Looker Studio releases GA4 connector update with 170 new fields

Looker rides to the rescue of the many marketers griping about GA4's lack of data. However, you have to refresh your data sources first.

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Looker Studio has released a major update to its system, unveiling 170 new fields for reporting. In order to access the new data, users must refresh their GA4 data sources.

Why we care: You can now create more in-depth, detailed Looker Studio reports because they will have access to data that previously wasn’t available. Advertisers are particularly excited as they’ll have insights into landing page, user conversion, page location and session conversion rates by event data, which will help them to make more informed decisions about ad placements and campaigns moving forward.

Dig deeper: 4 tips to ease the transition from UA to GA4

What are the new fields: An impressive 170 new fields have been implemented – so we’ve just highlighted some of our personal favorites here:

  • Ads clicks & cost
  • Average session duration
  • Landing page
  • Page location
  • Page referrer
  • Session & user conversion rate
  • Session conversion rate by event name
  • Time dimensions like hour or week

How do you get the new fields? To get access to Looker Studio’s new fields, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  • Click on ‘Data Sources’ in their Looker Studio account.
  • Select the GA4 source you wish to update and select the ‘Refresh Fields’ button in the bottom left corner.
  • A new window will then pop up on your screen with all 170 new fields listed.
  • Click on ‘Apply’.
  • All the new fields should then appear in your existing reports.
  • You’re all set!

Some marketers may not have access to all 170 new fields right away. The number of new fields your account has access to will depends on how many conversion events you have.


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About the author

Nicola Agius
Nicola Agius was Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land after joining in 2023. She covered paid search, paid social, retail media and more. Prior to this, she was SEO Director at Jungle Creations (2020-2023), overseeing the company's editorial strategy for multiple websites. She has over 15 years of experience in journalism and has previously worked at OK! Magazine (2010-2014), Mail Online (2014-2015), Mirror (2015-2017), Digital Spy (2017-2018) and The Sun (2018-2020). She also previously teamed up with SEO agency Blue Array to co-author Amazon bestselling book Mastering In-House SEO.

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