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Podcasts and Facebook Groups Are the New Community Levers

Authors: Jay Baer Jason Keath
Posted Under: Social Pros Podcast
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Hosted By
Jay Baer

Daniel Lemin

Convince & Convert
Jay Baer

Hannah Tooker

Jay Baer

Leanna Pham

Convince & Convert
About Social Pros Podcast:

Social Pros is one of the longest-running marketing podcasts in existence (10 YEARS and counting), and was recently recognized as the #1 Audio/Podcast Series by the Content Marketing Awards.

Our purpose? Making sure that we speak to real people doing real work in social media.

Listeners get inside stories and behind-the-scenes secrets about how teams at companies like Google, Reddit, Glossier, Zillow, Lyft, Marvel, and dozens more, staff, operate, and measure their social media programs.  With 600+ episodes, the Social Pros Podcast brings the humanity of social media to the forefront, while providing incredibly useful marketing strategies that listeners can immediately implement.

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Love the podcast - informative, in depth and spot on for any business size.


Jason Keath, Founder & CEO of Social Fresh, joins the Social Pros Podcast this week to discuss the community-building importance of Facebook groups, the untapped world of social media ads, and the low-tech ways social media experts are finding success.

A Conference for Social Pros

Jason Keath is the Founder and CEO of Social Fresh, a company that provides social media training and tips year-round on their site, as well as the Social Fresh Conference twice each year.
The next conference (#17) is coming up in Tampa on September 23–25. For a $50 discount and a copy of Jay’s new book, “Hug Your Haters,” go to and enter promo code “JAY” through August 8. The conference sells out every time, so if you haven’t gotten your tickets yet, be sure to head that way!
The Social Fresh Conference has changed over the years, but its core has remained the same: Individual experts speak about very actionable content in an intimate setting. They’ve added intensive workshops, but the two main days are still one-track with everyone in the same room.

“It’s still focused on really great expert talent on the stage from brands, from agencies, and really trying to connect people so they can learn from each other.”

One of the ways Social Fresh connects its members is through Facebook Groups surrounding the conference. Jason chose Facebook because while LinkedIn Groups are great and accomplish similar goals, Social Fresh doesn’t have the bandwidth to run both. They picked the platform where they think most of their customers are. “Our customers are logged into Facebook every day. They’re not logging into LinkedIn every day.”
Facebook Groups have always been an important part of the conference, but they’ve recently adjusted their strategy. The groups would have a lot of engagement around the conference, but then would die down the rest of the year. Now, the groups will be deleted a few months after the conference.

Year-Round Social Media Training

In addition to Facebook Groups surrounding the conference, Social Fresh now has a new year-round Facebook Group. They’re growing it slowly rather than worrying about bulking up numbers.

“We’re focusing on getting the engagement right, making sure engagement becomes driven by the community and not necessarily always by us, making sure the community is there to solve the problems of the community. That people were actually getting actionable tips, really great strategy directions, recommendations on tools, things like that, not sharing links. We outlawed links in the group, for the most part.”

The Social Fresh website and blog offer year-round tips and training to continue to support the community of social pros who attend the conferences. Most recently, they started the Social Toolkit Podcast. Jason didn’t want another social media podcast, because there were already plenty out there doing a good job (or great job, in the case of our Social Pros Podcast). Instead, he went for the toolkit angle to continue sharing based on the incredible results a tools presentation received at the conference.

“The joy we get out of it besides just geeking out about productivity tools, digital tools, social tools, is it really is a doorway into talking about process and really getting a shortcut into what experts are doing in their day-to-day to accomplish things.”

See you next week!

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