Sat.May 30, 2020 - Fri.Jun 05, 2020

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7 Types of Campaigns That Can Increase Customer Satisfaction and Retention


In recent years, marketing’s focus has started to shift to include customers in addition to leads. For many organizations, this shift into retention from solely acquisition has been gradual instead of dramatic. A recent Gartner survey found that on average only 18 percent of marketing budgets are focused on customer retention efforts. This is in spite of the fact that, for many businesses, existing customers account for the majority of their revenue.

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Proof of The ROI of Storytelling in Marketing?

Marketing Insider Group

Putting the customer at the center of everything your business does and cultivating an empathetic work culture are two powerful ways empathy can be used to drive business success. But, if we dig a little deeper into why empathy is so important, we can uncover one of the most effective tools in the world for connecting with people and driving results – storytelling.


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SEO for Newbies: A Brief Guide


Search engine optimization (SEO) sounds intimidating to business owners and marketing newbies. While it can be technical, and challenging to understand, there are many key components that you can manage and implement yourself. First and foremost, it’s important to understand that SEO is the process of getting your site to rank in Google. Ideally, when potential customers, clients and blog readers search for terms related to your business or website, they find you.

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Tips For Sending B2B Emails During a Crisis


As we’ve mentioned earlier, business owners are eager to get some action, but not because they have no fear — they’re pushed by necessity and stress of ensuring their company’s existence. They have employees to take care of, clients to retain and support…in other words, they carry a lot on their shoulders. So, when building your outreach, you should be extra careful about how and why you reach out to them.

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4 Simple Decisions to Unlock Your Post-Cookie Targeting Strategy

The rise of AI and the fall of the cookie are profoundly changing programmatic advertising. With Chrome’s third-party cookie deprecation looming, the industry must adapt. With an overwhelming array of new and old technologies, many advertisers feel uncertain about how to proceed. Dstillery CEO, Michael Beebe, outlines a straightforward 4-step approach to streamline and enhance your post-cookie targeting strategy: Leverage first-party data.

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12 Tips That Actually Help with Zoom Fatigue


Video calls. They’re not just a fact of remote work, but a veritable lifeline. Except when they’re not. People (especially office workers) are increasingly experiencing burnout and exhaustion from constant video conferencing, a phenomenon that’s been dubbed “Zoom fatigue.”. And it’s not just at work. In the middle of a pandemic—a time of lockdowns and quarantine and physical distancing—video calls aren’t just how people do business.

Tips 181

More Trending

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Everything You Need to Know About Keyword Research for Content Marketing


Keywords 124
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Hacking Your Way to Higher Conversion Rates


Best Practices for Conversion Driven UX Design. If your company has a website published in the public domain, chances are, you know a thing or two about conversion goals. Conversion goals help to measure marketing performance, set goals and most importantly, provide conversions for a company. On websites, conversion goals can range from lead generation to sales to even page views.

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How To Convert Your Website Visitors to Engaged Leads

Marketing Insider Group

Guest Post by Lead Generation Specialist Lauren Johnson. Content marketing drives free traffic to this website everyday. Michael Brenner posts new blog articles consistently 2-3 times per week and generates a couple thousand visitors every day – nearly a million page views every year. But what happens once Marketing Insider Group gets that traffic?

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How ZoomInfo Matches IPs to Companies While Employees Work from Home


Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s one question our account management, sales, customer support team keeps getting. It’s a question we are hearing more than any other question. “With most people working from home, how does this affect ZoomInfo’s ability to assign IPs to companies?”. After all, ZoomInfo’s products on Intent and visitor identification ( WebSights ) rely heavily on our ability to identify which IP traffic reflects which company’s consumption.

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WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook 2024

Elevate your webinar game with WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook! Packed with insights from our seasoned webinar experts, this comprehensive guide is your go-to resource for mastering the art of B2B webinars. Learn the fundamentals, from defining webinars to exploring their benefits and diverse use cases. Discover the key elements of running a successful webinar, avoiding common mistakes, and making your sessions more engaging.

