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list_small_arrow(Read time = 1 minute)  One of the tantilizing promises Twitter  holds out for B2B marketers is the direct marketing possibility of “narrow-casting“, ie: the ability to segment Twitter accounts into very vertical groups for rifle-shot messaging and campaigns. To this point, beyond brute strength, there’s been little easy way to attack the issue.  Now, all that may be changing.  Twitter HQ announced 9/30 that a “list” feature test has been rolled-out to a select few accounts.

Little beyond the initial blog post is known, but depending on functionality, this is definitely a topic to keep on Agency, Marketing and Consultant radars.  On a practical side/personal side, for those following hundreds (thousands?), a list feature would be one additional way to keep the conversations sane.

Below is a quick recap where the announcement is being discussed…

Chek Out the Coverage: Will Add More in Real-Time

10/1: WIRED Weighs-in

From the Twitter blog:  Soon to Launch: Lists.  Nick Kallen, project lead for Twitter on Lists, wrote 9/30 about the small test of this new feature with a subset of Twitter accounts.  

Technology Cutting-Edge Blogger Louis Gray on Twitter Lists

LATimes Business Technology News: Mark Milian reports in Kusts and the LAT’s test run.

Geeksugar – No date for public rollout but “coming soon…”

Scoble on Lists:  Well-known blogger Robert Scoble rants on Twitter’s “suggested user list

Appscout.com, republished by PCMagazine.com – Lists will be public by default but can be made private…


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