Intent-based Marketing: Definition, Importance & Benefits

A Comprehensive Guide on Intent-based Marketing

By Binary Demand - Last Updated on March 26, 2024

B2B intent data has become crucial in B2B marketing. The numbers say it all; according to Ahrefs, there’s been a whopping 2,739.1% increase in web pages about it since 2016. But what’s really impressive is the buyer-level intent data, which has skyrocketed by an incredible 13,609.7%.

This rapid growth, especially the 1,365.5% increase since March 2020, signifies a major change in how we perceive B2B intent data.

But why the focus is on individual buyers?

The reason is that businesses recognize a fundamental truth that purchasing decisions aren’t solely made by companies. Individual buyers within those organizations wield significant influence. This realization underscores the immense value of understanding the intent of these individual decision-makers. Let’s define intent-based marketing initially with its workings.

In this article

What is Intent-based Marketing, and How Does it Work?

It is a tactic designed to send personalized messages to consumers by assessing their online activities.

Intent data fuels personalized marketing. By analyzing potential customers’ online behavior, businesses can pinpoint research interests, website visits, and buying signals, effectively identifying warm leads. This allows them to focus their budgets.

Let’s uncover how it works with the help of an example.

Imagine David, the Marketing Director at a growing tech company, who is tasked with resolving a surge in customer support inquiries. As he delves into online helpdesk software research, an intent data platform detects key signals:

Signal 1: Downloading whitepapers on helpdesk software signals a strong interest in the category.

Signal 2: Visiting specific pages about features and pricing suggests active research for a purchase.

These signals trigger intent-based marketing. XYZ company, a helpdesk solution provider, can utilize this data to:

Target David with relevant ads or sponsored content showcasing their product’s capabilities for handling high volumes.

Reach out directly with a personalized email highlighting how their solution addresses the challenges David is likely facing based on his research.

This approach, distinct from traditional marketing, focuses on David’s specific intent, significantly enhancing the likelihood of capturing his attention and converting him into a customer.

So, intent-based marketing revolutionizes the landscape by tailoring:

There are two types of intent data: Overt and Covert

Overt intent data Covert intent data
Whitepaper download Several site visits in a few days
Contact information submission Product/Pricing page visits
Demo or webinar sign-up Implementation docs/help center visit
Free trial sign-ups Competitors on review sites check

So, in short, marketers extract B2B intent data from very many sources like:

  • Websites
  • Search engines
  • Social media
  • Targeted advertising
  • Overall content consumption

Understanding the various content formats that resonate with different buying behaviors is crucial for mastering intent-based marketing.

Understanding the Content that Drives Buying Behavior

While the popularity of a content format, like eBooks, might suggest high engagement, it doesn’t guarantee a strong desire to purchase. A deeper dive is necessary. Analyzing download patterns across different buying timeframes (e.g., under 3 months vs. over a year) can reveal hidden connections.

By understanding these connections, businesses can tailor their marketing efforts. Content formats with a high download rate in the immediate buying window and a low download rate for those further out in the buying journey might indicate stronger purchase intent.

This knowledge can be used to prioritize leads engaging with such content and offer relevant formats based on their buying stage, ultimately leading to better B2B lead generation and conversion.

NetLine surveyed various content formats (other than whitepapers and E-books) having downloaded between different time frames (0-3, 3-6, 6-9, over 1 year) and came up with the below results:

  • Webinar registrants demonstrate a 29% higher chance of finalizing a purchase decision within six months following registration compared to those who engage with other content formats.
  • Registering for a White Paper is a stronger indicator that a user is in the advanced stages of making a purchase decision.
  • Suppose a particular content format experiences a high conversion rate within a short buying window while concurrently receiving minimal engagement from casual browsers. In that case, it serves as a robust indicator of purchase intent.

Look at the table below, based on the survey on various content formats and buying:

Content resulting in quick purchase Content resulting in less purchase
White Paper Newsletters
Survey Report Book Summary
Tool eBook
Research Report Cheat Sheet
Analyst Report eKit
On-Demand Webinar Course
Live Webcast Tips and trick guide

Having explored the influence of content formats on purchase decisions, let’s delve into the broader significance of intent-based marketing.

