
Why is a lead capture page so important? Let me tell you. Humans have a strange kind of attention span. One moment they are completely engrossed in something and the next, they move on to something else. Haven’t you had these moments? I know I have had plenty of them.

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For instance, you might have opened your computer to search for a recipe but you notice an advertisement for a nice pair of shoes and completely forget about the recipe for the next hour of window shopping. So basically, you have to understand that the average person’s attention span can be quite paltry. As time passes and you get older, your attention span will reduce even further. I am explaining all of this because it is the very reason that lead capture pages exist in the first place.

First off, let’s start by understanding what a lead capture page is. Then we will move on to how you can create a great lead capture page that will generate maximum leads for your business.

So, what is a lead capture page?

A lead capture page is an example of a landing page and is sometimes known as a destination page. It is a web page that has the sole purpose of capturing leads. A lead capture page will usually be different from the general website or other online pages of a company. This page will have only one objective and that is to make the visitor perform a single actionable task. It could be anything from signing up for a newsletter by providing their email address or making a purchase of the company’s product.

lead capture page - landing pages

Every company should use these lead capture pages for their marketing efforts. So when a potential customer clicks on some email promotion link or a PPC ad, they are lead to the lead capture page. This lead capture page will make the conversion process a lot more streamlined. It will also allow the company to segment traffic and place the right information in front of the right people.

The purpose of the lead capture page is to convert. This is why these pages are usually quite simple and they should not have too much of other information that is distracting. A lot of lead capture pages don’t even offer any navigation option that will allow the visitor to go to other pages on the website. This allows the visitor to focus solely on that lead capture page function.

How do you create a lead capture page?

It is quite obvious that your business will have more sales if you generate more leads. Every person who visits your general website will not convert into a lead. However, if you have an effective lead capture page, you will see a higher number of leads. A good lead capture page will be much more effective than most landing pages. However, you need to know how to do this. If the right measures are taken, your efforts will surely pay off. Studies show that companies that have better and more lead capture pages generate a lot more leads than those that don’t. So let’s look at how you can create a high converting page for your company.

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1. The purpose of the page

Before you create the lead capture pages, you have to consider two things. One is, what the purpose of the landing page will be. The second is, who the landing page is for. You might think that these pages are obviously for generating leads but every lead is not the same. There are some leads that have just started showing interest in the product or service your company offers. There are other leads that are actively looking for something that you offer but not sure if they should get it from your company. Your landing page should provide your leads with some valuable information and provide you with their contact information. Once you keep these things in mind, you can get started with creating the landing page.

2. The Heading and Subheading

The lead capture page should have a headline and subhead. This headline might be your only opportunity to grab the attention of the visitor. It should be as concise and clear as possible. The visitor should be able to understand what they will benefit from your product or service. The headline as well as the subheading should immediately tell the customer what your proposition is. Most people don’t like having to dig further for information.

3. The Navigation Bar

Avoid the navigation bar that will direct the customer to other pages on your website. Instead, gently push them towards a conversion or a form. You don’t have to tempt them to check out other products or services you offer. It will just direct their attention away from what you were selling on that landing page.

4. The form

If you want them to provide information, make the form as short as possible. No one wants to sit and fill in all their details the first time they visit a page. It should be easy for the visitor to fill your form. Don’t put up something elaborate that will drive them away. Simply asking for their name and phone number or email id can be enough to help you follow up on the lead. Asking for things like their age, fax, location, and other such details will send them away.

5. The media

Use a great photo or video for visual representation. Don’t use stock photos that the visitors might have seen elsewhere. Something original and visually appealing will help in higher conversion rates. More importantly, ensure that the image is relevant. You can’t be promoting a cat and putting up a picture of a dog.

6. The CTA

Add a call-to-action button that is effective. There should be obvious clickability and clear language. There should be visibility above the fold. The language you use should be specific to what action you want the customer to take. Keep it simple and to the point. Another tip is to avoid the word “Submit” because it tends to pressurize customers.


Generating high-quality leads can be a tough job. Most visitors don’t take a second step to engage further with a brand. However, if you put in some time and energy to create an attractive and engaging lead capture page, your chances increase exponentially.

Use LeadSquard to create high converting lead capture pages. Schedule a demo now.

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