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Why Personalization Is the Next Wave of Content Marketing

Authors: Jess Jon Miller
Posted Under: The Content Experience Show
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Hosted By

Anna Hrach

Convince & Convert

Apple Podcast Reviews:

It doesn't get any better for content marketers. They present a balanced, insightful discussion of current trends and ask all the right questions. Their guest list is a "Who's Who" of content professionals. Outstanding.

Jared Johnson Piano

I love listening to marketing podcasts and this one is on my must-listen to list. Very knowledgable hosts and topical discussions.

The Marketing Book Podcast

Jon Miller, CEO & Co-Founder of Engagio, joins the Content Pros Podcast this week to discuss the necessity of personalization in content marketing as the bar is raised in the field by an influx of content marketers across industries.

Jon Miller - Instagram

Content Before Product

Jon Miller was one of the founders of Marketo, a successful marketing automation software company along the same lines as Infusionsoft, Eloqua, and Hubspot.
Jon’s latest adventure is Engagio, a new marketing software designed specifically around account-based marketing.
Engagio is still in the very early private beta stages. “I wouldn’t even know what to do with a lead today if you handed it to me,” Jon says. He started writing the blog before they even wrote their first line of code for Engagio, which has served as the foundation for their success this early in the game. Jon understands that quality content is essential to creating awareness and build Engagio as a player in the account-based industry.
As anyone in content marketing can see today, it’s gotten harder and harder to compete as more and more companies enter content into the field. For Jon and his team, they know this means not only the quantity bar had to be raised, but more importantly the quality of the content has to increase drastically to stay competitive.

In This Episode

  • Building a new brand by starting with content
  • Why big rock content is more valuable than many smaller pieces of content
  • Why personalized content is the key to raising the bar in content marketing
  • How to successfully personalize the distribution of content
  • How to work with your sales team on account-based marketing


Quotes From This Episode

“In my experience, a couple or even just one really awesome big rock piece of content ends up being way more valuable than lots of blog posts.” —@jonmiller
“People are much more likely to link to and share something that has a real weight and permanence to it.” —@jonmiller

“The thing about account-based marketing is it’s much more of an outbound activity than traditional content marketing is, right? Content marketing, you put your content out there. You wait to see who comes to you. You don’t care which fish you catch in your net, as long as you catch enough fish. You have a wide net and then you run it through your funnel. But when you are doing account-based marketing, you have named list of say 200 accounts, you can’t count on those big fish running into your net. You need to reach out to them, and go to them. It’s much more like spear fishing.” —@jonmiller

“If you start hedging your bets, you’re going to fail.”—@jonmiller
“Once you have a lot of content, you really have to raise your bar in exposing the right people to the right content.”—@jonmiller



What did you want to be when you grew up?

Jon was dead set on being an astronaut. He saved up money to take pilot lessons and joined the Civil Air Patrol (a sort of junior Air Force). He even went to space camp one summer. But it turned out his vision wasn’t good enough, which shot down his astronaut career goals. He took the money he had saved up and got a mac computer instead. He also studied physics in undergrad, but now he’s a marketer.
“You never know where you’re going to end up until you get there.”

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