
In the hope of making advertising more interactional, more conversational and more user-friendly, Google Inc. rolled out its latest ad feature, +Post Ads, late last year. This would significantly affect the buying and selling decisions of customers and advertisers, in 2014.

What are Google +Post Ads?

Google rolled out a new feature called +Post Ads to a select number of brands. This feature would enable them to share Google+ content as Google ads.  However, these +Post Ads will not run on Google+ but will run on Google’s vast Display Network that includes nearly 2 million websites!

Here’s what Eran Arkin, Product Manager at Google, had to say :

“We’ve recently started testing a new, brand-friendly format: +Post ads. +Post ads allow a brand to take a piece of their public Google+ content, like a photo, video or even a Hangout, and with a few clicks, turn it into a display ad that can run across the more than 2 million sites in the Google Display Network.”

So the ad would look like this –


 And if an interested customer clicks on the ad, they would land on the official Google+ page of that brand –

In a nutshell, the ads that you create on Google+ will not run on Google+. Instead, it will run on Google’s Display Ad Network. These ads, known Paid +Post Ads have been launched with partners, Cadbury and Toyota. In the next couple of months, Google will be getting feedback from the select brands, to find out how it has actually worked for them.

These ads will allow companies to share their Google+ content with the public in the form of ads. These include status updates, videos, photos, and Hangouts. The idea is to increase engagement and thereby, increase sales.

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