
How Can an Ops Pro Protect Company Revenue?

Five years ago, RevOps didn’t need to think about protecting company revenue. The charge to your Revops team was “Scale! Scale! Scale!” 

Then, in 2023, the challenges of a down economy have caused companies to shift priorities, shift spend, and even shift the size of their revenue teams.

To prepare for the upcoming OpsStars Conference on September 13th, we’ve asked revenue leaders in the ops community to weigh in on the following question: What can Ops pros do today to protect their company’s revenue?

You may be surprised by what they had to say…

hands protecting a tree whose leaves are made from paper money

Drive the Right Behaviors

“As an Ex-Revops leader turned CEO, I recognize that protecting revenue is not just about numbers and metrics. It’s about crafting a powerful incentive structure that aligns the team with the core business objective. By setting up the right balance of bonuses and deterrents, Leaders can drive behaviors that keep teams focused on the ultimate goal: protecting and growing revenue.”

Siva Rajamani, Co-Founder & CEO, Everstage

Former Head of Revenue Operations at Freshworks

Focus on the Complete Customer Journey

“To protect their company’s revenue, Ops pros can focus on the complete customer journey, stop thinking in silos, and design a revtech strategy that the company and customers benefit from. Too many organizations are siloed and only think about results within their own departments. However, the reality is people, process, and systems should be aligned to support the full customer lifecycle, which supports long-term revenue stability and growth.” 

Sandy Robinson, SVP of Revenue Operations, Patra Corporation

Be Flexible With Contracts & Pricing to Protect Revenue

“In today’s tougher selling environment, flexibility is key to protecting revenue. Having flexibility in your pricing model is important in tuning your offering to the needs of different markets, geos, and size of company. Flexibility in contract creation is also critical — your sales team should be able to build creative deals that make it easy for your prospects to sign on the dotted line.”

Prakash Raina, Co-Founder, Subskribe

a golden egg sitting among plain white eggs

Recognize the Value of Existing Customers

“Part of protecting company revenue is understanding that not all revenue is created equal. Simply focusing on new customer acquisition can lead to a short-sighted view that ignores the long-term value of existing customers. Companies should also be focusing on renewals, upselling, and negative churn to help solidify and protect revenue.”

Dan Stratton, Senior Partner, CloudKettle

Bring Data Intelligence to Revenue Automation

“There’s a tool out there for every possible motion, but with so many data sources, a lot of times the data becomes noise instead of insight. The best thing ops teams can do is bring intelligence to their revenue automation. By making sense of the data, they can focus on driving actions that yield revenue.”

Francis Brero, Co-founder & CPO, MadKudu

Be a Business Partner

“Identify risk signals. Before renewal, review your customer’s product usage. If they’re under-utilized, then adjust their contract and meet them where they’re at. When the economy picks up, you’ll be right there with them. Adjusting protects your revenue for the future rather than fully churning. If your customer has layoffs, call them and ask how they’re doing. Be a business partner, not a check-taker. Advise them. Show them how you are protecting your revenue.”

Christine Maxey, Senior Director, Revenue Operations, LeanData

a panel of operations experts speaking at an OpsStars Conference

Learn From Your Peers

Staying ahead in a challenging economic market requires forward-thinking problem solvers who build solutions with real business impact. 

One of the best places to learn from 2,500+ of your problem-solving Operations peers is the annual OpsStars Conference. With over 25 speakers sharing their knowledge and experience across 20+ sessions and workshops, you’re guaranteed to take away practical advice you can implement to protect your company’s revenue. 

Claim your free OpsStars ticket today.

  • automation
  • Buying Journey
  • Customer Experience
  • OpsStars 2023
  • revenue operations
About the Author
Kim Peterson
Kim Peterson
Content Marketing SpecialistatLeanData

Kim Peterson is the Content Marketing Specialist at LeanData where she digs deep into all aspects of the revenue process and shares her findings through multiple content channels. Kim's writing experiences span tech companies, stunt blogging, education, and the real estate industry. Connect with Kim on LinkedIn.