Prepare your campaign for the Summer of Sports!
3 min read

Prepare your campaign for the Summer of Sports!


The clouds are clearing. The frost is melting. Leaves are appearing branches were bare before. This can only mean one thing...summer is coming! Usually, that would mean time to bask in the sun, relaxing away from the desk for a couple of weeks, but not this summer. Not with the Olympics in Rio and the European Football Championships in Paris!

These kinds of events are great for spectators. At times, it can feel like the whole world stands still for a few moments, holding their breath alongside Usain and co for that sub 10 seconds where we see who’s the fastest man on the planet. You’ll be able to hear a pin drop in Paris if the final of the European Championships goes to penalties. So why not capitalise on all of this unparalleled audience engagement?

It’s proven that if you base an ad campaign around a big event, and time the advertisements right, your engagement will increase in a big way, and there’s a reason over $1billion dollars worth of advertising is likely to be sold. This takes a lot of planning, of course, and the content of your campaign is important. You need to tie it to the sporting events, and make sure the offer you’re making is relevant. So if you’re a retailer, you might look at offering discounted sporting goods. If you’re in the igaming industry, you may want to give better odds to new members joining within a certain time frame, and placing bets on certain athletes or football teams. Whatever you do though, there’s always a way to tie it to these two huge events, so it’s time to get creative! If you're looking for some inspiration, check out this case study.

As these events are truly international, your display campaign needs to match up. Now, imagine a world where, as you create your banner campaigns, you can translate them into any language with just a couple of clicks, instead of recoding and republishing the old fashioned way. Well, imagine no more! Using BannerFlow, translating your banners could not be easier. Check these out:


That’s five different campaigns, directed at five completely different markets, created in around five minutes (for the translations. The original banner takes a little longer than that). If you then launch the campaign but the results aren’t what you expected, you can tweak whichever ones you think are underperforming and do some A/B testing. Again, this takes mere moments, and allows you to carry out real time analysis on which works best.

This is a great tool to have at any time, but with the two huge sporting events coming this summer, it becomes even more relevant. It allows you to speak to any audience, in any language, about any offer. It’s also easier to grab attention, as these events are at the forefront of almost everyone’s mind. All you need to do is share that interest, find your audience, and grab their attention enough to engage with your brand.

To make things even easier, there’s functionality built in to the system where you can set up your trusted translators so that they can edit the text on your banners as required. Or, if you’re really in the mood for a gamble, you can let Google Translate do the work for you (although not recommended, it can sometimes be really useful, especially for short bits of text. Always better to hire a person though).

If you really want to diversify your campaign between the continents, you can change the whole theme of the banner too, not just the copy. This means you can include flags, famous faces, or football shirts specific to each nation, again helping increase engagement and encouraging a higher click through rate. Again, all you need to do is drag and drop onto the canvas in our banner builder, and save the changes.

All of this means the marketing world is your oyster. If you have a great idea for a campaign, but was worried that only one nation could see and understand it, worry no more! With BannerFlow, there are no borders to your creativity and campaigns, just simple, elegant solutions which will help you make awesome, international banners without worrying about time pressure.

If you want to learn more, check out our blogs or get in touch. Of course, you can always try all of this out with a free trial, and see for yourself how straightforward it is. You can even enter our summer competition here!

Got any great ideas for summer campaigns, or looking for some tips? Leave a comment below!

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