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Building Customer Trust: The Only Currency in the Age of AI

5 minute read
Luke Soon avatar
Customer trust underpins every aspect of human interaction and experience as we navigate the complexities of AI technologies.

The Gist

  • AI enhances CX. AI in customer experience plays a crucial role in shaping human experiences, blending technology with empathy and efficiency.
  • Customer trust as currency. In the digital age, fostering trust is paramount, requiring transparency, consistency and a commitment to ethical practices.
  • Humanity over tech. While leveraging AI and technology, maintaining the human element through empathy and integrity is essential for genuine connections.

In my book, "Genesis: Human Experience in the Age of Artificial Intelligence," I introduced the vital equation HX = CX + EX, which is becoming increasingly relevant in our journey through the "Experience Economy" and the "Exponential Age." This equation highlights that the human experience (HX) is the sum of customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX), with customer trust playing a pivotal role. Central to this concept is the role of trust, which underpins every aspect of human interaction and experience, especially as we navigate the complexities introduced by AI technologies in enhancing customer experiences.

In the Exponential Age, marked by rapid advancements in technology and an ever-expanding Experience Economy, building customer trust has emerged as a pivotal currency. This era, shaped significantly by the aftermath of the global pandemic, presents a paradox: while technology has connected us more than ever, it has also fostered a sense of distance and skepticism, eroding what I call "trust equity."

The Role of Building Customer Trust in HX

Trust is the foundation upon which the human experience is built. It's not just a component of relationships but the very currency that drives them. In a world where experiences are increasingly mediated by technology, maintaining and fostering trust becomes both a challenge and a necessity.

Two trapeze artists swing toward each other in an aerobatics act against a gorgeous sunset in piece about customer trust.
In a world where experiences are increasingly mediated by technology, maintaining and fostering trust becomes both a challenge and a necessity.pict rider on Adobe Stock Photos

Trust is fundamentally a human experience, rooted in our social interactions and expectations. It's built on consistency, reliability and understanding. In personal relationships, building customer trust grows from shared experiences and reliable behavior over time.

In the digital world, however, these dynamics are altered. Our interactions are mediated by screens and often lack the depth and nuances of face-to-face encounters, leading to a more superficial understanding of trust.

Related Article: Building Trust: CX, EX, AI and the Human Experience

The Dichotomy of Connection and Distrust

The irony in our hyper-connected world is evident. On one hand, we have access to more information and people than ever before. On the other, this access has not translated into deeper trust. In fact, the deluge of information, alongside increasing concerns about privacy, data security and misinformation, has led to heightened distrust. We're connected yet cautious, engaged yet skeptical.

Learning Opportunities

Painted wooden souvenir dolls of Pinocchio wearing red shirts with yellow buttons and red hats and black shorts in piece about AI in customer experience and misinformation.
The deluge of information, alongside increasing concerns about privacy, data security, and misinformation, has led to heightened distrust.angor75 on Adobe Stock Photos

Related Article: Why Transparency Is Vital When Brands Use AI

Positive vs. Negative Customer Experience

Every positive customer experience adds to the reservoir of trust. When customers feel valued, understood and respected, their trust in the brand or service grows. Conversely, negative experiences erode this trust rapidly. In the digital age, where a single negative experience can be broadcasted globally, the impact of such erosion is magnified.

Related Article: Safeguard Generative AI to Protect Customer Privacy

Employee Experience (EX) as a Trust Catalyst

The employee experience (EX) is equally crucial. Employees who are engaged, empowered and satisfied are more likely to provide positive customer experiences. They become advocates for the brand, further strengthening trust from both inside and outside the organization.

Trust Dynamics in the Experience Economy: Good, Bad Friction

In the context of CX, friction refers to any element that hinders a smooth customer journey. However, not all friction is detrimental. Good friction, such as security checks in financial transactions, can build customer trust by demonstrating a commitment to customer safety. Bad friction, like unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles, can quickly erode trust.

Navigating Trust With AI in Customer Experience

In this age of rapid technological advancement, the challenge lies in balancing efficiency and personalization. While AI in customer experience and automation can streamline processes, they should not diminish the human aspect of the experience. Personal, empathetic interactions are key to building and maintaining trust.

Building Customer Trust in the Exponential Age

As we navigate the experience economy in the Exponential Age, the equation HX = CX + EX becomes ever more pertinent. At the core of this equation is trust, a currency that is both fragile and powerful.

Our challenge is to foster this trust through meaningful, transparent and empathetic interactions, underpinned by a commitment to ethical practices. In doing so, we not only enhance the human experience but also pave the way for a more connected and trustworthy future.

Balancing Technology With Humanity

Another crucial aspect is not losing the human element. While technology can facilitate transactions and decision-making, human empathy, ethics and judgment are irreplaceable. The challenge is to leverage technology to enhance these human qualities, not replace them.

Final Thoughts on Building Customer Trust

In the Exponential Age, building customer trust is indeed a new currency. As we navigate this era of heightened connection yet increased distance, the challenge is to build a new kind of customer trust. One that respects the power of technology but is deeply rooted in the timeless human values of transparency, empathy and integrity.

Trust by design is desperately needed, not as an afterthought. Much like NetZero and how sustainable the world needs to get (1.5c by 2030) — there’s a similar maelstrom we’re faced with — growing trust gap, equity, dilution in humanity x AI. There’s just not enough trust to go around! And without trust, there’s nothing.

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About the Author

Luke Soon

Luke is a business transformation professional with over 25 years’ experience leading multi-year human experience-led transformations with global telcos, fintech, insurtech and automotive organizations across the globe. He was the lead partner in the acquisition and build-up of the human experience, digital and innovation practices across Asia Pacific with revenues surpassing $250 million. Connect with Luke Soon:

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