A Softbank Pepper robot on customer service at the front of a Softbank store in Makuhari, wearing a Softbank Hawks uniform, a baseball team sponsored by the company.

CMSWire's Top Customer Service, Contact Center Articles of 2023

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Check out our pinnacle of customer service and contact center insights from 2023 CMSWire content as we unveil the transformative strategies and trends.

The Gist

  • AI meets customer service. The integration of AI and generative AI in customer service is not only enhancing efficiency but also reshaping the workforce and customer interactions.
  • Don't forget the humans. Personalization, quick response and human touch remain crucial in customer service, despite technological advancements.
  • Service investments means loyalty. Proactive problem-solving and investment in customer support are vital for sustaining customer loyalty and business growth.

As the year draws to a close, we reflect on the insights and advancements in customer service. This article highlights CMSWire's top 10 customer service and contact center articles of the year, showcasing the evolving landscape of customer engagement and the strategies that stood out in 2023.

10. What Defines World-Class Customer Service Now and How to Get There

This article explores the heightened expectations of customers for quick, efficient and personalized service. It stresses the importance of human connection in customer service and proactive approaches to addressing customer pain points.

9. Customer Support Is an Investment, Not an Expense

Discusses the critical role of customer support in maintaining customer loyalty and argues against treating customer support as a mere cost center, highlighting its value in retaining and attracting customers.

8. Can Generative AI Boost Productivity, Attitude of Customer Service Agents?

Details a study revealing a 14% productivity increase among customer service agents using generative AI. The article examines the varying impacts of AI on novice and expert agents and its role in improving workplace dynamics.

7. Generative AI Will Reduce 30% of Customer Service and Support Agents

Predicts a significant reduction in customer service and support agents due to generative AI, while emphasizing the need for reskilling and the emergence of new roles in customer service. Are your front-line customer teams facing this reality?

6. AI-Enhanced Contact Center Platforms for World-Class Customer Service

Explores how AI integration in contact center platforms has improved customer experiences through automation and personalized interactions.

Learning Opportunities

5. Level AI Debuts Generative AI Tech for Contact Centers: AgentGPT

Introduces Level AI's AgentGPT, a generative AI product designed to enhance customer service teams by integrating proprietary customer data and internal data sources.

4. Generative AI Solutions for the Contact Center

Discusses the potential and challenges of implementing generative AI in contact centers, highlighting industry-specific applications and the importance of addressing data privacy and biases.

3. AI Customer Experience Ushers in a New Era of Engagement

Examines how AI is being used to improve decision-making and customer engagement in various industries, underscoring the role of AI in personalizing customer experience.

2. Is This the Year AI Dominates the Call Center?

Analyzes the growing importance of AI in call center operations, focusing on its impact on customer experience and the evolving role of human agents.

1. HubSpot Debuts AI Tools Fueled by OpenAI's ChatGPT

Reports on HubSpot's launch of AI tools, ChatSpot.ai and Content Assistant, powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT, aimed at enhancing marketing and sales processes.

About the Author

Main image: Ned Snowman