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How to Present your Ideas like a Pro


Guest post by Simon Choi. Learning how to present your ideas with persuasion is an invaluable skill. Whether it’s in a team meeting, a client presentation, in a webinar or Zoom meeting (probably the most likely circumstance in the current environment), or to your peers at a conference, here’s a method and specific steps to get your audience on board with your idea.

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No More Hidden Gems: How to Hook Consumers and Avoid Travel Content Clichés


In this age where “must-see places with breathtaking views” are listed everywhere, it’s easy for travel content to get lost in the noise. Marketing copy heaves with destinations that are “state of the art,” “off the beaten path,” or “sun-kissed”—phrases with no function other than to add bloat. Some are so common that they’ve spawned satirical blog posts, such as Grumpy Traveller’s The 65 Greatest Cities of Contrasts.

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The Rules You Need To Know For Sponsored Content

Marketing Insider Group

Sponsored content, sometimes described as “native advertising,” is a controversial topic in the world of content marketing. Last week I covered the content quantity vs. content qualit y debate. So here I wanted to cover an area where I see a lot of brands getting into some trouble. The reasons for this controversy are clear: Sponsored content is often advertising masquerading as pure editorial content, which can be easily misconstrued by the audience.

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94% of B2B Companies See Sales and Marketing Improve from Data Quality Investments

KoMarketing Associates

Data and analytics have made it easier for marketers to target customers and prospects, and new research shows that B2B organizations remain dedicated to utilizing this information at their fingertips. Dun and Bradstreet recently published its “7th Annual B2B Marketing Data Report,” and statistics showed that 100% of the B2B companies that increased their investment in data quality saw overall performance gains.

B2B Sales 156
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The Top 3 Tips for Writing Successful White Papers

In the B2B marketing toolkit, white papers can be a powerful option for reaching decision-makers and experts, presenting them with interesting information that improves their perception of your organization's competence and thought leadership. That said, a poorly executed whitepaper will not only be unable to influence your desired audience but will also come with significant costs that other assets won't incur.

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Covid-19 Lessons for B2B Marketers


The global pandemic is affecting every area of our lives and our businesses today. I reached out to my longtime colleague and friend Roger McDonald , a seasoned sales and marketing executive and thoughtful observer of things B2B, to gather up his views on what’s going on and how we B2B marketers should be thinking. Roger McDonald. How do you see Covid-19 changing the nature of B2B sales and marketing going forward?

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How ZoomInfo Matches IPs to Companies While Employees Work from Home


Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s one question our account management, sales, customer support team keeps getting. It’s a question we are hearing more than any other question. “With most people working from home, how does this affect ZoomInfo’s ability to assign IPs to companies?” After all, ZoomInfo’s products on Intent and visitor identification ( WebSights ) rely heavily on our ability to identify which IP traffic reflects which company’s consumption.

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How to Know When It?s Time to Make a Strategic Pivot

Vision Edge Marketing

Triggering and unplanned events, like the healthcare crisis, occur. In some instances, we can mobilize and marshal on. Other times, we may find that moving forward requires a strategic business pivot. What does it mean to pivot? In basketball, a pivot maintains your position while creating a new angle of attack. When applied to business, this term has come to reflect the need to look for new options, move in a different direction, or to make a shift.

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Study: 70% of Marketers Using Advanced Personalization Seeing 200% ROI

KoMarketing Associates

As more marketers turn to personalization to resonate with their target audience, new research shows that it’s already paying off for those who have implemented it into their strategies. KIBO, Monetate and Certona recently came together to conduct “The Rise of Personalized Commerce” study, and their results showed that 70% of companies that use advanced personalization have already earned 200% ROI or more from it.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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Data-Driven Personalized Content | Build Customer Trust and Loyalty

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

Challenging times provide opportunities for those who seek (and see) them — opportunities for companies to show their customers and the rest of the world that they are there to help when it matters most. Sometimes the course of action is obvious, but reaching each of your customers with authentic and meaningful offers requires data-driven personalized content.

