How GE Digital Doubled ROMI in One Year

Neenu Sharma, VP of Marketing Operations and Analytics at GE Digital faced a common challenge for marketing leaders – demonstrating results.

“I don’t want to get stuck in the game of marketing needing to do more with less. I want to evolve the game so that marketing gets more because of how much we return on our investments and deliver on business objectives.”

Her team wanted to gain control and increase visibility into marketing spend and the results from that spend so they could make smart decisions about what programs drive the most impact.

See how the team at GE Digital implemented a revolutionary new investment and marketing ROI hierarchy and applied a unique spend attribution approach to gain increased visibility into what activities will drive the best return for the company. Neenu will share how their new process has driven better alignment for their team into what they’re spending on, which enabled them to achieve a 2.55x ROMI this year.

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