Sunday Learning | Using our practical wisdom with Barry Schwartz

At Find New Customers, we have a tradition of delivering great educational content on Sunday. Not about B2B demand generation, but about ideas to improve business and lives.

Joe Pulizzi (@juntajoe) of the Content Marketing Institute, who is joining me for Mad

Joe Pulizzi

Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose

Marketing TV on December 8th, is the co-author of a new book (with Robert Rose) on practical advice about content marketing, entitled Managing Content Marketing. (We will soon post a review of the book.)  In the book, the authors discuss policies about content marketing, such as “Are writers able to use the company name in blog posts?” or “Who can respond to negative comments on the blog or on Twitter?”

Many companies issues voluminous policy manuals, but most are never viewed and become unwieldy quickly. Is there a better way? The authors strongly suggest we watch a TED video by Barry Schwartz in which he discusses this very issues. I hope you enjoy it.

In an intimate talk, Barry Schwartz dives into the question “How do we do the right thing?” With help from collaborator Kenneth Sharpe, he shares stories that illustrate the difference between following the rules and truly choosing wisely.

Jeff Ogden, the Fearless Competitor is the Founder and President of Find New Customers. He’s also the host of the new show, Mad Marketing TV, sponsored by Act-On Software. On weekends, he’s a father and husband, as well as an avid, but lousy basketball player and today he celebrates his birthday with his wife and kids.

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