Why Account-Based Marketing for Enterprise Clients Works

Imagine a world where your sales and marketing teams work in perfect harmony. You won’t waste any resources marketing or calling unqualified leads who have no intention of purchasing your products. Instead, you move directly to engaging accounts who are more likely to convert and drive results.

Account-based marketing (ABM) makes this possible. 67% of B2B enterprises are leveraging ABM to align your teams, engage with customers, and boost your return on investment (ROI).

In fact, 62% of marketing and sales teams who measure ROI report ABM as the leading cause of positive returns than any other strategy. When you position your teams to function as one engine, you’re able to empower the customer lifecycle and drive measurable results.

Let’s dive into what exactly ABM for enterprise is and why it’s proven to be so effective for overall business growth.

What is ABM?

ABM is a sales and marketing strategy in which teams actively collaborate to develop personalized buying experiences for specific target accounts. Instead of marketing to a broad audience, your teams mutually identify high-value prospects and develop specific campaigns based on their needs or pain points. By weeding out less-valuable companies early on, you can effectively communicate and engage with qualified organizations faster and more effectively.

ABM doesn’t just align your sales and marketing teams, it forces them to actively collaborate because personalization at the account level requires your teams to be in sync. Additional benefits of ABM for enterprise clients include:

  • Increasing your brand’s relevance and credibility with high-value accounts
  • Delivering consistent and personalized buyer experiences
  • Measuring your ROI through data
  • Streamlining and shortening the sales cycle
  • Growing business through individual account relationships

ABM is a win-win for your internal teams, business growth, and customers. Overall, by combining your sales and marketing efforts and transforming their mindset into trusted allies, you can more effectively convert your target accounts and deliver a higher ROI.

Why is ABM for Enterprise Clients Effective?

Before developing your ABM tactics, you will need to earn buy-in from key stakeholders from both your C-suite and high-level sales and marketing executives. Here are a few reasons why ABM has proven to be successful for enterprise clients:

Target the Right Prospects and Quality Leads

ABM focuses on targeting an entire organization instead of one individual. By aligning your sales and marketing teams, you can dedicate your resources to prospects who are most likely to convert and stay loyal to your brand. Through market research, customer journey mapping, and persona development, you’re able to identify companies that will provide the most value and personalize content to their needs.

Instead of a one-size-fits-all mentality, start building out a workflow for target profiles and ensure each enterprise account meets the criteria. Consider the following features when building out a workflow:

  • Annual revenue
  • Company size
  • Industry
  • Location

Engage Your Buyers on Multiple Platforms

Do you understand your accounts and how to provide the solution they need? Once you have target accounts identified, ABM enables you to engage and entertain them on their preferred platforms. Using sales and marketing data, you can build loyal relationships and strengthen your brand awareness at every stage of the sales cycle. For example, you can provide touchpoints through display ads, nurture their experience with a website chat feature, and schedule appointments for your sales teams at the right moment.

Powerful platforms that enable ABM include:

  • Social platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook
  • Google Display ads
  • Content like videos or blogs
  • Dedicated landing pages
  • Events

However, for your platforms to be successful, you need to personalize the content to each account with dedicated technology. This is where critical information and data from your sales teams lead to the best results.

Close Leads and Build Long-Lasting Relationships

With a multi-layer sales approach, you can engage with leads, manage their expectations, and provide nurturing tactics until you close the deal. However, ABM enables you not only to drive qualified leads and increase conversions but also to ensure you nurture those accounts long after you close the deal.

Throughout the sales cycle, you develop relationships within buying committees and keep focused on those throughout the customer lifetime.  The more time you take to nurture these bonds, the higher ROI the accounts will provide your organization. To forge long-lasting relationships, consider the following initiatives:

  • Provide education and interactions that bridge the gap between your services and the account
  • Communicate one-on-one to make the committee feel like they’re your priority
  • Host events with your accounts so they know your team on a personal level

Drive Revenue with an ABM for Enterprise Strategy

If you’re looking to increase conversions and build loyalty with your enterprise clients, ABM is an effective strategy to align your teams and drive ROI. By creating a true partnership between sales and marketing, you can effectively utilize technology to qualify leads, drive personalized engagement, and close more deals within a shorter sales cycle.

ABM is a proven effective strategy because you can:

  • Align your sales and marketing teams to drive personalized content
  • Target high-level accounts that are more likely to convert
  • Communicate with your accounts on multiple platforms at the right moment
  • Build long-lasting relationships to drive customer loyalty

Contact Televerde today about ABM solutions!

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