
Rewriting the Rules of Engagement

Ask any marketer to name their biggest ABM challenge, and you’ll probably hear some variant of “understanding which of our accounts are engaged, and how deeply.” There is no question that having complete and accurate insights into account engagement and activity is vital for go-to-market success, but it has been an elusive goal for many companies.

Happy to say, all of this changes with today’s launch of LeanData Engagement.

As Eric Wittlake, senior analyst at TOPO Research, puts it: “In order to deliver an end-to-end customer experience, B2B organizations need a comprehensive view of activity and engagement. Unfortunately, many companies have only partial or siloed views into this engagement.”

Cobbling together disparate Salesforce reports requires a lot of error-prone spreadsheet work that is often ignored or misunderstood by the sales team simply because they aren’t clear and actionable. And if the sales team won’t use your reports, it defeats the whole purpose of ABM. At LeanData, we wanted to help companies stop throwing more time, money and people at the challenge of surfacing engagement insights. And so, meet LeanData Engagement!

This powerful yet simple-to-use analytic solution sits on top of our industry-leading Lead-to-Account Matching technology. With LeanData Engagement, the interactions of every lead and contact are automatically connected to the right accounts within Salesforce CRM to unlock true account-based marketing analytics. This, we believe, will be critical to helping marketers to forge greater alignment with their sales counterparts to ultimately drive more revenue.

Hats off to the team

I urge you to get in touch for fuller details on this new addition to our revenue operations solutions family, which exists expressly to help companies accelerate growth and improve customer experience across the buyer journey.

For now, I want to express my thanks and admiration to our amazing product development crew at LeanData. These folks are rock stars! LeanData Engagement is the product of an extensive effort by this tireless team, with valuable input and encouragement from many of our customers.

Together, it’s time to start re-writing the rules of engagement for marketing and sales.

Want to learn about LeanData’s newest product and understand how it fits into a revenue operations strategy? Join LeanData’s product team for a webinar on Tuesday, May 19 at 11am PT as they unveil our new product, LeanData Engagement!

  • engagement analytics
About the Author
Evan Liang
Co-Founder & CEOatLeanData