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The AI Playbook: Mastering the Rare Art of Machine Learning Deployment by Eric Siegel

Eric Siegel AI Playbook

About the Book

In his bestselling first book, Eric Siegel explained how machine learning works. Now, in The AI Playbook, he shows how to capitalize on it.

The greatest tool is the hardest to use. Machine learning is the world’s most important general-purpose technology—but it’s notoriously difficult to launch.

Outside Big Tech and a handful of other leading companies, machine learning initiatives routinely fail to deploy, never realizing value.

What’s missing? A specialized business practice suitable for wide adoption.

In The AI Playbook, bestselling author Eric Siegel presents the gold-standard, six-step practice for ushering machine learning projects from conception to deployment.

He illustrates the practice with stories of success and of failure, including revealing case studies from UPS, FICO, and prominent dot-coms.

This disciplined approach serves both sides: It empowers business professionals, and it establishes a sorely needed strategic framework for data professionals.

Beyond detailing the practice, this book also upskills business professionals—painlessly.

It delivers a vital yet friendly dose of semi-technical background knowledge that all stakeholders need to lead or participate in machine learning projects, end to end.

This puts business and data professionals on the same page so that they can collaborate deeply, jointly establishing precisely what machine learning is called upon to predict, how well it predicts, and how its predictions are acted upon to improve operations.

These essentials make or break each initiative—getting them right paves the way for machine learning’s value-driven deployment.

A note from the author:

What kind of AI does this book cover? The buzzword AI can mean many things, but this book is about machine learning, which is a central basis for—and what many mean by—AI. To be specific, this book covers the most vital use cases of machine learning, those designed to improve a wide range of business operations.

About the Author

Eric Siegel, Ph.D. is a leading consultant and former Columbia University professor who helps companies deploy machine learning.

He is the founder of the long-running Machine Learning Week conference series, the instructor of the acclaimed online course “Machine Learning Leadership and Practice – End-to-End Mastery,” executive editor of The Machine Learning Times, and a frequent keynote speaker.

His previous book is the bestselling Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die which has been used in courses at hundreds of universities and was featured on episode 74 of The Marketing Book Podcast in 2016.

Eric’s interdisciplinary work bridges the stubborn technology/business gap. At Columbia, he won the Distinguished Faculty award when teaching graduate computer science courses in ML and AI. Later, he served as a business school professor at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business.

Eric’s many media appearances include Bloomberg TV and Radio, Business News Network (Canada), Israel National Radio, NPR Marketplace, Radio National (Australia), Businessweek, CBS MoneyWatch, The European Business Review, The Financial Times, Forbes, Harvard Business Review, The Huffington Post, The New York Times, Newsweek, Scientific American, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.

And, interesting fact – he is a dancing machine!

napoleon dynamite dancing

Listen to the Interview…


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