10 B2B Lead Generation Tactics You Need to Be Doing Already

marketing team planning for strategies

In the competitive B2B sector, understanding and targeting your ideal customer profile is key to driving growth. Lead generation is crucial—not just to attract visitors to your site, but to draw in the right prospects, engage them meaningfully, and convert them into valuable leads.  

Here’s why it matters: In a marketplace overflowing with options and discerning consumers, a standout product or service alone won’t guarantee success. It’s visibility, engagement, and strategic connections that give your offerings the limelight they deserve.  

So, how do you not only capture attention but maintain it? Below are top tactics that cut through the noise, connect with decision-makers, and drive your B2B lead generation engine.  

How to Get B2B Leads and Succeed on it? 

1.   Create Shareable Content People Can Embed 

Whether it is an eBook, whitepaper, case study, webinar, or an infographic, the keyword here is shareability. Make it easy for people to share your content. Note that direct share links from one customer to another is already a step down the sales funnel. This type of shares also greatly affects your traffic as social validation has a direct effect on search engine rankings, especially in Google.  

Moreover, incorporating embeddable elements within your content, such as interactive tools, downloadable resources, and multimedia assets, can amplify its reach and virality. When your audience finds your content valuable and share-worthy, they are more likely to disseminate it within their professional networks, thereby expanding your brand’s visibility and attracting new leads. Leveraging the shareability of your content is an effective way to organically generate leads and foster a community of engaged prospects. 

2. Repurpose Your Content

You do need to keep churning out new content. You can repurpose old content, especially if it is useful and popular, into a new form. Repurposed content is classified as lead scoring material online as these have been pieces of digital content that have already accumulated traffic over time. To abandon such content is to waste stored opportunities within them. Try converting a blog post into an infographic, a SlideShare presentation, or an ebook. You can do this continually to create diverse and easy-to-consume content for your readers.  

Additionally, repurposing content with content syndication services allows you to leverage what you might not have: a comprehensive highly targeted database. With a targeted audience list, you can engage professionals, decision-makers, and business owners with your brand as one step in their buyer’s journey. Syndicating your content reinforces key messages to potential leads and even nurtures your existing ones.  

Content syndication is both redistributing and repacking your content, tailoring them to address different pain points your clients could have. This approach even extends the lifespan of your content, repurposing exposure and presenting new angles to different segments of your target audience. 

3. Use Retargeting by Page/Post 

Content marketing needs to be the focus of your B2B growth hacking tactics to generate leads.  Showing credible and relevant information to people is the first step. However, it is important to retarget. Retargeting is a powerful technique used in B2B lead generation to re-engage website visitors who have shown interest in your products or services but have not yet converted.  

One example is specifically retargeting blog visitors who once found your content relevant and helpful. By using Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, etc, you can influence their activity by showing ads highlighting tailored information they would possibly find useful again. Consider it as an indirect callback to your customers when you create custom ads based on a blog page visit to inform them of what you can offer them.

4. Use Your Newsletters and Emails as a Funnel

According to Statista, there are over 306 billion emails being sent every day and the number of daily email users are projected to climb to 4.6 billion people by 2025. It remains a cornerstone of B2B lead generation as it provides a direct and personalized channel to tap these figures. By leveraging newsletters and targeted email campaigns, businesses can deliver relevant and valuable content to their subscribers, nurturing relationships and driving conversions.  

People who open, read, and click newsletters when they have the time are often in the right state of mind to read long-form content, making them ideal targets for sales conversions.  

Segmenting newsletters often does the trick. Segmenting your email list based on lead behavior, preferences, and engagement levels enables you to deliver tailored content that resonates with each segment, increasing the relevance and impact of your email campaigns.  

The power of email marketing lies in its ability to deliver personalized and timely messages that foster meaningful connections with potential leads, ultimately driving them towards conversion. 

The next time you do an email marketing campaign, consider sending different emails to paying customers, engaged users, and those who have signed up for the newsletter but have not yet bought anything. Have your sales rep ready to assist as well.  

5. Establish and Nurture an Online Community 

Understanding your target audience does not end with analyzing their consumer behavior. Understand that consumers still lean towards human nature behaviors and being part of a community helps nurture them and ultimately, also nurture their interest in your product/service.  

Building a thriving online community around your brand and industry can be a powerful catalyst for B2B lead generation. By creating a platform for like-minded professionals to connect, share insights, and seek advice, you can position your business as a hub of valuable knowledge and networking opportunities. Engaging with your community members through forums, social media groups, or online events allows you to foster relationships, gain valuable feedback, and identify potential leads who are actively seeking solutions that your business can provide. 

Community building is also key to customer loyalty. Now, this means creating separate and exclusive content, deals, and even events for these groups of people.  

Part of your B2B growth marketing strategy should involve building, creating, and maintaining a community.  

