2 minutes read

Definition of Tracking in Graphic Design

Tracking, also known as letter-spacing, refers to the adjustment of the space between characters in a block of text. It involves uniformly increasing or decreasing the spacing between all characters in a selected text, affecting the overall density and appearance of the text.


Tracking is commonly used in typography to achieve optimal visual spacing between characters, ensuring readability and aesthetic consistency. Designers adjust tracking to improve the overall appearance of text, particularly in headlines, titles, and display typography.

Related Terms

  • Kerning: The adjustment of spacing between individual pairs of characters to achieve visually pleasing and balanced letter spacing.
  • Leading: The vertical spacing between lines of text, which influences readability and the overall appearance of a block of text.
  • Typeface: A set of fonts sharing a consistent visual design, including letterforms, glyphs, and typographic features.
  • Typography: The art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and visually appealing.
  • Whitespace: The empty space or margins surrounding text and other graphic elements, which plays a crucial role in layout and design composition.

Related questions about the term tracking

  • What factors influence the decision to adjust tracking in typography?
    Factors such as font choice, font size, line length, and design aesthetics influence the decision to adjust tracking to achieve optimal spacing and readability.
  • How does tracking differ from kerning in typography?
    Tracking adjusts the overall spacing between all characters in a block of text uniformly, while kerning focuses on adjusting the spacing between individual pairs of characters to improve visual harmony and readability.
  • What are some common scenarios where adjusting tracking is necessary in graphic design?
    Designers may adjust tracking to improve the readability and appearance of headlines, titles, logos, and other display typography, as well as to achieve visual consistency in layout and design composition.
  • How can excessive or insufficient tracking impact the legibility and readability of text?
    Excessive tracking may cause text to appear too spread out, leading to decreased legibility and readability, while insufficient tracking may result in cramped text that is difficult to read.
  • What are some best practices for adjusting tracking effectively in graphic design projects?
    Designers should use tracking adjustments judiciously, considering factors such as font choice, font size, line length, and overall design aesthetics to achieve optimal spacing and readability without sacrificing visual harmony.


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