Are you using Personalization?

Every business owner understands the importance of personalization. People are more inclined to pay attention if you address them personally whether it be their name, birthday, or gender. However, personalization can only go so far. To really connect and engage your audience, you have to use hyper-personalization for the best results.

The Kind of Data You Need to Collect for Hyper-personalization

Yes, personalization does a great job of getting the attention of your prospects and customers. The question is: Does it really connect to their true needs, interests, and desires? In some cases, it does, but it usually fails to go deep into their real intentions.  Trace those intentions back to their behavior.

To hyper-personalize your touch points, start collecting important data. Most businesses focus on goal-oriented data (email subscriptions, sales conversions, past purchases, etc.) to drive their touch points. But the data they really need to collect is behavioral data.

Which white papers, blog posts, and videos did your prospects and customers consume? How much time was spent consuming your various content? Which links did they click on? Which emails did they open? How did they choose to get in touch with you (phone, social media, blog, email)? Design hyper-targeted touch points and marketing campaigns using the behavioral data.

Why Contextual Based Messaging is Important

Let’s say you’re a music instrument online based retailer. You send out regular content on your blog and email newsletter that includes practice exercises for different genres such as jazz, blues, and hard rock. If a segment of your prospects and customers are engaging with the jazz exercises, it makes sense to send them more content on jazz to really connect with them. Then follow up by sending promotions for musical instruments that are oriented to jazz.

Take this further based on the products your prospects and customers have clicked on within your online store. For example, if a group of customers has been checking out electric guitars for jazz, it makes sense to follow up with offers based on this behavior rather than trying to present them with a list of various jazz instruments.

The Solution Lies in an Automated System

Trying to collect data for hyper-personalized campaigns manually is an exhaustive task and isn’t your time better used elsewhere? With too many categories and types of behaviors to track, compare, and set goals for, it is very hard to make sense of the data. And once you have the data, deciphering the most beneficial way to use your content creation strategy and marketing campaigns without a marketing automation platform is daunting.

You need an advanced platform that automatically collects the data for you and organizes it to quickly extract value out of that data. Advanced platforms also automate the hyper-personalization of content and marketing campaigns based on user behaviors. This means creating specific content for marketing campaigns with parameters for the platform to execute and then deliver the most relevant content to users in real-time.

In conclusion, there’s a big difference between personalization and hyper-personalization. To really connect with your audience and extract maximum value from your database, use behavioral data and the right marketing automation platform for deeply relevant and hyper-personal touch points.