6. Build a Strong Online Presence in LinkedIn 

In marketing, there is a saying “Go where the people are.” LinkedIn is where decision makers are. 

A cold call might work out fine, but for B2B companies, LinkedIn has been recognized as the most effective social media platform for lead generation. LinkedIn has emerged as a powerhouse for B2B lead generation, providing a professional networking platform where businesses can connect with prospects, industry peers, and decision-makers.  

By strategically optimizing your LinkedIn profile, sharing engaging content, and actively participating in relevant groups and discussions, you can elevate your brand’s visibility and credibility within your target market. LinkedIn’s robust targeting capabilities also empower businesses to reach specific job titles, industries, and company sizes, allowing for precise and effective lead generation efforts. 

7. Release Consistent and Quality Content

Consistency and quality are paramount in the realm of B2B lead generation, particularly when it comes to content creation and distribution. By establishing a regular cadence for publishing insightful and relevant content, businesses can maintain a steady flow of engagement with their audience, nurturing relationships and building brand authority.  

Answer relevant industry questions and offer educational articles that provide solutions to problems faced by your target audience. These are subtle but very useful hacks to generate leads and conversions. Another innovative tactic is the use of interactive content. This can be anything from quizzes and polls to interactive infographics and videos.  

Interactive content not only engages your audience but also provides you with valuable insights about them. For example, a quiz can reveal your prospects’ challenges and goals, enabling you to tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

8. Showcase Client Testimonials for Credibility 

In the world of B2B sales, credibility and social proof are instrumental in swaying potential leads towards making a purchasing decision. One of the most effective ways to bolster your credibility and build trust with prospects is by showcasing client testimonials and success stories. By featuring testimonials from satisfied clients who have benefited from your products or services, you provide tangible evidence of the value and impact your business delivers, instilling confidence in potential leads and mitigating their concerns. 

Furthermore, client testimonials humanize your brand and create relatable narratives that resonate with your target audience. When potential leads see real-world examples of how your business has addressed the challenges and needs of other companies, they are more likely to envision themselves reaping similar benefits, thus moving closer to conversion. Leveraging client testimonials as a part of your lead generation strategy not only validates your business’s offerings but also fosters an emotional connection with potential leads, driving them towards taking action and engaging with your sales team.  

9. Gather and Listen to Client Feedback 

Listening to client feedback is a powerful yet often overlooked aspect of B2B lead generation. By actively soliciting feedback from your existing clients and prospects, you gain valuable insights into their pain points, preferences, and needs, which can inform and optimize your lead generation efforts. Understanding the challenges and aspirations of your target audience allows you to tailor your messaging, content, and offerings to better resonate with potential leads, increasing the effectiveness of your lead generation strategy. 

Moreover, gathering client feedback demonstrates a genuine commitment to understanding and addressing the needs of your audience, fostering a culture of customer-centricity that resonates with potential leads. By actively listening and responding to client feedback, businesses can build stronger relationships, uncover new opportunities for engagement, and ultimately drive more meaningful conversions. The insights gleaned from client feedback serve as a compass for navigating the complex landscape of B2B lead generation, enabling businesses to adapt and evolve their strategies in alignment with the evolving needs of their target market.


10. Incorporate AI into Your Lead Gen Strategies

According to Statista, there are over 40% of B2B marketers in the United States that are planning to explore full automation in lead generation processes. The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in B2B lead generation has several advantages that can significantly enhance your sales and marketing strategies. Improved efficiency, smarter segmentation, predictive analysis, personalized engagement, and continual learning.  

Enhancing Your B2B Lead Generation Approach  

B2B lead generation is an indispensable component of a successful sales pipeline, empowering businesses to attract, engage, and convert potential clients within the complex landscape of B2B sales. 

However, note that it is not a one-size-fits-all process. What works for one business might not work for another. That’s why it is important to regularly evaluate your lead generation strategy and make adjustments with your lead generator as needed.  

By staying up-to-date with the latest trends and tactics, leveraging social media and content marketing, optimizing your website for SEO, using email marketing effectively, and hosting webinars and community events, you can revolutionize your approach to B2B lead generation and take your business to new heights.  

While it’s possible to handle all of your B2B lead generation in-house, partnering with experts can also offer fresh perspectives and specialized skills.  Collaborating with professionals in the field can bring new insights and efficiency to your lead generation efforts, ultimately contributing to the growth of your business

As you continue to innovate and refine your strategies, remember it’s about generating the right leads. So, do not be afraid to experiment and try new tactics until you find what works best for your business. After all, the success of your business hinges on the ability to adapt and embrace new methods.   

If you’re looking to delve deeper into these strategies or explore new avenues in lead generation, we’re here for a conversation. Let’s discuss how we can work together to achieve your business objectives. Feel free to reach out – let us start a dialogue about driving meaningful results for your business.