Today’s B2B Video Marketing Trends and the Statistics that Back Them Up

b2b video marketing
b2b video marketing

 Video marketing has become an indispensable strategy for brands looking to share insights and connect with target audiences. Amid waves of ever-evolving trends, some marketing professionals still have reservations about whether committing time, budget and other resources to B2B video marketing is a worthwhile investment. Yet, when statistics and buzz around video marketing tout a high return on investment (ROI) and valuable lead generation, it’s clear there’s a positive impact on customer and prospect relationships.

Seven Data-Driven Trends Shaping Today’s B2B Video Marketing

To set up your video marketing strategy for sustainable success, it’s vital to keep a pulse on the factors that shape this powerful medium. Based on today’s data-driven insights and statistics, here are the trends that are influencing best practices in video marketing:

1.  Prospects search for videos to solve problems.

Delivering value is at the core of any marketing content and video is no different. When video content is developed with the goal of offering solutions to customers’ pain points, those individuals are more likely to discover and interact with your brand. Additionally, websites that incorporate video content are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) than those without video. In fact, video traffic was predicted to account for 82 percent of all consumer internet traffic in 2022. This means that search engine optimization is just as important with a video as it is with any other piece of content or webpage.

2.  LinkedIn video is a powerful tool.

LinkedIn is a mainstay as a premier business networking platform. Sharing content on LinkedIn is a powerful way to interact with target audiences and video has been proven to outperform other mediums. LinkedIn’s research shows that members are 20 times more likely to share a video on the channel than any other type of post. LinkedIn offers embedded linked videos, native videos and video advertising. Consider when and where to use different options while keeping the core goal of delivering value to the viewer top of mind.

3.  Live video has unique potential for B2B.

Platforms like Facebook Live, Instagram Live and LinkedIn Live offer businesses a unique opportunity to connect with audiences in real time. Live videos create a sense of authenticity and engagement that pre-recorded content cannot match. Live video offers variety, which can take the form of webinars, event live streams, live product demos or interactive Q&As with an expert or thought leader. Leverage functions such as interactive chat, panel questions or screen-sharing to incorporate different opportunities for prospects to engage with your organization and each other.

4.  Short-form video has niche opportunities.

Platforms such as TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts have skyrocketed in popularity for viewing “short-form content,” or brief videos that are typically under one minute. Many B2C businesses are already leveraging these popular platforms to showcase products, but B2B organizations may still question their value. That said, short-form video does offer B2B marketers a unique chance to deliver messaging about their product or services in under a minute, in a highly sharable mode. When 85 percent of internet users watch videos online and the average person watches over three hours of short-form video content daily, a single short-form video can have significant reach. While a short-form video won’t always capture the complexity of your products and services, it can still be a powerful way to introduce target audiences to your brand or provide useful bites of information that encourage viewers to learn more.

5. Video landing pages boost lead generation.

According to research, 86 percent of marketers state that video helped increase traffic to their website, while 84 percent were able to generate leads. The key is giving your viewers a clear call to action that propels them to learn more or make a purchase. A landing page takes lead generation one step further so you can gather essential information about your visitors. For example, an explainer video or video testimonial that describes how you provide solutions to your customers could feature a call to action in the description to download a white paper, article or other resource to learn more.

When using a landing page, it’s possible to gather additional information about the viewer, such as industry, company size and interests, to better offer solutions catered to their pain points or demographics. Video can serve as a lead generation source or as a conversion tool when coupled with a landing page. In fact, landing pages with videos can increase conversions by 86 percent.

6.  Video has proven ROI.

Research shows that 92 percent of businesses report that video marketing provides a good return on their investment. Whether you measure ROI through increased brand visibility, lead generation or sales growth, video marketing is a valuable asset for B2B companies that want to maximize their marketing efforts. Not surprisingly, to achieve measurable success, it’s important to have the right metrics in place that keep your strategy focused.

7.  Outsourced video is worthwhile.

Compared to other types of content, video might be seen as expensive and skill-intensive. Because it requires special resources, 30 percent of businesses lack the time and talent needed to create video content. This doesn’t mean video ceases to be a viable option to connect with your audiences. Rather, it makes committing to an outsourced video partner even more valuable. When a marketing strategy is already developed and documented, an outsourced video expert combines their skill sets with your vision to take your messaging to the next level.

B2B Video Behaviors Empower Customer Connections

Video Marketing

Video isn’t a powerful tool just because it is sensory or captures attention quickly. It’s effective because it encapsulates the human element more fully and authentically than any other medium. Integrating video into your marketing strategy is a powerful means of expanding your reach and engaging your audience effectively, but only if that personal, humanized element is kept front and center. In the competitive landscape of digital marketing, compelling video cuts through the noise to drive brand awareness, generate leads, boost sales and create sustainable growth for the future.