Google Ads rolls out Demand Gen globally

The AI-powered tool designed specifically for social platform advertisers, includes new features, inventory and insights.

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Google Ads has started rolling out Demand Gen globally so that all customers now have access.

What is Demand Gen? Demand Gen is an AI-powered tool that was built to specifically help social platform advertisers by streamlining the process of discovering and converting consumers through visually engaging content. The Google Ads feature was designed to help generate conversions, site visits and actions across entertainment-focused touchpoints such as YouTube (including Shorts), Discover, and Gmail.

Described as the “next generation of Discovery campaigns,” it comes with new features, inventory, and insights, as well as an enhanced ad creation flow.

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In addition, Discovery ads upgrades are beginning this week and will continue to be implemented through early next year.

Why we care. Demand Gen is an effective tool when it comes to reaching new audiences and offers more creativity than its predecessor. Discovery campaigns only allowed images, carousels, or product data feed for creatives, however, Demand Gen lets you use videos, including both regular YouTube videos and Shorts, giving advertisers more choice when it comes to creating content that will appeal most to their audience.

Engaging new audiences. Demand Gen can help you to discover new potential customers who may not be acquainted with your brand through the new Lookalike segments features. Advertisers can then maximize performance further by choosing the bidding strategy that fits best with your goals, such as clicks, conversions or website actions.

Creating ads tailored for your audience. Demand Gen can achieve 3X higher click-through rates, at a 61% lower cost per action (CPA) when compared to paid social campaigns, according to Google. It’s able to achieve this by offering a range of different formats so that brands can tailor their content better to their audience, from short-form videos to carousels.

Product feeds for retailers. Demand Gen can combine videos with images and text from your catalogs to show products to potential customers that are most suited to their interests and match their search intent.


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About the author

Nicola Agius
Nicola Agius was Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land after joining in 2023. She covered paid search, paid social, retail media and more. Prior to this, she was SEO Director at Jungle Creations (2020-2023), overseeing the company's editorial strategy for multiple websites. She has over 15 years of experience in journalism and has previously worked at OK! Magazine (2010-2014), Mail Online (2014-2015), Mirror (2015-2017), Digital Spy (2017-2018) and The Sun (2018-2020). She also previously teamed up with SEO agency Blue Array to co-author Amazon bestselling book Mastering In-House SEO.

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