

Get paid for your creative work. Learn how to price a product, monetize a product, create a product, sell a course, sell training, sell coaching, and other insights, tips, and advice from product management experts.

How to make money on YouTube as a creator: 12 tips for success
How to make money on YouTube as a creator: 12 tips for success
10 ideas on how to make money as an author or writer besides selling books
10 ideas on how to make money as an author or writer besides selling books
How to authentically promote affiliate links and make money: 9 strategies and examples
How to authentically promote affiliate links and make money: 9 strategies and examples
Commerce, Digital Marketing
How musicians make money online and offline: 10 ways to amplify your creativity and profits
How musicians make money online and offline: 10 ways to amplify your creativity and profits
How to create an ebook with no-cost tools [+ free ebook template]
How to create an ebook with no-cost tools [+ free ebook template]
Why you should be selling ebooks on your website, not Amazon
Why you should be selling ebooks on your website, not Amazon
6 ebook marketing strategies with hands-on examples of how to get quality leads and boost sales
6 ebook marketing strategies with hands-on examples of how to get quality leads and boost sales
Commerce, Digital Marketing
The ABCs of book distribution for self-publishers: how to reach readers and sell books
The ABCs of book distribution for self-publishers: how to reach readers and sell books
12-step self-publishing checklist for authors who want to make money selling books
12-step self-publishing checklist for authors who want to make money selling books
Ebook pricing: how to determine your pricing sweet spot in 5 easy steps  (+ top examples)
Ebook pricing: how to determine your pricing sweet spot in 5 easy steps (+ top examples)
How to sell one high-ticket offer and reach six-figure earnings
How to sell one high-ticket offer and reach six-figure earnings
How to sell online courses: Strategies for creation, pricing, and promotion
How to sell online courses: Strategies for creation, pricing, and promotion
Unique online course ideas and examples for the 9 most profitable niches
Unique online course ideas and examples for the 9 most profitable niches
How to create coaching packages, set their prices, and deliver exceptional experiences
How to create coaching packages, set their prices, and deliver exceptional experiences
11 money-making subscription business ideas for digital products and services
11 money-making subscription business ideas for digital products and services
How to use Pay What You Want pricing correctly to sell more products (+ 4 PWYW pricing examples)
How to use Pay What You Want pricing correctly to sell more products (+ 4 PWYW pricing examples)
Build a winning 4-month product launch timeline with a task-by-task breakdown
Build a winning 4-month product launch timeline with a task-by-task breakdown
How to make money with email marketing: 11 ideas and examples for newbies and pros
How to make money with email marketing: 11 ideas and examples for newbies and pros
Commerce, Email Marketing
How to craft onboarding emails to initiate a customer journey that leads to retention
How to craft onboarding emails to initiate a customer journey that leads to retention
Commerce, Email Marketing
How to create and host a workshop that actively involves and engages attendees (in-person or online)
How to create and host a workshop that actively involves and engages attendees (in-person or online)
Commerce, Digital Marketing
Retreat planning and marketing: cement the relationship with your key clients and grow your income
Retreat planning and marketing: cement the relationship with your key clients and grow your income
Commerce, Digital Marketing
24 digital product ideas for creators and how to sell them successfully (+ niche examples)
24 digital product ideas for creators and how to sell them successfully (+ niche examples)
11 simple discount strategies to sell more digital products and services
11 simple discount strategies to sell more digital products and services
9 easy ways creators can use virtual tip jars to monetize their journey (with real-life examples)
9 easy ways creators can use virtual tip jars to monetize their journey (with real-life examples)
6 high-demand physical products that will increase the value of your digital offerings
6 high-demand physical products that will increase the value of your digital offerings
The best event ticketing platforms for creators with big plans (+ tips to sell out your event)
The best event ticketing platforms for creators with big plans (+ tips to sell out your event)
Commerce, Digital Marketing
How to write product launch emails that educate and nurture your ideal clients (+ examples)
How to write product launch emails that educate and nurture your ideal clients (+ examples)
Commerce, Email Marketing
Giving Tuesday email campaign: a step-by-step roadmap for creators (+ examples)
Giving Tuesday email campaign: a step-by-step roadmap for creators (+ examples)
Commerce, Email Marketing
Cyber Monday email ideas and strategies for digital product creators
Cyber Monday email ideas and strategies for digital product creators
Commerce, Email Marketing
How to create a Black Friday email campaign that gets opens, clicks, and sales
How to create a Black Friday email campaign that gets opens, clicks, and sales
Commerce, Email Marketing
How to create your 1st free or paid email course in a single weekend [template included]
How to create your 1st free or paid email course in a single weekend [template included]
Commerce, Email Marketing
How to create, price, and launch your 1st paid newsletter (+ format ideas)
How to create, price, and launch your 1st paid newsletter (+ format ideas)
Commerce, Newsletters
Newsletter Referral Programs: Fast-track your email list and business growth
Newsletter Referral Programs: Fast-track your email list and business growth
Commerce, Newsletters
The creator’s ultimate guide to EU VAT
The creator’s ultimate guide to EU VAT
How to raise your rates and prices as a creator
How to raise your rates and prices as a creator
How top-earning creators use ConvertKit Commerce to grow their income
How top-earning creators use ConvertKit Commerce to grow their income
How to maximize your impact as a creator with plug-and-play formulas
How to maximize your impact as a creator with plug-and-play formulas
Six ways creators are monetizing beyond content creation
Six ways creators are monetizing beyond content creation
Curious how podcasts make money? Here are 8 ways to turn a profit
Curious how podcasts make money? Here are 8 ways to turn a profit
Why online communities are the future for creators
Why online communities are the future for creators
How to create a sales funnel for your online business
How to create a sales funnel for your online business
7 elements of a successful sales strategy
7 elements of a successful sales strategy
7 keys for successful Kickstarter campaigns
7 keys for successful Kickstarter campaigns
How to choose the best side hustle idea for you
How to choose the best side hustle idea for you
The truths and myths behind passive income
The truths and myths behind passive income
Why every entrepreneur should consider starting with services
Why every entrepreneur should consider starting with services