B2B Marketing Traction

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Social Media Messages – How Many are Enough?

B2B Marketing Traction

In fact, in a blog entry with this title, In Social Media, Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail , Brian Solis sites a Gartner statistic that 70% of social media campaigns will fail in 2011. Without these social media target goals in your marketing plan, you could be part of Gartner’s 70% failure statistic. Tweets : 1 per day.

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Social Media Makes It Easier to Cross the Chasm

B2B Marketing Traction

And, one of the best ways for a technology company to cross the chasm is through industry analysts’ (such as Gartner) recommendations. There is also email, online press releases, articles in trade journals, speaking and more. So start early by connecting on social media to industry leaders, writers, and prospective buyers.