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Make your online video meeting more like “real” video


For many sales professionals, appearing on-camera in video meetings is now a big part of the job. And, it’s not something that comes naturally to most of us. Even if you perform well and the group resists talking over one another, attention will wander in online video meetings. Multiple talking heads on a small screen? That’s very different from the kind of video we’re happy to watch because everything in view has been thought through by a director or performer.

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Producing Consistent Content with Limited Resources: An Interview with Liz Wassmann of Farmer’s Fridge


Liz Wassmann, Brand Manager at Farmer’s Fridge, oversees social media, email programs, content, copy and brand partnerships for this growing food delivery start-up. Prior to Farmer’s Fridge, Liz spent time working at an ad agency creating email strategies for brands like Crate & Barrel. She also spent a couple years working in social media and writing content for big names like Randi Zuckerberg!

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How to Develop a Social Media Policy for Employees in 2020 and Beyond


A decade ago Zappo’s had a social media policy for employees that was more or less the industry standard: “Be real and use your best judgment”. Ten years ago this policy might have been enough. But with the metaphorical and literal explosion of social media, defining “best judgment” and “be real” has gotten a lot less straightforward. The need for an effective social media policy for employees, however, has become more pressing than ever.

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The Resurgence of Direct Mail as a Growth Marketing Strategy

Speaker: Jeff Tarran, COO, Gunderson Direct & Margaret Pepe, Executive Director of Product Management, U.S. Postal Service

Learn the secrets to direct mail success for growth marketers! Industry veterans Jeff Tarran and Margaret Pepe are here to delve into how direct mail has completely evolved in recent years, and has rightfully earned a seat at the table alongside the email and digital marketing plans of SMBs, enterprise companies, and agencies as they look into strategy for 2024 and beyond.

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6 Marketing Skills in the New Decade | How to Stay Relevant

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

Recent reports have shown that many companies plan to reevaluate their budgets with a focus on eliminating non-business essential marketing. Therein lies the keyword that will guide marketing in the post-COVID era – business essential. It’s proven that in a time of crisis, marketing budgets are first to be axed, and now more than ever, the spotlight is on demonstrating value.

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How to Do Diverse and Inclusive Content Marketing That Matters

Content Marketing Institute

Truly diverse and inclusive content marketing – the kind that resonates with your audience – requires far more than an image. It requires deep thinking, from audience research to team structure, from a style guide to user experience. Continue reading → The post How to Do Diverse and Inclusive Content Marketing That Matters appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

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What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care? via @JuliaEMcCoy

Search Engine Journal

Want to learn how to write content that brings you consistent organic traffic for months or even years? It all boils down to evergreen content. The post What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care? via @JuliaEMcCoy appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

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How AI fits into the martech landscape


30-second summary: Today, artificial intelligence, sensors, and digital platforms—and an explosion of data—have already increased the opportunity for learning more effectively; but competing on the rate of learning will become a necessity in the 2020s. The Lean AI Autonomy Scale serves as a framework for assessing how the different capabilities of martech vendors stack up with AI in the industry.

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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission

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Content Strategy for Virtual Events | 5 Lessons from Adobe Summit 2020

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

We all have those moments that stand out in our careers. Our dream promotion, succeeding at tackling a massive project; just something that brings back that feeling of seeing your report card hung on the fridge with pride. For me, it was being part of the team for one of Adobe’s largest events – Summit. Being responsible for content strategy for virtual events means the 16-25 weeks prior to Summit are always jam-packed.

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25 Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions in Content Marketing

Content Marketing Institute

Are you asked a lot of questions about content marketing by your executives or clients? Want a handy dandy cheat sheet to those questions? We are here to help. Read on for 25 of the most frequently asked questions (and their answers). Continue reading → The post 25 Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions in Content Marketing appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

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5 Content Marketing Action Items During a Pandemic via @mansidhorda

Search Engine Journal

Modify your content marketing plan by seeing it through the COVID-19 prism. Here are five thing you can do to keep your content efforts going. The post 5 Content Marketing Action Items During a Pandemic via @mansidhorda appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

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