Can Craftsmanship Go Unrecognized?

The Craft of Teaching

William R. Dill, when he was dean of the Graduate School of Business Administration of New York University, invited me to work with him on a study of students with known addresses that had graduated five or more years before: how are they doing? And what might be characteristics of background for success? One question was this:

Did any teacher here affect your life? If so, what was his / her name?

Responses showed that every student who had taken a course with any one of the six teachers answered yes. Moreover, every one who answered yes remembered the name of the teacher. Almost no one was mentioned aside from the six.

Unfortunately, this recognition came too late. No special effort was made by authorities at the school to hold on to these six men – the kind that make an institution famous – and none of them received from the student body the award “Great Teacher of the Year.”

W. Edwards Deming “Out of the Crisis”

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