More than ever before, we operate in a world of transparency. The always-connected-and-consuming buyer has unprecedented access to your organization.

Your strategy and story are visible to anyone, anywhere, at any time.

This means — how your business operates, what your organization believes in, the actions employees take and the words they use to describe the value you deliver — are now omnipresent. These touchpoints, interactions and messages define your customers’ overall experience with your company. They also directly impact financial performance.

A recent Qualtrics Study found that 73 percent of companies with above-average customer experience perform better financially than their competitors.

So, simply put, words and actions define how customers perceive their experience with your company. Your strategy drives employee actions and your corporate story drives the words they share throughout the customer experience. That’s why your story and strategy must be fully aligned.

When they are not, the customer experience breaks down. The perception of your brand is damaged. Employees lose faith and trust in your company. Customers leave and go to the competition. We believe a recent article in the Journal of Business Strategy explains it best:

“Your corporate story’s strength lies in its ability to align leaders, drive decision making and mobilize the organization.”

Companies that succeed in maintaining alignment between their corporate story and strategy win. They win because their words and actions align; creating a superior experience that increases — employee engagement, customer acquisition, retention, loyalty and competitive differentiation.

Speak with one of our experts to learn how we can help you develop and deliver a strategically aligned corporate story that improves your customer experience … and financial performance.

That’s Your OnMessage Minute.