Sales-Qualified Lead Generation

We identify and generate leads after taking them through the funnel. Then, we verify their interest in your product. So you get SQLs that take much less effort and nurturing to convert.

Sales-Qualified Lead Generation
New lead found

100% Criteria match

Your criteria
  • CXO
  • >100 Employees
  • Media
  • Influencer
Compliant BANT Verification to Be Extra Sure

Leads Funnel

  • All Leads
  • Sales Qualified Leads

Compliant BANT Verification
to Be Extra Sure

The SQLs you get will have met the Budget, Authority, Need, and Timing criteria, making them sales-ready. We’ll also confirm their current solutions and the challenges they’re facing, so we don’t miss out on any details.


How Our SQL Generation Process Works

Grow your demand funnel with accurate data and actionable insights about your target accounts. Engage with your targetted buyer personas and get in front of decision-makers faster.

Identify Target Accounts

We identify and build your target accounts using your Ideal Customer Profile from our database of 100M+ professionals.

Create Brand Awareness

We run B2B programmatic campaigns that deliver customized ads to your target audience at the right time using intent and AI-driven strategies.

Generate MQLs

Our Programmatic Campaigns drive users to landing pages to convert them into high quality Marketing-Qualified Leads.

Qualify SQLs

Leverage our integrated emails, social and telemarketing strategies to generate Sales-Qualified Leads with confirmed intent or BANT qualification.


What our clients say about us

  • "UnboundB2B builds trust between marketing and sales by delivering high-quality leads from valued accounts. They're a trusted content syndication partner with a strong track record of ROI in our European ABM programs."

    Rita Matuzic
    Former, Director of Global Campaigns, Delphix

  • “UnboundB2B has been a consistent and reliable content syndication partner. We're impressed by their audience reach, customer service and continuous innovation.”

    Korry Stagnito
    CEO and CRO, Retail & Hospitality Hub

  • "UnboundB2B delivers exceptional service and leads. They offer solutions to roadblocks and provide personalized advice to enhance lead nurturing and quality optimization. Their service is top-notch."

    Liana Plotnik
    Field Marketing Manager, Quadient

Our Ebooks

Learn from our documented knowledge

Programmatic Advertising Decoded. The Processes, successes, and Future Trends
This eBook provides a step-by-step guide on the programmatic...


Learn How to Generate HQLs With Abm Approach| Free Ebook
This eBook contains the conceptual differences between ABM a...


This eBook will help you understand the fundamentals and ben...


Frequently asked questions

Browse through our FAQs to find answers to common sales qualified leads queries. Need more information or want to discuss your requirements?

Get in touch

What are lead generation services?

Lead generation services are third-party companies that help businesses identify potential customers (leads) who may be interested in their products or services. These services use a variety of methods, such as online advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and telemarketing, to attract and capture contact information from potential customers.

What are the benefits of lead generation services?

Lead generation services can save businesses time and resources by identifying and qualifying potential leads. This can increase revenue by converting those leads into paying customers. By targeting marketing efforts more effectively and paying for the service on a per-lead or subscription basis, lead generation services can be a cost-effective solution. They can also be scaled up or down depending on the business’s needs, making it a useful tool for startups and small businesses looking to grow their customer base.

Should you hire a B2B lead generation services vendor?

SQLs, or Sales Qualified Leads, are leads that have been evaluated and deemed ready for direct sales engagement. These are the prospects who have met specific criteria indicating their higher potential to become paying customers. SQLs have typically moved further along in the buyer’s journey, demonstrating a stronger interest and intent to make a purchase. They may have engaged in actions like requesting a demo, submitting a pricing inquiry, or displaying behaviors that suggest they are closer to making a decision.

What are SQLs?

SQLs, or Sales Qualified Leads, are leads that have been evaluated and deemed ready for direct sales engagement. These are the prospects who have met specific criteria indicating their higher potential to become paying customers. SQLs have typically moved further along in the buyer’s journey, demonstrating a stronger interest and intent to make a purchase. They may have engaged in actions like requesting a demo, submitting a pricing inquiry, or displaying behaviors that suggest they are closer to making a decision.

How do you qualify a sales-qualified lead?

Qualifying a sales-qualified lead (SQL) involves assessing specific criteria. This includes evaluating the lead’s demographics, firmographics, engagement level, behaviors, readiness to purchase, budget availability, and decision-making authority. By considering these factors, sales teams determine if the lead is a good fit and ready for direct sales engagement. This qualification process ensures that sales efforts are focused on leads with a higher likelihood of converting into customers, maximizing efficiency and resources.

How does the buyer journey affect SQLs?

The buyer journey plays a crucial role in determining the readiness of a lead to become a sales-qualified lead (SQL). As leads progress through the buyer journey stages, their level of engagement, interest, and intent to purchase evolves. The buyer journey helps sales teams understand where a lead stands in their decision-making process and tailor their approach accordingly. By aligning sales efforts with the specific needs and concerns of leads at different stages of the journey, sales teams can effectively nurture and qualify them as SQLs. Understanding the buyer journey enables sales teams to provide the right information and support, increasing the chances of converting leads into SQLs.

Get In Touch To Fuel Your Pipeline With Warm And Qualified Leads

Audience Reach

Contact directly with your audience. Choose your Target audience from our database pool containing more than 150 million companies and 100 million professionals and make your own custom list

Target List Building

Either you pick our own list to whom you want to target or if you feel your in-house CRM data may not be in the best of the stage to run campaigns or you need net new contacts. Use our list building service to build lists that are 100% accurate and relevant

Email Marketing Campaigns

UnboundB2B will enable you to run the entire email campaign targeted at your audience. Either you provide a list of your audience, or you define it. UnboundB2B has a reach of more than 100 Million B2B contacts that enable them to execute the complete lifecycle of the email campaigns.

Let's Discuss More About Your Marketing Needs!

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