Good Reads for B2B Sales - Lessons from NHL Playoffs

Posted by Carrie Surprenant on May 30, 2013 10:48:00 AM

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 PointClear Sales Sphere - Good Reads in B2B Sales

Keeping up to date on the latest innovations and opinions in sales can be time-consuming, especially in the the digital space. Sales Sphere features relevant blog articles from PointClear's online B2B sales circles.


Qualities of an Inside Sales Winner

Josiane Feigon shares 20 traits of a successful inside sales rep. Besides being bright, educated, culturally diverse, sophisticated, sales winners must manage time, stay calm and competitive, and be fast and fearless. Via

Seeing Things Differently, Seeing Different Things

David Brock illustrates how people see different things while viewing the same things using a unique image. Buyers and sellers sometimes view the same situations very differently. Brock advises that sellers should look through the buyers’ eyes and ask them to help understand by describing their picture vividly. Via Partners In Excellence Blog

We Can't Handle the Truth!

In this Solution Selling blog post, the writer compares the wishful thinking of crash dieting with how some execs solve issues in their sales organizations. Battles are typically won or lost due to a combination of multiple factors. Rarely are issues the result of a single factor. Via Solution Selling blog

What Will Distinguish The Top Sales Professionals of Tomorrow?

Successful sales reps of the future will need more knowledge than just product knowledge, says Jonathan Farrington. Vendors are looking for business partners, who are willing and able to share risks and who are able to properly manage the entire sales process, he concludes. Via The JFBlogit

NHL Playoffs: Lessons in Building a Winning Sales Team

Comparing an NHL playoff team to sales teams, Trevor Turnbull says managers should allow sales reps to work to their strengths. Just as a successful NHL squad doesn't lean on its stars for wins, a successful sales organization should provide equal support for all of its members. Via Entrepreneur.

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Topics: Inside Sales, Sales Process, B2B Sales, Sales Sphere

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