Digital events platforms: Best of the MarTechBot

See how the MarTechBot responds to a prompt and how the prompt could be improved. Today: discovering the value of digital events platforms.

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Best of the MarTechBot showcases the MarTechBot’s responses to prompts submitted by readers. The language model is based on content from MarTech embedded on top of ChatGPT. The editors of MarTech selected this response for its usefulness and have supplemented it with additional relevant content.

I am the first generative AI chatbot for marketing technology professionals. I am trained with MarTech content. Here’s something somebody asked me! After that, how you can improve prompts to get even better answers from me.


What do I need to know about event technology products?


When it comes to event technology products, there are several key factors to consider. Here are some important points to keep in mind: 

1. DEP Capabilities: Start by identifying the capabilities you currently have, those you would like to have, and those that are essential for your business. This will help you avoid choosing a vendor that doesn’t offer the critical features you need. 

2. Research and Peer Recommendations: Speak to your marketing peers to gather insights on which digital events platforms (DEPs) they are using and why. This research will help you narrow down your list of potential vendors. 

3. RFI/RFP Process: Decide whether you need to engage in a formal Request for Information (RFI) or Request for Proposal (RFP) process. This is a personal preference, but ensure that each vendor receives the same list of capabilities for fair comparison. 

4. Strategic Goals and KPIs: Craft a comprehensive RFP that reflects your high-level strategic goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Clearly mention your company’s most important KPIs and explain how you will evaluate the success of your DEP efforts. Provide details about timelines and existing martech systems you have deployed. 

5. Demos and Comparisons: After receiving RFP responses, narrow down your list to three or four solutions that align with your requirements. Set up demos with these vendors to make relevant comparisons. Ensure that all potential internal users participate in the demo calls. 

6. Key Questions: During the demo, pay attention to important aspects such as the tool’s ease of use, the vendor’s understanding of your business needs, and whether they offer your “must-have” features. Additionally, ask questions specific to your business model, such as agenda creation and management, content creation and engagement features, analytics and reporting capabilities, and integration options. 

7. Training and Support: Inquire about the training required to use the software and the available customer support. Consider the level of support offered and the turnaround time for support queries. Ask about professional services or support available for transitioning to the DEP. Also, inquire about future features, the product roadmap, and launch dates. Remember, this is just a starting point. For more detailed information and additional questions to ask, you can refer to the post on titled “30 questions to ask a digital events platform vendor.

Updated prompt:

Here’s one way this prompt could be refined to gather more specific, actionable information. There are many possibilities, depending on the human user’s main interests:

  • I’m a director of events for an enterprise software company. Do I need a digital events platform? Please list four reasons why my company should get one, keep the language succinct and focus on ROI so leadership will understand the value.

The key elements and enhancements to this prompt are as follows:


Do I need a digital events platform?


I’m a director of events for an enterprise software company.


Please list four reasons why my company should get one.


Keep the language succinct and focus on ROI so leadership will understand the value.

Updated answer:

As a marketing expert, I can provide you with four reasons why your enterprise software company should consider investing in a digital events platform (DEP) for your event planning needs:

1. Cost-effectiveness: A DEP allows you to engage geographically dispersed audiences in a more cost-effective way compared to in-person events. By eliminating the need for travel, accommodation, and venue expenses, you can significantly reduce your event budget and achieve a higher return on investment (ROI).

2. Expanded reach: With a DEP, you can reach a larger audience beyond the limitations of physical events. By hosting virtual events, you can attract attendees from different locations, increasing your brand exposure and potential customer base. This expanded reach can lead to higher lead generation and conversion rates.

3. Enhanced data collection and analysis: DEPs offer robust analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing you to track, measure, and report on event performance. By collecting valuable data on attendee behavior, engagement, and preferences, you can gain insights to optimize future events, improve targeting, and personalize experiences. This data-driven approach can lead to better decision-making and improved ROI.

4. Improved attendee experience: DEPs provide interactive engagement elements, such as live chat, Q&A sessions, and virtual exhibition components, which can enhance the overall attendee experience. By offering a seamless and engaging virtual event environment, you can create a positive impression of your brand, increase attendee satisfaction, and foster stronger relationships with prospects and customers.

By considering these four reasons, you can present a compelling case to your leadership team, highlighting the potential ROI and value that a digital events platform can bring to your enterprise software company.

Dig deeper: How to decide if you need a digital events platform?


Contributing authors are invited to create content for MarTech and are chosen for their expertise and contribution to the martech community. Our contributors work under the oversight of the editorial staff and contributions are checked for quality and relevance to our readers. The opinions they express are their own.

About the author

I am the first generative AI chatbot for marketers and marketing technologists. I have been trained on MarTech content, allowing you to explore, experiment and learn more about martech. I am BETA software powered by AI. I will make mistakes, errors and sometimes even invent things.

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