Why is Intent-based Marketing Important for Today’s Marketers?

It’s time to go beyond generic marketing. The importance of intent-based marketing cannot be overstated, as it satisfies customer desires through online behavior, enabling accurate targeting with messages that align perfectly.

Explore the significance:

  • Marketers leverage intent-based targeting, from keyword selection in search ads to programmatic adjustments based on user content consumption, to efficiently reach users with high purchase intent.
  • Intent-based marketing reduces overall marketing spend by targeting high-intent buyers, requiring fewer (but potentially more expensive) leads to achieving goals due to higher conversion rates.
  • ABM + Intent Data = Supercharged Targeting

Through intent data, B2B account-based marketing enables marketers to grasp target accounts’ research interests, create tailored messages addressing their challenges, and boost conversion rates with personalized outreach.

  • Intent based marketing unlocks the secrets to crafting content your audience craves. By analyzing their online behavior and search queries, you gain a laser focus on the keywords and topics that truly resonate with them.
  • Intent-based marketing bridges the gap between businesses and their customers. Businesses gain valuable data points that inform the creation of targeted content and personalized communication strategies.

Understanding its importance, it’s now opportune to explore the advantages this marketing approach provides, delivering marketers with enhanced return on investment.

What are the Benefits of Intent-based Marketing?

Intent-based marketing utilizes real-time signals to understand consumer intent, revolutionizing digital marketing.

We’ll explore the benefits of intent-based marketing to gain momentum on the topic:

Benefits of b2b Intent based Marketing

Keys to Successful Intent-based Marketing Tips

B2B Intent-based marketing focuses on prospects actively seeking solutions. Understand their online behavior to deliver precise messages, converting visitors into leads.

Explore success keys with practical examples.

  • Context

Effective advertising thrives on delivering your message in the appropriate context. Ads appearing at irrelevant times or on unrelated platforms become unwelcome interruptions. This is especially true as individuals increasingly separate their personal and professional lives.

Understanding your audience: Consider where your target audience spends their time and how they use those platforms. This allows you to target your ads highly, ensuring they appear naturally within relevant content.

For example., LinkedIn represents a tailored B2B environment that serves as hub for professionals seeking to boost their business operations. This inherent business-focused context makes LinkedIn ideal for showcasing your offerings.

  • Targeting

It involves leveraging data and demographics to ensure your ads reach the most relevant users or personas. Analytics provide insights into your market, allowing you to establish criteria such as location, job title, company size, or interests to target users within that market.

For example, crafting impactful email campaigns requires a deep understanding of your audience and preferences. Here’s a three-step approach:

Monitor user behavior: Track metrics like open and click-through rates to understand subscriber engagement. Identify what resonates and areas for improvement.

Gather direct feedback: Solicit feedback through surveys and polls to understand subscribers’ interests. Use this data to tailor future campaigns and align content with their needs.

Embrace audience segmentation: Personalize campaigns by segmenting subscribers based on demographics, location, interests, and past interactions. Deliver targeted content to increase relevance and effectiveness, fostering a more engaged audience.

  • Behavioral insights

Behavioral insights enable timely advertising by revealing users’ positions in their buying journey. Analyzing content interaction, channel, referral source, and campaign interaction volume provides valuable information about users’ preferences in your advertising.

Take the example of LinkedIn; it offers comprehensive reporting on various aspects, from ad engagement to website demographics. This data can be utilized to assess the effectiveness of ads and identify pages with the highest engagement, enabling you to optimize your campaigns accordingly.

Closing Lines

Intent-based marketing transcends mere data collection. It leverages the power of B2B data solutions to forge genuine connections with your audience. Imagine becoming a trusted advisor, anticipating their needs, and offering timely solutions.

This approach requires a long-term commitment. Experiment with diverse content formats to discover what resonates best. By understanding your audience’s intent, you not only boost lead generation but also cultivate a loyal following drawn to your solutions.

Maintain your edge in the fast-paced business arena with Binary Demand data solutions, empowering you to make informed, data-driven choices. Open the door to a future filled with limitless potential, fueled by invaluable insights into B2B data.