Three Ways to Improve Personalized Marketing

We are living in the era of marketing personalization. With an abundance of data at our fingertips, it’s amazing marketers still don’t make the most of this opportunity. Why? It’s not due to ignorance about the benefits. Rather, organizations and marketers simply don’t know how to approach personalization. It’s been quoted 60-percent of marketing entities admit they struggle to personalize content in real-time. Clearly there is confusion about how to implement – and improve – marketing personalization.

There are many ways to improve personalization in your marketing and increase conversions. Let’s look at three major ones:


Demographic segmentation is a concept that’s extremely important to all marketing departments. The data is easily available, with the right platform, and is essential to determining buying patterns.

GeoIP segmentation leverages the “Birds of a Feather Flock Together” concept of marketing. Let’s further illustrate this concept using the bird analogy.

  • You sell birdseed. Use geographic demographics to ensure you are targeting the ‘prairie’ finches and not the ‘sea-coast’ eagles.

Additionally, products or services don’t have to be location-specific for this to add value.

Learning to personalize content and offers based on a prospect’s location is important to personalization. Age, income, gender, ethnic background and family life cycle are all significant factors of demographic segmentation. When developing a personalized marketing plan, keep in mind geographic segmentation. Break a market into sections by climate, density, market size, or location.


Take advantage of personalization with dynamic content. Use dynamic blocks to personalize emails, landing pages, forms and websites. Personalize content based on prospect information such as title, location, industry, vertical and countless other data points.

Updating your website with new content isn’t enough to successfully drive web sales anymore. Personalize with dynamic web experiences that adapt to customers in real-time to create a specific and relevant experience. Creating a dynamic web experience through personalization quickly moves customers toward conversion.

  • Make web experiences more relevant to the individual by using names, titles, city images or other data
  • Provide a personalized experience to keep visitors on your website longer, encourage them to download more offers, and purchase more products


Using personalized “send time” marketing based on time zones and past opening behaviors greatly improves conversions. Additionally, marketing automation platforms such as ActiveDEMAND automatically determine what time is best to send your communications. Personalized send time looks at each user’s previous open history and automatically sends to your users at the specific selected time of day over a designated duration.

Experience shows that personalization works. Increase personalization in your marketing and speak to your customers with real time relevance.