lead generation is a well-entrenched growth strategy, especially among the marketers at large enterprise organizations. They’ve now spent decades gating content assets, conducting webinars and following up with those leads to drum up business.