
How to accelerate a winning B2B ecommerce strategy: Tools, tactics & examples

Explore key insights from top B2B commerce leaders

Navigating the B2B e-commerce landscape is no small feat. It’s a blend of innovation, strategy, and understanding what truly resonates with customers.

This session is designed specifically for leaders in complex B2B and manufacturing sectors, providing valuable insights and answering critical questions on how to navigate and succeed in this new digital frontier.

What we’ll cover:

  • Adapting to the Digital-First Customer: Strategies for engaging both digital-native and traditional buyers in more effective ways, enhancing their shopping experience across all channels.
  • Leveraging Technology for Competitive Advantage: How artificial intelligence, real-time data analytics, and personalization can transform your e-commerce strategy, making your operations more efficient and your customer interactions more impactful.
  • Building a Sustainable Digital Ecosystem: The importance of developing a digital infrastructure that supports efficient, productive operations for internal teams and provides transparency and convenience for B2B buyers.
  • Creating Value Through Innovation: Practical insights into deploying new e-commerce strategies and technologies that generate uniquely helpful experiences, attract new customers, and foster lasting loyalty.

Featured speakers

sebastian verhaar
Sebastiaan Verhaar

Chief Executive Officer, Sana Commerce

Mark Brohan
Mark Brohan

Senior Vice President, B2B and Market Research, Digital Commerce 360

Kris Harrington
Kris Harrington

CEO, GenAlpha Technologies

Justin Racine
Justin Racine

Principal, Unified Commerce Strategy, Perficient

Jai Baek
Jai Baek

Marketing & Creative Director, United Pacific Industries

Dive into this enlightening session and equip yourself with the knowledge to propel your B2B e-commerce strategy forward.