Throwing out a wide net and hoping you “catch” something is how most B2B marketing teams function. While they use data and research to help them reach potential customers on the channels they care about most, there’s still a lot of guesswork involved.

The result is a lot of time wasted on marketing campaigns that only produce minimal results. But intent data changes the marketing game by offering a competitive edge based on your customers’ journeys.

In this post, we’ll dive into the power of intent data for your marketing team and provide six ways to use to generate more revenue.

Why do Marketing Teams Love Intent Data?

Intent data is a valuable marketing tool that helps marketers connect to targeted consumers who are already looking for what you have. But it goes beyond that. It’s not just about knowing that a lead is interested in your industry, topic, or product; it’s knowing that the lead is ready and willing to buy.

With intent data, you can narrow down your efforts to only those accounts that are a highly qualified fit, drowning out the noise of normal activity to uncover what really matters. This helps you prioritize your efforts in only relevant areas that will actually impact sales, ultimately boosting your conversions.

6 Ways to Add Intent Data to Your Marketing Stack

The most common starting point for intent-based marketing programs is at the bottom of the funnel. It can be used to personalize your website experience, prioritize inbound leads, send personalized emails, judge marketing engagement, and more. And while intent data looks different for every client, when taken one step at a time, Aberdeen’s intent-driving marketing solutions can help you improve your ROI by 40x.

Intent-Driven Content Creation

Your content should be based on cold, hard facts—not opinions. There’s no point wasting your marketing team’s time creating content that doesn’t work. Instead, you want content that addresses market pain points, discusses emerging technologies, and fits your client’s priorities. And that’s where intent data comes into play.

Intent data provides unbiased research into the type of credible content potential clients what. It can tell you everything from what type of research reports they’re reading to what type of short-form content drives the best results. From podcasts to case studies, blogs, and social media channels, intent data can reveal the type of content and the topics that deliver the best engagement and conversion rates. In this way, you can spend your time writing content that leads to success.

Personalized Emails

Beyond helping you write better emails, intent data helps you segment your inbound leads so that the emails you send out gain better results. Instead of being forced to segment your email marketing campaigns based on job titles, which give no real insight into buying power or seniority, intent data offers better categorization.

Based on where a lead is in their buyer journey based on their behavioral data, you can more accurately craft nurturing email campaigns. Intent data gives you a context for all of your leads, including their role within their organization as well as the topics they enjoy. From there, you can send out more relevant content to qualified individuals.

Intent Qualified Demand Generation

Delivering sales-ready leads is often a struggle for most marketing teams. The problem is that many marketing efforts stall out instead of nurturing leads to the next level, which ultimately means you can struggle to generate enough sales opportunities.

Intent-qualified demand generation takes a different approach. It recognizes that most prospective purchasing decisions are already strongly influenced before they ever reach your company, which shapes their opinion and direction. Then, it uses this 3rd party behavioral data to identify potential customers and generate demand based on popular topics.

By tracking buyers’ journeys across 12 billion webpages and 480,000 keywords, intent-qualified demand generation can help you craft compelling marketing campaigns that engage and obtain client opt-ins. It’s all about more successful content syndication that helps you create more qualified opportunities and increase contacts within your pipeline.

Dynamic Account Targeting

Static target account lists should be a thing of the past. Dynamic account targeting based on behavior ensures that you more effectively use your time to focus on accounts that are ready to buy.

With Aberdeen’s intent-qualified accounts in Salesforce, you can automatically target accounts looking for what you have. You’ll know what sites they visited, top keywords, ads viewed, and visits to your site so you can deliver measurable marketing contribution to your sales team.

Intent Advertising

Intent advertising helps you quickly identify in-market companies and deliver ads directly to them. Based on their online research, you can more effectively create and deliver ads designed to increase awareness, improve consideration, and close sales. When used correctly, it can intent advertising can outperform paid search results for 4x cheaper cost per web visit.

Website Personalization

Do you know who is visiting your website and what they’re reading? Most likely, even Google Analytics can give you that information. However, do you know when qualified accounts are visiting your website based and what they’re doing? That’s only possible with an intent score.

Most of the time, when people visit your website, it’s anonymous because you don’t know who they are or how they fit within their company. However, intent data helps you identify visitors based on their behavior, so you can track what they view and then personalize your website to best serve them. This incentivizes them to take action so sales can eventually engage with them.

Intent Data Improves Marketing ROI

With intent data, you ensure that your marketing efforts make a great contribution to your sales pipeline. By monitoring lead behavior across 55 million Device IDs from over 17 million companies, Aberdeen can help you take accounts from the consideration stage and into sales. Using the right tools, you can create a dynamic target account list, increase engagement, improve conversions, and deliver more qualified opportunities to sales.