Infographics are a useful tool for simplifying complex information and increasing readability. Research and other forms of work can take a great deal of time and the results are often lengthy and complicated. Although these findings contain important, impressive, and possibly groundbreaking information, most people will not sit down and digest it completely. 

That’s where creating infographics that complement your work comes into play. So, how can infographics add value when sharing content? 

1. Increasing Retention 

We’re constantly being bombarded with information each and every day. On our phones, watching TV, or even in the public domain, information is everywhere, and companies are competing for our attention. It’s one thing to get your information in front of an audience, but it’s another to get them to remember it. 

Three days after hearing it, people remember only 10% of the information on average. But, adding a picture can improve recall to 65%. Condense information from your research to high-level takeaways and add visual content, like an infographic, to increase retention among your target audience. 

2. Diversifying Content Sharing

When visiting a website nobody is impressed when they are met with a wall of copy. To decrease bounce rate and increase user engagement, a site should include diverse content marketing mediums. Infographics are a great addition to any site allowing users to take in key information. 

Front and center, eye-catching infographics add value by drawing users in and driving home your most important messages. It’s important to note, however, that infographics must be clear in conveying your message. Icons with no real meaning will only confuse users further. Don’t be afraid to incorporate short, meaningful copy in your infographics to ensure they fulfill their purpose. 

3. Building Credibility

Infographics at their core are a data visualization tool. They can also make a strong statement and show the relevance and importance of the information you’re sharing. Oftentimes infographics depict impressive statistics related to your company. And they should show off this information in an easily digestible and memorable way. 

Well-curated infographics increase the credibility of your brand and show thought leadership in your field. They also educate those viewers on what sets you apart from your competition. But, don’t forget to cite your resources to substantiate credibility. 

4. Creating Brand Alignment

So how do you find the right information design for your infographic? The visual nature of this type of content means there’s a great opportunity to align the infographic design with your branding. The fonts, color schemes, and overall design of your infographics should match your brand palette and style guide. Having a cohesive look and feel can increase brand recognition and help your audience differentiate your information from your competitors and extend your own brand attributes. 

5. Encouraging Shares

Infographics take your complex information and condense it into a format that’s easy to understand. These snackable graphics are small enough and well-curated enough to stand alone on a variety of digital marketing channels.  

Unlike a lengthy research article, an infographic gives a quick snapshot of the most important information. This encourages shares on social media channels, in email blasts, and even in your other marketing assets like landing pages and blog content. The use of infographics increases the shareability of your content and allows you to distribute your work to a broader audience.  

Regardless of the work you’re doing and the audience you’re trying to reach, infographics can add value by increasing your reach and retention. Consider taking the additional step to develop and incorporate them the next time you share information, and you may be surprised at your engagement!